A/N: I thought it would be fun to create something AU-ish. Enjoy!

Lucas Scott walked haughtily along the hallway. He was very aware that all eyes were on him, the girls giggling and whispering among themselves and the guys murmuring about his excellent performance at yesterday's game. He smiled, seeing the brunette he was looking for, removing books from her locker. He shut her locker door abruptly and kissed her on the lips, which caused her to drop her books. The girls stopped swooning and rolled their eyes, the guys snickered among themselves, turning around.

"What?" Lucas asked when Brooke pushed him away, her eyes avoiding his. She bent down to pick up the fallen books and turned around without even saying goodbye.

"Baby," Lucas started, following her. "What's wrong?"

Brooke turned around, fuming. "What's wrong?" She asked through clenched teeth. She looked around, checking if anyone was still watching Lucas. "You mean you don't know?" She asked.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking, now would I?" He questioned, glancing at his watch. Arguments were boring. This was the start of one.

"What's wrong, Lucas," She said, her voice getting louder, and a few people turned to look. She dragged Lucas into an empty classroom, and banged the door shut.

"Well you should have said something if you were—"

Brooke noticed the mischievous gleam in Lucas' eye. "No, you sick pervert. I was talking about last night's party."

"What about it?" Lucas asked.

Brooke waited a few seconds for Lucas to recall last night's events. When he just kept silent, looking at her like an idiot, she sighed angrily. "Holly! You were making out with Holly last night, Lucas!" She screamed.

"Oh, that." He said, as if it was no big of a deal. "Come on, Brooke. Holly, she was nothing. I was drunk."

"You were drunk?" She asked, fuming with rage. "So, you were drunk that night you won the semi-finals, when I caught you making out with Amanda. And that time in the janitor's closet, when you were 'hiding' with Jane. Marissa, and the empty classroom. Gabrielle, and your car! How do you explain those?"

"You're my girlfriend. Isn't that enough?" He asked. Usually, girls would kill just to get a look from him.

"No?" She said. "Don't you understand the meaning of exclusivity?"

"Can't we just have fun?" Lucas asked, terribly tired of this conversation.

"I'm not looking for fun." She said, heading towards the door. "I'm looking for something real."

He knew this girl would cave in to that love crap eventually. "Fine, we're done." He said dismissively.

"You're breaking up with me?" She asked, surprised. Tears started to build up from her eyes. Lucas usually had fun breaking up with girls; he became kind of an expert on it since freshman year. This break-up though, didn't amuse him quite that much.

"Uh, yes?" He answered.

"Fine." Brooke said, her voice breaking. She ran out like mad towards the ladies room. Outside, the corridor was silent for a moment, but when Lucas emerged, they resumed normal activity. They were used to his messy break-ups. He shook his head, smiled his most charming smile, and headed towards the redhead who was giving him that you're-single-so-I'm-taking-you look.

"Hey Rachel." He said smoothly.

"Poor baby, it must have been hard with Brooke." She said, pouting.

"I think I need comforting." Lucas answered in mock sadness.

Rachel chuckled devilishly. "We can do that."

Peyton Sawyer walked down the hallway, completely oblivious to the stares of the people. She was listening to the new Interpol album on her iPod. The guys stared shamelessly at the beautiful blonde, her curls cascading on her bare shoulder, while the girls looked on enviously. She was smart, she was beautiful, she was popular and most of all, she was Lucas Scott's closest friend and the person most immune to his charms. She pressed pause on her iPod when she saw Brooke's back.

"Brooke, you seen Lucas?" She asked. Brooke turned around. Her eyes were red and swollen; fresh tears were streaming from her eyes. Bevin was handing her tissues. Peyton understood immediately.

"Uh," She said awkwardly. "I'll find him myself." She walked briskly away, before Brooke can shout some venomous insult and endure the wrath of the hurting ex-girlfriend. She's been that road before, a couple of times, actually, and she never wanted to go back again.

"God," She muttered under her breath once Brooke was out of sight. She wanted to feel sorry for Lucas' girls, she really did, but all she could do was laugh at his ridiculous stories about them. She turned towards the tutorial center where she found Nathan, her boyfriend. Besides him, there was this other guy reading a huge encyclopedia, so she sat down beside him, and ignoring the string of problems he was answering, kissed him on the lips.

"Morning to you too." Nathan said, smiling.

"Peyton?" The encyclopedia guy asked. She looked at him. It was Jake, her other boyfriend. She had this nasty habit of always having two.

"Oh, hi Jake." She said weakly.

"You're kissing another guy?" He asked, surprised. He put down the encyclopedia and stood up.

"Another guy?" Nathan asked, glancing at Peyton, and then turning his attention to Jake. "I'm her boyfriend." Peyton backed her chair away slowly.

"That's impossible." Jake scoffed. "I'm her boyfriend."

Nathan and Jake both eyed Peyton, and before they could say anything, she stood up. "So," She started, picking up her things. "We're breaking up." When the two guys gave her a confused look, she laughed weakly. "Uh, both of you." She then ran out of there, laughing. A few moments later, she bumped into Lucas, who had lip gloss stains in his neck.

"Can we go?" Peyton asked, laughing, while looking back. She grabbed Lucas and together, they ran out of the hallway and into the empty grounds.

"I've had one hell of a morning." She said, when she was sure no one was following them.

"I bet my morning can top yours." Lucas said. They sat down on one of the wooden benches, ignoring the principal's reminder to assemble in the hall for a talk.

"Jake and Nathan know." Peyton started, "About each other."

"I knew this would happen." Lucas said, laughing. "How?"

"Well, I walked into the tutorial center, right? There was no one there but Nathan and this other guy reading an encyclopedia. Jake never reads, except for food labels, so I assumed it was some other guy. So I kissed Nathan."

"And then it turns out that the encyclopedia guy was, indeed, Jake." Lucas continued, finishing her story.

"So I broke up with both of them." She said, and then started to laugh.

"How can you be so impassive towards this?" Lucas asked, trying to lecture her.

"Oh please. As if you gave a damn about any of your girlfriends." Peyton retorted. "Besides, this new guy Ryan's been giving me the eye. And he's hot."

"I gave a damn," Lucas said, defending him, though he knew his efforts were in vain. "Give a damn." He corrected.

"Then explain Brooke Davis crying." Peyton said.

"Oh, that." Lucas said, as if it was some trivial event. "She said she wanted something real."

"She said that?" Peyton asked in a mocking tone. "Okay, that is going on my list."

"Can you believe her? Anyway, as they say, when one door closes, another door opens." Lucas said, smiling.

"Who's this week's other door?" Peyton asked.

"Rachel Gattina." He said. Both of them gave a huge laugh. Peyton looked at her as if she was unimpressed.

"Come on, Gattina is like, the whore of the varsity teams." She said.

"Yeah, well, she's hot, and good in—"

"I don't want to hear it," Peyton said, interrupting him.

"Well, you get the idea." Lucas said.

"You know what," Peyton said, realizing something. "There's no one left for us here. I think we've dated every qualified person here."

"You went out with Tim?" Lucas said, sitting up in shock.

"I made out with him last year when I got wasted at Cassie's party." Peyton said, shrugging. "And he's qualified?"

"He's in the team." Lucas said.

"Well, apart from Felix, who moved away last year, we've dated every qualified person but," She thought for a moment, and they looked at each other in surprise when they drew the conclusion.

"But each other."

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