Deep in the corridors of my mind
Lurks a memory
A face
Of someone
I knew once long ago.
When I look at it,
It seems like my father's face:
But that picture
Does not suit this man.
This man is different,
Hard to describe.
He has a vacant expression,
He has potential,
But uses it not.
He has no motivation
He has no pride
He has no reason
To go on living.
And yet,
I see something burning
Deep in his eyes
A passionate love for…
…for something.
A love that that will not let him
Stand around
While she is hurt,
While she suffers.
And somehow,
I hear his words.
'It is a far, far
Better thing that I do
Than I have ever done;
It is a far, far
Better rest I go to
Than I have ever known.'