A/N: OMFG. Look who decided to continue the story amazing isnt it...I AM SO SORRY I LEFT FOR THE LAST FOUR MONTHS.ummmmmm on with the story.

Chapter 9: Patience

Dear Diary,

Malfoy just sent the letter to the headmaster. I swear to god if he doesnt come soon I will...I will...GAHHH I cant do anything what-so-



We got a letter back from guess who...SNAPE. This is the letter we got from him.

I am writing this on behalf of the headmaster. He has...ummmmmmmm...important issues to attend to and he cannot magic

away the parasites...Sucks for you. And in one of those kind of hotels isnt there only one bed...it may be just me but o' well.


This sucks.

Im making malfoy and zambini sleep on the floor!

Why am I writing extremely short sentences.

I think god hates me.

Zambini is starting to read over my shoulder so see ya later.

