Alright, now this is just too cool. I can finally use Word at home, thank to the program my mom uploaded! But it program is in Spanish so the tool bar is in Spanish. But that's just cool, I can read it anyway.

And on another note, this story is actually the original version. When I uploaded the newer version, I have to say, it sucked. Not as much as for the readers; but for me. I kept hitting these awful plot holes in the story.

This will be better in a number of ways.

ONE! There is a newer bad guy, who is actually created after this jerk in school. This means I get to beat up a yugioh hater in my story. YAY!

TWO! I actually had written the story on PAPER! I have killed trees for you! So this should be updated regularly without so many mistakes.

THREE! It's just better in every way okay?! Dialog, fight scenes, this version just kicks the others rear end to the stars.

That's all I have to say for now. I own NOTHING! I SWEAR! Yugioh is too great for the likes of me to create so leave me alone!


It was a perfect day. It was a perfectly boring day. I nearly died in class for the millionth time.

The teacher was droning on and on about some sort of mathematical formula that will appear on some test that will doom us all if we fail. This would have been fine, but she just kept going on and on and on…

"Just kill me already." I grumbled under my breath. The teacher shoots me an odd look. But before she could say anything, the school bell rang and it was time to go home.

Like part of the cattle, I packed up my things and prepared to leave.

"Miss Andogi, please stay for a minute." My teacher said. I nodded and sat in the chair closest to her desk. She weaved her fingers together and firmed her features. "While your grades don't worry me, I have noticed you have been dozing off in my class more often then usual.

"What are you talking about? I never sleep in class." I said quickly.

"That wasn't the kind of dozing I was talking about. You always seem to drift into your own little world, and become nearly completely cut off the real one. Last time I called on you without warning, you nearly had a heart attack."

I chuckled. "Sorry, but I am not the only one that's been caught off guard."

"You thought you were still in history class."

"Well I…" I went silent. What could I say? She was right. But I couldn't help it.

The teacher sighed. "I had come to know many daydreamers in my life, but you. You don't dream, you fall unconscious. I have no idea how you are able to keep up when you don't even spend two minutes in my class."

I folded my arms. "My grades are fine so there isn't anything to worry about, is there?"

"What is my name?"


"What is my name?" She asked with a strange tone I never heard her use. My mind went blank.

"I…It's…" I stuttered. I wanted to smack myself. What was her name?

"You have been in my class over six months. I don't know how it is possible you never learned it." She gave a sad little sigh. "I am not mad. I am just worried."

I stood up suddenly, which surprised her. "There is nothing to worry about. I'm sorry, but I have to go home now." I said. She looked as if she were going to stop me. I could tell she wanted to stop me. So I ran.

I ran as quickly as I could from that school. I ran and ran until I fell of exhaustion. It's not my fault. I just didn't have a way of explaining the thing she was talking about. I looked around. I was pretty far from school, which was for sure.

But I had no idea where I was. It was a wooden area, filled with twisted trees and tall brown grass that crunched under the weight of my footsteps. "Hello?" I called out. There was no answer, of course.

But I did get a lot warmer and light headed for some reason…

I lost my footing a little. "What's happing…?" I mumbled as I fell to my knees. All that went through my head at the time was, 'I can't sleep here. I have to get home. I can't sleep here, I have to…"

And I slipped into the darkness.


"How can you be sure?"

"It reacts to her"

"But she is just a girl!"

"It still reacts to her."

"Just look at her! There must be a mistake!"

"There is no one else."

I heard the voices around me. I felt myself lying on the ground. But I still didn't know where I was. I was a little afraid to open my eyes.

But I can't keep them closed forever.

I slowly sat up and opened my eyes. Everything was blurry at first on the account of the room being so bright. But when my vision cleared, there was a tall short haired albino looking down at me with a most foul expression. His entire outfit was white, and looked as if it were pulled out of the matrix. When I made eye contact, his eyes were red; Blood red.

"Who the flipping Ra are you?" I demanded. He raised a white eyebrow.

"Well aren't you charming." He spoke in a monotone voice. "My name is Flint."

I frowned. "Okay, Flint. I don't know who you are, but you better let me go! You don't know my mom; she'll call the freaking navy on you! And I am going to hurt you so bad if you so much as-"

Flint raised his hand to stop me. "Whoa, whoa, hold on for a second. We are not kidnapers."

"That's just what a kidnapper would say!"

"Um, no they wouldn't. They would bound and gag you and sell you rear end on the streets." He said matter-of-factly.

I pouted. Did everyone have to have a good point today? "Okay Mr. Smarty pants, then why have you taken me?" I asked, while getting to my feet.

He held up a strange blue stone that glowed very brightly in his fingertips. "The orb reacts to you."

And I lost it. "Oh my god, you are going to sacrifice me to your freaky gods, and drink my blood, aren't you?!" Flint gave me an odd look.

"Um, no... That's disgusting. Allow me to explain. Now, what do you know about alternate universe?"

"An alternate universe is somewhat different kind has been envisaged within the 11-dimensional extension of string theory known as M-theory. We live in a universe of numerous variables where only a slight change would cause all reality to literally fall apart. A mirror universe is-"

"Okay, I get it. I get it." Flint interrupted me, looking a little annoyed. Where did you learn they know everything." I said. Flint glared at me.

"Okay then. Do you know what that means?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Not really, I just read that at lunch today." I sighed.

Flint smacked his forehead. "Just forget it. Catch." He threw the "orb" at me, which I caught quite easily. The stone melted into a puddle in my palm and seemed to be sucked in to my skin as if my hand was a sponge of some sort. "Now, you see that orb can only-"

"HOLY RA, IT WENT IN MY HAND!" I screamed staring at my hand as if it didn't belong to me anymore.

Flint groaned in annoyance. "Yes, it did, but if you would let me explain-"

"IT WENT IN MY HAND! What heck did you do?!" I started to freak out. Flint gave me a strange look. "Listen kid, it's not that bad. You have just been accepted into the ring of Realm-Savers. Or RS, as we call it; you should think of it as an honor."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course it's an honor. I always wanted to be accepted into a ring of freaks that believe in saving the world and all that Star-Track junk. Now let me go home so I can go to a doctor for…whatever you put in my hand." I mumbled.

Flint crossed his arms. "If that's how you feel about, then too bad. You can't go home until you save the DR world."

I raised an eyebrow. "DR world? What are you talking about?"

Flint gave a heavy sigh. "It just stands for Duel Realm. Basically, it's just a world filled with monsters and card games…"

"You mean like Yugioh." I asked excitedly.

Flint looks up at me surprised. "It is the Yugioh realm."

I frowned. "Liar, Yugioh is an anime created by Kazuki Takahashi, and dubbed me 4Shame." I corrected.

Flint sighed. "That's what I am trying to tell you. You see, Takahashi was a dreamer. He had the ability to look into the DR world, but he mistaken it as his imagination. What you saw in his manga is nothing more then historical documentation." My mouth dropped open.

"So it's a real world?" I asked. He nodded. "And I get to go to this world and save it?" He nods again. I let out a fan girl squeal. "So where do I sign?!" I couldn't believe it. I was going to go into the greatest place of all time! I was so happy, that a goofy smile appeared on my face, and grew wider by the second.

Flint frowned on me. "This isn't so vacation little girl! If you fail, both your world and the DR world will be destroyed!" Flint seemed to get angrier by the second. I guess he didn't like jokers or people who weren't all that serious. Too bad for him, that's exactly who I was.

"You don't seem to like me, so why did you pick me? I can't fight well and I am not the greatest duelist in the world. Why me, I can't even drive yet!"

Flint sighed again and said, "If I had the choice, I would have picked a spy from the CIA or a warrior from some jungle. But you are the only one the orb would accept. Your soul is the only one that can handle its power."

"Cool!" I looked at my hand and back at Flint. "But what does that mean exactly?"

"The orb will give you the power you need to help defeat Zork. It will grow with you in power, and no one else can use it; just you. And if things get out of hand, I'll step in. Now it's time to get in the vortex." And with those words, a pale blue portal appeared behind him.

"Huh? Now? But…" I stuttered. Was I really ready? Shouldn't I be trained first? I was full of questions.

"No time for doubt! GO NOW!" Flint took my arm and threw me in the vortex. As I fell, I heard him say, "Sorry! But the portal can't stay open for too long!"

I remember being tossed around like a sack of potatos. There was so many loop de loops, and getting banged into walls, I nearly lost my lunch. I had my eyes shut the entire time, terrified. I kept thinking, 'I am going to die! I am going to die!' every time I hit a wall. Finally, after what seemed to be forever, I landed on something soft.

I opened my eyes and looked around. Everything was anime! Not only that, the bed room I was in was very familiar…

"WHAT THE HECK?!" yelled the voice behind me. I realized I had landed on a pile of dirty clothes. I stood up and turned to the voice behind me.

And I could do nothing but scream "OH MY GOD!" and scared little Yugi who was standing on his bed staring at me in his star pajamas. His hair was a mess, yet stayed in its spiky shape.

And I just knew I had a lot of explaining to do.


YES! I had finished my first chapter! I have lots more but I am being kicked off the computer at the moment. So I will continue typing as soon as I can. And I mean that as in days, not weeks or years.

I am so happy! Please make me happier with lots of reviews!