Chapter 6: The Truth about Turks
That night, Reno found himself curling up next to Yazoo in bed. Spooning up to his slim back, one arm wrapped around him, hand on his stomach, and the other draped over his hip. The silver hair tickled his nose as the clone fell asleep. Reno's mind wasn't thinking of Rude at all as he let his finger tips trace small circles on Yazoo's sharp hip bone, just above the elastic of his pants.
As Yazoo's breathing came shallower, signifying that he was asleep, Reno was wide awake. He was afraid of waking the silver haired man in his arms. Afraid that the moment might break. He had a feeling in his chest that he never had when he was with Rude. With Rude it was a sort of mutual comfort. This...this was excitement. The thrill of holding him. The man who only a short time ago was giving his ass a good kick. And a part of him though that was the sexiest thing imaginable.
That morning reno awoke early from the sun coming in the window and got up to make coffee. Rude wasn't up yet and Reno was glad. They didn't really have an official relationship. They had never actually sat down and declared, yes, they were a couple. Just one night they slept next each other, and a week later they had started casual sex. However Reno's problem lied in how Rude actually felt about him, and the fact that ' casual sex' had been going on for about 2 years.
The bald man got up about an hour later, grateful of the coffee Reno had made. he sat down at the table opposite Reno. " You didn't come to bed last night."
" I fell asleep on the couch." The lie slid out of his mouth with the ease of some one who was used to lying. However he wasn't used to lying to Rude.
The black man frowned, but ignored the idea. " What's on the agenda for today?" he meant that it was Reno's turn to do the groceries.
"Well I was thinking." Reno paused a moment to take a drink of Coffee and tap the ash from his cigaret into the ash tray on the table, now beginning to peek fullness. "You needed to go and tell Shinra the progress right, Maybe I will take Yazoo with me."
Rude rose a brow. He hadn't put his sun glasses on yet for the day, however Reno knew exactly how that would have looked should they be on. " You think you could handle him on your own. What if he tried to escape."
" Rude..." Reno shook his head. " He has run off several times when you and I were watching him. and he always came back. Why do you think he will take off now?"
" Because its just you. we have always taken him out together."
The red head shrugged. " I think that if shinra wants to rehabilitate Yazoo, we should show him that he isn't a prisoner, that he is one of us. He should feel like he lives here, not just being kept here, besides, I think both of us know, secretly, that he could take us on. long enough to escape at least."
" for once you have a point." Rude smirked.
" for once?" Reno barked a laugh. " I am smarter than I look yo!"
Rude shook his head. " Ok, but be careful. If he runs off, you know Shinra will have him locked up."
The smaller Turk sighed heavily. " Yeah yeah i know." he stabbed his cigaret into the ash tray, effectively snuffing it out. " So when are you going to go and meet with the boss?"
Rude looked at his watch. " Ten, I better have a shower." Rude left shortly after saying he wanted to run a few errands before work. He kissed Reno on the cheek breifly, telling him he would bring Chineese for Dinner at 6. Reno sighed to himself when Rude had left. He had so many conflicting feelings on what had been going on.
He knew for sure he harboured feelings for Yazoo, but what about the feelings he thought he held for Rude. Were they simply to be discarded, or had these feelings simply been an imitation of what he now felt for Yazoo. He really diddnt want to Hurt Rude...
" You're handsome when you aren't running your mouth."
Reno looked up from his thoughts to see Yazoo standing in the hall way. The sun filtering in through the bedroom windows at the end of the hall framed him, making him glow. he looked so iconically beautiful there. many cliche descriptions came to Reno's head, but the best one he could think of was soft.
His lips were slightly swolen from sleep, and the hardness that was often evident in his face was missing. The light of course gave him a living glow. his hair was mussed, highlighted from the sun, making the rumpled pjamas look even more adorable.
" What?" he asked
Yazoo smirked then moved from the hall way and back into normal light. He reached for a mug to fetch coffee. " nothing. You snore did you know that?"
Reno rolled his eyes. " And you hog the covers."
" one of those light in the back of your throat snores."
" mmhmm." Half his face was obscured by coffee mug. " We get to venture out into the unkown today."
" What without Rude stalking us?"
" He is talking to the Boss today, so yeah we are going alone."
" Where are you taking me?" Yazoo asked while sliding into the seat that Rude had just been occupying.
" Just grocery shopping. do you want any breakfast?" reno confirmed.
" What are you cooking? and will it be edible?"
Reno made a face. " Eggs and ham. and yes, it will be edible."
It didn't take long for the breakfast to be ready. The ham was some prepackaged deli meat that surpirsingly tasted really good when warmed up in a little canola oil in the pan. Reno plopped the feed unceremoniously onto a plate with slices of apple. he had been told so many times as a kid that you had to cut grease with apples, that now he did it without thinking. He pushed a plate infromt of Yazoo then sat to eat the meal.
" Hey this actually tastes good." Yazoo said after putting some food into his mouth.
" You need to have a little more faith yo."