A/N: This is the last installment for this story! I think I'm better at writing endings to stories than beginnnings, as they say, the hardest part in a journey is taking the first step. I hope you enjoyed reading The Fairy Well as much as I enjoyed writing it!


It was summer, and after scheming and planning until his plot was perfect, Artemis had been dragged across three continents, with six false alarms.

He was on a private jet, headed for Ho Chi Minh City, South Vietnam.

Artemis swirled his Earl Grey tea around in its cup to cool it down. Butler was reading a Guns and Ammo magazine next to him. The bodyguard's weapons were in a black bag on the seat beside. Artemis would have no problem flying the jet himself, but today, he needed to run over his plan again.

He placed his tea down, laced his fingers together, and put his fingertips to his temples, massaging gently. Everything would have to be perfect, or he would have to improvise.

The 12-year-old's mind began to wander off…he thought of the well under the Ring of Tara…the incidents involved…the shoe…Artemis smiled. That was already considered a lot of expression for someone as emotionless as him.

Losing a shoe was a small price to pay, even if it was an expensive one and he would have to order another copy to replace the right shoe that had been left. This would be especially difficult: it was limited edition.

He wondered what the fairies would do when they found his shoe planted there…would they track it back to him? It wouldn't matter, because at that time, Artemis would have what he wanted.

But if the fairies did track him before he arrived at his objective…it would possibly slow his mission down. But it was near impossible to track down someone with just a pair of—no, just one side of a pair of loafers.

Artemis pushed the Delay Theory to the back of his mind, and when he wanted to convince himself of something, he would really believe it.

Leaving a loafer behind, Artemis thought, smirking, let's just say that it's something to remember me by.

A/N: It's over. I can't believe it. Normally it takes me so long to write other fan fictions, but this one took me a lot less time! I guess it's because this is my first Artemis Fowl fan fiction so I have overflowing ideas…

Well, till next time,
