Disclaimer: I do not own Back to the Future.

October 21, 2015
3:50 PM PST

Dr. Emmett Brown, who was called Doc by his closest friends, was feeling a little bit nervous as he landed the DeLorean behind the alley of Courthouse Square. He also was feeling a bit exhausted, but he reminded himself that this was a very important task. Within the last 16 hours, he had gone forward in time thirty years - and, as he had promised, he decided to right away look up Marty. It was at that point he found out Marty's future son had been arrested and then thrown in jail for 15 years, as he made an attempt to steal some cash at the Hill Valley Payroll Substation.

Doc then went forward in time by two weeks to see if there would be any chance of Marty's son being released from jail. Unfortunately, things had only ended up being even worse for the McFlys - as it turned out Marty's daughter was arrested and also thrown in jail for 20 years, because she attempted to break her brother out of jail.

Doc had spoken with the Marty of 2015 - and he found out that Marty's life had taken a turn for the worse, after he had agreed to race Douglas Needles in his truck. It was during that incident that he crashed into a Rolls Royce and he had broken his hand, which caused him to then give up on his music. He and Jennifer did not have a good relationship, and Jennifer was currently in the process of filing for divorce.

As a result, Doc decided that some serious action needed to be taken. Maybe he would go back to 1985 and take Marty into the future with him. Since Marty did bear a strong resemblance to his son, he could take his son's place and do his part to prevent the robbery from ever taking place. Perhaps Marty would then learn to not let other people goad him into doing unwise things, just because he feel a need to prove himself to others.

Within the time, he had also gone to go a rejuvenation clinic to got a whole natural overhaul. That procedure ended up taking about thirty or forty years off his life, and he felt more energetic. He also decided to hover-convert the DeLorean, as it would be more convenient for time travel. Instead of having his hover conversion done by Goldie Wilson III of Wilson Hover-Conversion Systems, his future self had offered to do the work free of charge. His older self also decided thast it would be a good idea to replace the plutonium chamber that was on the DeLorean with a Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor, as it was also capable of creating the 1.21 gigawatts that was necessary for time travel. As it could be fueled by garbage, it was a convenient way of getting rid of waste - and it was also much better for the environment.

He was then able to acquire a lot of money by turning in the six remaining plutonium pellets. He also had several accounts and bonds in the bank that had developed lots of interest. He also decided it would be a good idea to acquire some currency for the various time periods that he hoped to visit. He suddenly felt rich again.

Before he could go back in time to get Marty, he had to figure out what had led up to the robbery. Linda's son, Brent, told him that Marty's son would often hang out at the Cafe 80s - and it was there that Griff Tannen and his gang would harass Marty's son. He also commented that Marty's son, for some reason or another, felt the need to be liked by Griff and the gang. So Doc decided he should head over to the Cafe 80s.

He left the DeLorean in the alleyway, as walked over to where the Cafe 80s was. He was amazed by how many of the youth hung out at the cafe. Maybe the teens in the future tended to have a great appreciation for the past. Doc tried to be as casual as possible, as he stepped into the Cafe - where The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News was being blasted over the speakers.


As Marty McFly Jr was heading over to the Cafe 80s, he decided to walk through the alleyway, where there was not so much traffic. Even though he bore a great resemblance to his father, he did not take good care of his looks as he should. His hair was unkempt and greasy, as he hadn't washed his hair in a little over a week. He believed that taking baths was a great waste of time, and he would only take a bath whenever his mother would force him to. However, his mother hadn't been at home too much within the last week.

In addition to having greasy hair, which he would always keep hidden under his cap, he was also wearing a jacket where the auto-fit on one of the sleeves was broken. It was his favourite jacket, however - and he couldn't bear to part with it. Even though his father could send in the jacket to be repaired, they were very short on money.

Marty Jr stopped in his path, as he saw sight of an old car that caught his attention. He was one of the very few kids his age who did not have a driver's licence, as his driver's ed teacher felt that he was too clumsy at driving. He wish so much that he could own a car, even if it wasn't a hover-car - even if it was an old model like the grey one he was staring. He wondered to himself what year that car was from.

'Hey, dude!' called out a pretty blonde girl who Marty Jr had a crush on. 'How about taking that car out for a spin, eh? Come on, Marty! I dare ya!'

'Uh, well,' stammered Marty Jr, 'I really don't think I should. I mean, I really do not have a driver's licence - and, besides, it's stealing.'

'Oh, what's the matter, Marty?' the girl asked, smirking. 'Are you chicken?

'Uh, well, listen...' stammered Marty Jr, as he turned red.

'You know, Marty, I really do like you,' the girl said, smiling. 'I must say that you are pretty cute. However, I can go out with a man with is a chicken. So just go for it!'

'Uh, well, okay,' replied Marty Jr. 'I'll get in, and I'll take this baby for a ride.'

'Good for you,' replied the girl, smiling. 'I knew you could do it.'

As soon as Marty Jr stepped into the car, he thought of what a strange contraption it was. Cars really must have looked rather odd back in the old days. He immediately saw three display panels. The one that said Last Time Departed read NOV 9 2015 3:24 PM, the one that said Present Time read OCT 21 2015 4:12 PM, and the one that said Destination Time read OCT 26 1985 10:50 AM.

Gee, if I didn't know any better, Marty Jr thought to himself, I'd almost think this was a time machine. Of course, time travel isn't really possible.

Marty Jr then started up the car, as he drove up into the air. Before he knew it, he had accelerated the speed up to 88 miles per hour, which caused him to break the time barrier.