omg im soooooo srry for not updating in lk...a LONG gonna try && finish this story up in the next month or so...(( not promising anything!)) && who knows...maybe ill start another one...


"Hey Jakson..." Miley sighed walking in her front door.

"Hmm..." Jackson barely acknowleged her existence.

"Watcha watchin?" She asked, tossing her purse on the sofa next to him.

He yawned and spread his legs out, where Miley was about to sit.

"Fine." She huffed, snatching back her purse. "I thought at least my own brother would be on my side."

"My sister left." Jackson said, eyes focused on the television.

Miley stormed into her room. Monday morning came along...even though Miley wished it wouldnt. But that was something she had goes on. Someone's best friend dies...and the birds sing! A fourteen year old gets pass-out drunk and somewhere children are laghing!

Someone cheats on their boyfriend...and the world keeps on spinning. Time passes as if it didnt know the pain and hoplesness.

Miley opened her blinds. The world was so cheery it made her stomach turn. A perfect day. Nice weather, bright sun, a tasteful breeze. The grass was almost a lime-green, the gardens bursting with vibrant life. The sky was a perfect blue, without a cloud.

She let out a breath of exhaustion, and threw on something that she hoped matched. She didn't take the time to look.

"Bye Dad, thanks for the ride."

"Miley!" Amber gave Miley a hug. "Oh, my, gosh!! I heard about the movies, tough break! But, oh my, I'm soo proud of you! and Bobbie are going out now?"


"Miley, Amber!" Ashley stepped out of her dad's new car, and ran towards the two. After, once again, recieving an unwanted hug, Ashley dove into the tear-jerking story of how cruel her parents were.

Finally, the bell rang and Miley wanted to sprint towards the door; instead, she stayed behind to stroll with her "friends" pointing and giggling at all the losers' outfits.

"Stewart..." Miley sat on the edge of her chair, using her pencil to get the dirt out from under her nails.

"Miley!" Bellowed Mr. Johnson.


"What is the capital of Moscow?"

"Umm..." Miley looked at the note sheets lying on her desk. The read:

I 3 Bobbie

3Bobbie 3

Miley+Bobbie 3

Mrs. Martin

"Miss. Stewart? We're waiting..."

"Umm...Moscow City?"

"Very funny, Miley. Do you have any notes written at all?" He asked, eyebrows raised.


Ring! Ring! Ring!

Miley took the opertunity(SP), grabbed her books, tossed them in her bag, and made a dash for the door.

"Not so fast Miss. Stewart...may I have a word with you?"

"Is that a yes or no question?" Miley muttered.

"Miley, your grades have been dropping steadily. Your test scores, participation in class and daily work is very poor. I know your upset about Lilly, but it's time to start working harder...sememester test is coming up soon and I'm afraid you might not pass..."

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

"Hmm..." Thought Mr. Johnson. "Well i did have a student a few years back who was amazing in my class, I'm sure I could get her to tutor you...I'll let you know tommorrow...alright?"

Miley nodded.

"Here's a pass..oh and tonight do your homework, okay?"

Miley nodded again.

"A tutor? Thats bs." Amber expressed while filing her nails.

"Definetley!" Ashley agreed. "Can I borrow someone's history notes? We can use them for the test but I don't have any..."

"Sure..." Amber pulled out her notes. "You owe me."

Ashley handed Amber a lip gloss. "How's the rest of the day with my cherry margarita?"

"Deal. Kisses."

"Kisses." Amber and Ashley blew kisses at each other before Ashley dissapeared around the corner.

"Well, I better..." She paused while applying her lip gloss. "Go to first class with Johnny all day...lucky I have Ashley's lipgloss. Hehehe...she said that Johnny loved it." Amber giggled while slamming her locker door and heading towards the gym.

Smiling, Miley shut her own locker. She started strutting down the hall, then abruptly stopped. What was wrong with her? After spending time with Amber she didn't give a second thought to the wrongs that Amber was doing behind her "best-friend's" back.

Miley was actually starting to accept it, as a way of life. I mean, come on! It's not that big of a deal! Thought Miley to herself.

What is wrong with you??? Her consious screamed. Your nothing like the old, true Miley! Who are you? A loud bell drowned out Miley's guilt and she hurried to spanish class.

"Can anyone tell me what rojo is?"

slam! "Ms. Stewart?

"Adios, Mrs. Barios." Gasped Miley.

"I'm sure you mean 'hola'? Why are you late?"


Mrs. Barios raised her almost-penciled-in eyebrows at her student. Brushing back her thick black bangs ((A/N: did u ever notice that bangs is such a weird word for hair...? to the story!)) she sighed. "Miley! This is not your first warning..." She seemed to be counting the number of wrong-doings of Miley, her dazzeling white teeth biting her bright-red bottom lip; eventually coming to a decision. "Don't let it happen again. Here's the worksheet for class and here's one I want you to finish by tomorrow...take a seat."

Miley gave her a half-hearted smile, grabbed the papers and made her way to her desk.

The end of the day didn't come soon enough for Miley. Stress was wearing her out. She was failing Social Studies, Spanish, and math. Had d's in English and science, and had a c in gym. On top of that, Miley had homework from each class, had to go early the next day to meet her "tutor" for social studies and then stay after to retake her Spanish test.

boy, she needed a couple of whine-coolers or maybe Bobbie could ease the pressure and let her relax.

"How was your day?" Her dad asked as Miley landed hard on the front seat.

"Don't wanna talk about it." She huffed.

"Do you need to go see Margaret again?" He asked...concern was obviously sketched deeply into his face, and heavy in his voice.

"NO!" Miley almost screamed. The thought of it made her want to rip her hair out. "I just need to go home to do my homework." The thought of it made her cringe.

The rest of the evening Miley spent in her room...depressing love music cranked up, and her books spread all over the floor, closet, bed, and any available counter space. She didn't really care about her grades at the moment...but she knew she'd have to get them up before any long-term consequences showed up.

The good thing about the evening was that even though thoughts of Jake and Bobbie were nagging at her, the actual people weren't. It was a night to herself...her and her thoughts...

srry to end the chp. lk that...but im not quite sure where to go from give me suggestions, critics, && compliments plz!!