
To the Readers,

It really hurts to say this, but this where A Little Person Called God stops. I know I said I'd try to finish the trilogy, but... I am so burnt out. This has been a very straining year on me, and the next school year is only going to be worse. I simply don't have the drive to finish such a long project anymore, especially with so many other projects that need doing.

Also, the Maximum Ride category has changed. When I first arrived, there were about three pages sixty stories. My first fanfic, Dentistry, was around the sixty-fifth story posted. Everybody knew everyone back then and the general quality of the stories was fairly good. Now, the category has gone through a huge growth and the general quality has, sadly, declined. Even the series itself has been circling the drain; while MR1 and MR2 were very good, MR3 was only okay and MR4 was simply awful. I really just don't enjoy the atmosphere of the category anymore.

While I most likely won't be returning to the MR field, you may see me around in other categories. But I highly doubt I'll ever dare to do another story as long as this.

But even still, I'm going to miss it here. I met a lot of really awesome people, (see acavoo, EdwardAddict, Stephanie Pascal, Supergirrl, Nightwingstar, and various others), and I had a lot of fun. But this is the end of the line for me. Best wishes to you all,



A Little Person Called Home

85922 words, 906 reviews, 67553 hits, 205 favs, 79 alerts

Winner of Best Story, Best Fax, Best Action/Adventure, and Best New POV in 2007 Maximum Ride Fanfiction Awards

A Little Person Called God

49628 words, 751 reviews, 35541 hits, 164 favs, 180 alerts

A Springtime Memoir

6495 words, 46 reviews, 1516 hits, 26 favs, 4 alerts

Even after the general success of Dentistry, I never dreamed that my next fanfic would be so popular. So thank you everybody for encouraging me and inspiring me and making me incredibly happy every time a review came in. I'm sorry I couldn't finish this for you guys. But always, thank you for reading!