
Disclaimer: This is my first time at writing in this category, and having only seen one episode that peaked my interest, The Ultimate Enemy, given to me by a friend, who made it his job to let me see the Light Side, whilst he is a Dark but ultimately Lightsided follower, whilst I follow the Dark Side in its entirety.

Enfin, this is what I cooked up, just because Dan Phantom rocks… Danny's Descent into hell…


Daniel 'Danny' Fenton just sat there. He looked at the English teacher, Mister Lancer, as the bearded overweight man stared back intensely.

"And what is the answer to the question, Mister Fenton?"

Danny looked at the man, noticing that he should have answered immediately, but hadn't out of fear for the man. Why he, a half ghost, would be afraid of this man was simple. This was the man who controlled his fate, his career in the future.


He squeaked out uncertainly. Mister Lancer seemed to look at Danny for a moment, then at the board and noticed that the answer was correct, and granted Danny a moment of reprieve, giving him a rather bored gaze.

"And please explain to me why your book is still unopened, Mister Fenton. I am most interested in your answer…"

Danny gulped and fidgeted nervously under the English teacher's stare, he glanced at Sam with a pleading look, who seemed to be amused by the situation. He could feel his body protesting about something, his skin became clammy and he shuddered visibly, before darkness claimed him.

Leon Lancer looked at Danny as he watched how the teenager seemed to slump forwards, his head hitting the desk with an audible thud. Concern flickered, momentarily, across his face before setlling in a neutral expression.

"Mister Fenton? What do you think you are doing?" When the student did not move, a strange look seemed to come on his face, him walking over to Danny and shaking the boy. "Mr.Fenton, if this is your idea of a joke, I am not amused."

The skin seemed to be unnaturally cold to the touch, and Leon gulped as he knew that this was not normal. He looked around the class, looking at Daniel's friends, Ms.Manson and barked out.

"Ms.Manson, go and get the school nurse!"

Panic filled his voice as his hand went to the neck of his student, to check the pulse. Luckily there seemed to be one, making him still alive. The pulse rate was slow however, and he didn't know what to do at this moment. There was a student in need, and he had only been trained in emergency medical aid.

--------------------Nurse's office--------------------

Sam stormed inside the school Nurse's office, looking at the lady with concern etched on her face.

"You've got to come quickly, Danny's in trouble, Mr.Lancer asked me to fetch you."

The nurse nodded, shutting down her pc and gathered some emergency medical supplies, and went to the English classroom, where mister Lancer stood next to Danny, still checking his pulse, but a sheen of sweat could be seen on his face, as he was worried about Danny's health.

"He collapsed all of a sudden. His pulse is slow and his skin is cold to the touch."

The nurse nodded, moving to Danny, touching his neck for a moment, then counting the pulse. She shook her head and then lifted his head, seeing the pale skin and the unfocused eyes that seemed to look at her, one of them being an emerald green whilst the other was a blue colour.

"Let's just keep calm and take him to my office and let him rest for a bit. He seems to be breathing, but his pulse is too slow, but his temperature is too cold. Also, I'd recommend an ambulance to get him to hospital soon, since he seems to have slipped into a coma."

In Clockwork's lair , the Fenton Thermos containing Danny's could-have-been future self, seemed to buckle slightly as the dented surface gained another dent, as Dan Phantom struggled to get out.

Dan growled in frustration as he could feel how his spectral body seemed contorted. There was nothing to be done about this, and he knew it, but the way that he dented the material was a sign that he would be able to escape. He slammed his body against the wall once again, seeing a crack appear on the thermos once he had recovered from smashing his body into it. Seeing that brutal power would not help him at this moment, he turned into his gaseous form, escaping through the crack he made, without having really broken the thermos with such a noise that it would be known to Clockwork immediately. From what he had gathered, he existed outside of time now, and Clockwork could no longer keep an eye on him. That meant that he would be able to torment his younger self once again, go on a killing spree to satisfy his urge to dominate and control the world, just for something to do. Valerie had been an interesting opponent, and even Pariah Dark had been a pretty interesting opponent, once he had conquered the Ghost Zone. There had been little more to do then to subjugate the human race under his might. There was nothing to do afterwards, and he hated having nothing to do. He looked at the portal that showed the timelines and then thought about Danny Phantom, who would need to be around 14 for his plan to work.

When the image showed a deathly pale Danny Fenton, something snapped within Dan Phantom. No longer did there seem to be an urge to go and torment the child, but instead, a grudging sort of compassion seemed to awake within him, and so he stepped towards the portal, his eyes on the pale face of his past self, a victorious smile on his face. If his past self died, he was of no use, but if Dan saved him, he'd owe him… with the healthy and powerful body that he possessed it would be nothing to make his past self healthy once again. It was clear that Danny suffered from some extreme form of ectoplasm disease, because of his status as a halfa. It might clear away, but if Dan overshadowed Danny, there might be a chance that it would be gone immediately, since Dan was a pure ghost… then again, he was pure evil…not that he cared.

He stepped through the portal, feeling an odd sense of displacement as he looked at the time rushing past, propelling him into the past, where his death-like past self was being carried to the nurses office. He appeared hovering above them, intangible and invisible, making a decision as he watched his past self be carried away. He would overshadow him immediately, making him recover in no time, but would take control of the body from time to time, preferably when he was going ghost. It would be not so hard to put the ghost back into the Ghost zone, preferably scared out of their wits…

Dan just hovered behind Danny, knowing that if he missed, he'd be overshadowing someone else, like Mr Lancer, and he didn't want that, because it would be too noticeable for those that were more sensitive to ghosts, like his old friends. There was nothing he could do to make them detect him when he was in an intangible form, since he didn't want them to detect him. A thought suddenly came to him, what if he shaved off the goatee that made him look so evil to them? What if he just took his form that he had gotten after he had taken a hold of Plasmius his ghost form? It looked enough like Danny phantom to work, since his elder self would be unable to resist being sucked into the Fenton Thermos, and the younger form he had was still acceptable to pass like Danny, although contacts would be a good idea to have, since his eyes were blood red still… but it would be funny to see Vlad's reaction…

"Put him on the bed. I'll take some of his other readings, whilst you press that red button on the phone. It'll call an ambulance here." She looked at the still form on the bed, looking at the unhealthy pale face and then waiting a few moments before beginning to check how fast his heart was beating, which was very slow, like she had detected from his pulse. Technically he should be dead, but she still saw the signs of life within his body, as he kept on breathing.

Dan decided that this was the moment that he should interfere, and rushed into Danny's body, taking it over as Danny's mind was weak at this moment. He could feel an odd sense of belonging as he took control of all of the bodily functions, having done this only with ghosts once before and then feeling a sense of calm settling over him. He could feel how his body was cold and he immediately began to warm himself up, his eyes fluttering open.

He looked at the nurse with an unhealthy amount of surprise on his face, before groaning deeply and saying: "What happened? Why am I here?" Sam looked at him with some happiness shining within her purplish eyes as she gave him a brilliant smile, happy that he was conscious now. "Mister Fenton, do you know why you collapsed and were so cold, coupled with a very slow heartbeat? Maybe an illness that runs in the family?" at that moment, Jasmine 'Jazz' Fenton stepped into the office, looking at her little brother and immediately rushing to his side. "Are you alright Danny?"

"I guess so." He mumbled, his body feeling all itchy and he had the urge to go scratch his groin badly, since it seemed to be very itchy there, his legs feeling very itchy too all of a sudden. "I've been having a nightmare or something… I could feel how my body seemed to be getting colder and colder, and then Mister lancer asked me a question, and I answered it, and then darkness, pain and… someone…" it was the best thing he could come up with at the moment, since he had nearly no recollection of his condition at the moment.

"Perhaps it would be best for you to go to hospital to have you fully examined, Mister Fenton." Mr. Lancer spoke up, looking at the ambulance as it came towards the school. "I feel fine. It must be exhaustion getting to me or something." The nurse shook her head. "just go to the hospital and get yourself checked out by them. It might prevent you from so rapidly turning cold all of a sudden…"

When the ambulance took him away, with Sam and Mr. Lancer with him for some small measure of security for him, he could not help but think that this was all exaggerated, and that he didn't need to go to any hospital.

Dan Phantom lurked within his mind, seeing his thoughts and through his eye, a sinister smirk on his face. The next meeting with a ghost would be very… interesting…

Something new for a change…

I hope that it was good…

Demon God of Chaos asks people to review this and tell him how they liked it…


Reviews will be appreciated…