Very quick update. :)

Chapter 10

It seemed as if Link had just then closed his eyes when Midna was shouting at him to wake up.

"Get up, furball!" she shouted, kicking him to his paws. Link grunted when she foot came in contact with his ribs, and he growled, snapping at her small legs.

Okay, okay, I'm getting up! he groaned, getting slowly to his paws. Midna watched him, impatiently as he stretched and yawned, feeling a bit refreshed after his rest. Once he was finished, Link was ready, and he smiled at Midna, wagging his tail. Alright, let's get out of here! He turned toward the tunnel, feeling Midna float behind him. The darkness closed in on him, and he walked forward, not bothering to slow his steps. He felt good after that nap.

Think of any ideas to get us out of here? he asked the floating imp, glancing over his shoulder. He could see her glowing multicolored rings standing out in the darkness. They glowed purple and blue, barely lighting up her face. In the darkness, she shrugged, throwing her arms behind her head.

"I can't think of any way," she responded, falling slowly onto Link's back. "Just keep looking." She laughed mockingly. "You're smart, I'm sure you'll find something!" Link said nothing, simply rolling his eyes. It appeared it was back to square one for both of them. He let the conversation fall there.

They traveled in darkness and in silence. Link made it through both tunnels with no difficulty, finally making it back into the first room. He glanced at the two remaining tunnels, tilting her head. Which one should he take?

"Let's go this way!" Midna responded suddenly, leaping off his back and over to the far right. Link scoffed, shaking his head. Midna, offended, crossed her arms, grinning smugly. "And why not?"

You chose the last one, and you saw where that got us, Link retorted, snorting. I say we go through this one. Link motioned toward the middle tunnel, stepping toward it. He glanced back at Midna. We really don't need to get separated in here...

Midna, shaking with anger and frustration, sighed dramatically, and flopped on Link's back. "Fine! But don't ask for my help again!" Link scoffed, saying nothing, and walked into the tunnel. After a few steps, he felt the cave close in around him, until he was walking down a very narrow passage, so narrow, his whiskers brushed against both side. Whimpering in fear, Link pressed on, hoping the care did not get any smaller. He was in luck, as it turned out. After a few more feet, the cave opened up a bit, and Link could breath. He kept a steady pace, listening and smelling for anything out of the ordinary in the blackness.

They walked in silence for a long time before a strange, familiar scent filled the air. Link stopped in his tracks, sniffing. Something was hiding in the shadows. Link squinted, struggling to see the creature lurking in the darkness, but he could not.

Midna, there's something there, he announced, raising his tail in alarm. Sure enough, just as soon as Midna floated into the air, there was a skittering noise from across the tunnel, leading farther in the black. Throwing caution to the wind, Link rushed after the noise, keeping his ears pricked. He heard the feet of the bug racing across the rock, and he chased after it, refusing to let it get away. But, in throwing caution to the wind, Link forgot how small the cave was, and ran head first into the wall. Stunned, Link backed away, feeling his head throb where he struck, struggling to keep from swaying on his paws. He whipped around, listening for the bug, Midna appeared beside him suddenly, laughing.

"Nice bump, mutt," she responded, poking him hard on the small pump knot on his head. Link snapped at her hand, and Midna just laughed, watching as the wolf shot back into the open space, chasing after the invisible bug. Midna followed, staying on her guard and watching for an anything else that would attack.

Link followed the noisy bug, turning corner after corner. He hated being in darkness. It made fighting so difficult. He managed to keep up with the creature without running into any more walls. He was lead down passage after passage, and, finally, he came to a tunnel with a light at the end. He broke into a run after the now visible bug, making its way down the tunnel quickly. He leaped and attacked, crushing the bug with his teeth. The blinding flash came moments later, filling the cave with glorious light. Link blinked, his eyes pained by the sudden brightness. Slowly, he reached out and touched the glow with his nose, feeling the healing power course through him. He sighed happily, the light disappearing and sending the cave back into darkness. Midna floated beside him, examining the brighter Vessel of Light.

"Well, well," she responded, tugging the vessel. "Only three more? We're doing well." Seemingly ready to continue, Midna floated to the tunnel, Link following eagerly behind her. They reached the end of the tunnel, lit by yet another torch. Midna growled, clenching her fists. Link sniffed around, smelling the scent of wild animal. The exit had around her somewhere, he was sure of it.

Midna, it's here, somewhere, he stated, looking up at the Twili. Midna glanced at him, crossing her arms.

"Then where, furball?" she snapped, eyes hard. "It's an empty room. Where else is there to go?" Midna turned away, talking to herself. Link shook his head, sniffing the ground again as he turned from his companion. He followed the smell to the far corner of the room. Another tunnel led out. Link's tail wagged. Had he found the way out?

Midna! Midna, come quick! It's this way! It's-- A sudden loud rumble cut him off, and Link was suddenly on the ground, something sharp ripping into his sides. He yelped in surprise, pain spreading through his sides. Reacting quickly, he shoved whatever was attacking him off with his paws, leaping back up to stand. He growled, menacingly, finding himself staring into the eyes of another wolf, but this one a rich gold color. The wolf was snarling at him, circling him and preparing to attack. Link did the same, baring his fangs at the intruder. They leaped at each other at the same time, colliding mid-air, claw smacking claw.

The gold wolf leaped away, then retaliating, catching Link off guard. The gold wolf pinned him, dragging a claw along his left shoulder, wounding him. Link snarled in pain and kicked upward, catching the golden wolf against the stomach. It leaped away, teeth bared, as Link scurried to his feet. The golden wolf attacked again, his teeth slashing at Link's ear. The blue-eyed wolf yelped in pain, whipping around and smacking the other wolf with his paw, shoving him away.

What's the big idea?! Link thought, snarling, leaping away from another attack from the golden wolf. Becoming frustrated, Link leaped to attack again, managing to grasp the golden wolf around the neck and toss him across the cave, rushing after him. The golden wolf leaped to his paws and attacked first, pinning Link beneath him again. With a snarl, the wolf lunged at his throat, gripping the flesh in his teeth. Link closed his eyes, awaiting his death.

But instead of killing him, the golden wolf growled, tightening his grip. Link opened his eyes to find the wolf staring at him with cold red eyes


Link growled, the voice booming in his mind. With that said, the golden wolf leaped away, threw back it's head and howled. Then, with a blinding flash, he was gone.

Link was left utterly confused.

"What was that about?" Midna asked, floating closer to him. Link leaped to his feet, scanning the darkness for the glow of the wolf's golden fur. The wolf was no where to be found. Angry, Link snarled, whipping away from Midna. A golden wolf, coming out of nowhere to fight him, and then disappearing like he was never there? And Link had lost to him?! Link had never been a good sport when it came to losing. He growled beneath his breath, turning back toward the tunnel.

Just forget it, he growled to Midna, walking into the darkness. Behind him, Midna just shrugged, glancing behind her before catching up with Link.

The tunnel stretched on endlessly it seemed. Link stepped into the darkness, fear plaguing him. They were never going to get out of this cave. Briefly, he wondered what time it was, thinking of how much he missed Ordon at this very moment. What he wouldn't give to simply go back to his easy, boring life before all of this Twilight nonsense. He sighed, slowing his pace a bit, feeling a bit sleepy.

In the quiet of the cave, the sound of his stomach growling echoed around them.

He stopped, embarrassed, and felt Midna swift on his back, cackling. "Awh, is someone hungry?" she stated, leaning against his neck. Link rolled his eyes, walking again. "Too bad, wolfie. Doesn't look like you'll be getting much to eat in a place like this."

What? Don't Twilian's eat? Link asked snidely, his empty stomach nagging once more.

"Yeah, of course," she replied. "But, see, we don't eat nearly as many times a day as humans do. We eat once a week, and it gives us more than enough energy." Link felt envy boil in his blood, feeling his stomach clench again. No wonder he was so irritable...

Well, lucky you, he snapped, narrowing his eyes. However, since I am human - or was, whatever - I do need food. And if I don't get it - and get out of this dungeon - soon, I may be forced to eat a certain annoying creature making herself at home on my back. The threat wasn't taken serious by Midna, who simply giggled and shifted again against his back. Actually, the thought didn't seem half bad to him...

Contemplating on his lack of food, Link didn't notice how quickly the tunnel came to an end. It startled him when the torch was suddenly brightly lighting the area, spreading firelight to the edges of the open space. Link sighed, enjoying the feel of the warmth from the torch. The caves were very cold.

He didn't stop to enjoy the warmth for long, however, as his stomach was begging for an exit to the cave. He thought, bitterly, about how bad of an idea it was to enter the cave in the first place. He grimaced, cursing the imp upon his back. He stepped into the wide opening cave, looking for yet another tunnel.

Something glowing in the darkness caught his eye, however, and his attention turned to the far left of the cave, where something glowed just beneath the surface of the rock. Curious, Link approached it, sniffing the ground. It smelled strangely of...bug. Tail wagging, Link snarled and began to dig fiercely into the rock. Beneath the surface, the bug, startled, leaped from the dirt, flying through the air. Link snarled, leaping into the air to grab it. He felt the bugs skeleton crush in his teeth, and he threw the body to the ground, watching as it filled the cave with a bright, blue light. The tear floated slowly toward the ground, and Link reached with his nose to touch it, immediately feeling the wounds fade to nothing. He sighed, relaxing a moment, before turning to look over his shoulder at Midna.

Did you see a tunnel? he asked, and she nodded, pointing to the far right of the cave. Link nodded, rushing toward the rock wall, feeling rejuvenated. He ran into the tunnel, following the length of it.

"You know, being unable to see is really getting to me," Midna commented, a hint of frustration in her tone. Link nodded, blinking, as if that could help him see.

I am, too, he responded, whipping his tail behind him. I hate not being able to see where my feet -- er...paws -- are taking me. He looked down at his paws, unable to see them in the dark. I cannot wait to get out of her. Behind him, Midna nodded.

"Me either," she replied, putting her arms behind her head. In response, Link's stomach growled again, and she giggled, causing Link to roll his eyes.

They traveled in silence for several more minutes, Link becoming more and more frustrated, irritated, and hungry with every pawstep. If he didn't get out of this blasted cave...

And, suddenly, there it was, a strange scent practically smacking him in the face. Link stopped in his tracks, sniffing the air. It smelled...strangely of pine...

Excitement fluttered into Link's veins. Pine? That had to mean the exit was close! Feeling Midna shift again on his back, Link shot forward, feeling Midna latch onto his back, unprepared for his sudden leap. Link hurried through the tunnel, turning another corner before seeing the light glinting off the cave walls.

Finally, he had found the exit. There at the end of the tunnel was a large opening, stretching from the very top of the cave to the floor. Twilit light was flitering through the branches of the trees on the other side, the little black dots rising until they became apart of the atmosphere above. Happily, Link rushed out of the cave, flopping down on the leaves and taking in the scent of nature. He was outside, and it had never felt so good.

Midna floated up behind him, laughing. "Not bad!" she retorted, petting Link on the head." Good job doggy!" She pounded to a sit on his back, leaving Link wincing and growling. "Now, we must find the three remaining Tears, and then get back to Ordona. Then, its sayanora, Twilight!" Midna laughed. The idea seemed rather pleasing to Link, and he climbed to his feet, racing away from the cave. The forest stretched out in front of him, this one filled with large, large trees. Link realized he had never been in this part of the woods before. He stepped over root after root, sniffing tree after tree, until his stomach reacted again. On his back, Midna groaned.

"Seriously? Can you not control yourself?" She crossed her arms, floating into the air, stretching. Link payed no mind to her, still flying high from finding the exit. But he knew that it was time for food, or else he wouldn't have the energy to fight. He sniffed the air, smelling nothing close to food. Link groaned, feeling his stomach growl again. He had to find something...

They traveled for a few minutes longer, Midna still complaining about his loud stomach. Link was ignoring her though, trying to find a scent of food. They had traveled deep into the forest when they suddenly came across a lone, nearly collapsed house, standing in the middle of the woods. Link, confused, wondered why anyone would want to live so far from the village itself. Shaking his pelt, Link neared closer to the home, walking the perimeter. He stepped up to an open window, placing his paws on the window sill and peering inside.

It was empty, with a few couches cluttered in the room. Link, tail wagging, leaped into the house, his claws clicking against the wooden floor.

"What are you doing?!" Midna hissed, following him into the house. Link didn't reply, simply heading into the kitchen. Midna huffed loudly, crossing her arms and legs as she hovered in the air. "Whatever you're doing, hurry, would you? This house gives me the creeps." Link simply rolled his eyes, leaping onto the kitchen counter.

I'm looking for any food, so I won't be long at all, he informed her, nosing the cabinet open. Empty, as he thought. Growling, Link carefully stepped to the next, opening it with his nose as well. Inside was a single, opened box of crackers, dusty and stale, but good enough to eat. Grinning at his small fortune, Link picked the box up carefully, and leaped to the floor, lying the food on the ground. Finally. Something to eat.

Midna floated closer, and made a disgusted face. "You're going to eat those?" she commented, raising an eyebrow. Link's reply was ripping the box with his teeth, spilling the crackers onto the floor. Midna faked a gag and floated away. "While you stuff your face with old crackers, I'm going to see if there's anything useful here." Link didn't reply, simply digging into his small feast, his tail tapping against the floor.

Midna floated through the house, opening drawers and lifting cushions. She searched the house completely, not finding anything important. Irritated, Midna tossed a large can against the wall, smacking a loose board in the wall. Curious, the imp rushed to investigate, pulling the board back with her hands. She peered into the dark hole, wondering if anything inside was worth her while. Suddenly, a white bug shot from the opening wall, attacking her suddenly. Midna released a sharp, shocked scream when the bug buried itself into her hair, and Link whipped around, crackers littering his maw. Seeing the bug, Link growled and leaped, knocking the bug away from Midna with a strong smack of the paw. The bug twitched on the ground, stunned, and Link hurried crushed it in his teeth. Dropping it, the bug burst into light, and Link accepted it, feeling the power heal his tired muscles.

He glanced over at Midna, licking his maw. You alright? he asked, unaware of the food on his face. Midna hissed at him, floating away.

"And get that food off your face!" she snarled, anger. "You look ridiculous!" Link lifted a paw and ran it over his face, feeling the cracker crumbs fall to the floor. He got to his paws and followed Midna through the house.

Was there anything else in that loose board? he asked, scratching behind his ear. Midna glared at him.

"I didn't check," she informed, floating back toward the loose board. Link followed, peering over her shoulder as she removed the board once more. She reached inside cautiously, and Link watched as she pulled her hand back out, dragging a long sheath with it. Link cocked his head at the object.

Is that a sword? he asked, surprise. Why would a sword be hidden in a place like this? Midna answered his question by pulling out an arm length blade from the sheath, the blade glinting in the fading daylight. Link examined the blade, feeling his paws itch to wield it. He really missed his body.

"It is," Midna said, replacing it in the scabbard. She held it at arms length, the smiled. "Let's hide it and come back for it when you get your body back. Who knows? It could come in handy." Link nodded, panting. Midna floated away, taking the sword with her. Link finished his crackers, and they left the house, both feeling a bit better about their current predicament.

"We'll hide it here," Midna said, tossing the sword into a high tree near the house. "No one will see it here." Link nodded, and they walked farther into the forest, leaving the house behind them.

Behind them, a strange creature rose from the dirt, earth falling from it's rotten body. It watched them through empty eyes as they got farther and farther away...

end of chapter