(grins) I am the greatness, as I have had another idea for a non-OC story. …. Coincidently it is also a Naruto one. You think that means something? I don't know. Maybe it's because Naruto is just so angst-able.

This is definitely a yaoi story, 100. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I don't own Naruto


Neji walked slowly and quietly through the crowded town square. People bumped into him that would normally avoid him, children shouted at him, teenagers whispered about him.

These were but grains of sand in the desert of reasons he never walked in these areas of Konoha.

He wouldn't be here if it weren't for his uncle. Apparently his staying in the Hyuuga Home was imposing on them, especially as he was consistently showing up his cousins, and had been asked to leave.

Neji actually had to roll his eyes at that. His uncle had him out of the house within 15 minutes, so fast that Neji could barely even register what was happening.

He was now the not-so-proud patron of a tiny little apartment, and had absolutely no money for rent or electricity or food.

His destiny sucked.

He finally reached the reason for his venture into what they called the 'real world'. The bulletin board. (a/n: Is that the word I'm looking for?)

Yes. Neji Hyuuga, one of the best shinobi in the village, needed a job.

His white eyes scanned the board quickly, going over missing pet signs, notices for new businesses, and help-wanted ads. He was, of course looking at the latter. A shinobi had to eat after all.

Bag-boy at a grocery store? No, his eyes would scare away customers, and he'd get fired. Perfume salesperson? Hell no. Pet-sitter? They'd pee the carpet when he saw them and he was not cleaning it up. Pool boy? That involved sunlight and people. No fucking way.

He continued scanning it, feeling more and more annoyed by the second. He couldn't do a single one of these jobs. For the first time in his life, he wished to give up his years of ninja training for just a little practical skills.

As he was weighing the pros and cons of being Candy-Striper, his attention was grabbed by someone running up to the board a few feet away. Trying to distract himself from the futility of his search, he glanced to the side. It was a smallish person, wearing a huge snow coat. He honestly couldn't see a single one of their features, they were so bundled up, but their gloved hands were very quickly taping up a sheet of paper.

The person ran off, and Neji leaned foreword to look at the sign. "Tutor wanted." he said, slightly surprised. He could do that job, after all he had always had very high grades. But what was a job he was capable of doing on the bulletin board? He read farther own, looking for the catch. It was in a part of town he'd never heard of but that wasn't so bad. And they didn't make out that the tutor had to be particularly adept.

Neji blinked in disbelief when he reached the bottom. 5000 yen for 1 hour a night? And he didn't even have to be there every night! That had to be the perfect job.

Neji quickly removed the paper, folding it up and sticking it in his jacket. He may have been out of touch with the working world, but it was obvious anyone would want that sort of job.

He turned and started down the road to his apartment, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. The paper said to start as soon as possible, and he didn't have any missions lined up for a while. He could use this job to fill his evening.

After all, what could be hard about Tutoring?