It was one of those days when Darien was cranky. There was no other way to describe it. He was just plain old cranky. He'd had another crap dream, about some insane princess demanding her petty bauble, and again he'd promised her he'd find it.

So he was cranky because he hadn't had enough sleep.

not to mention that no matter how much encouragement he gave her, Sailor Moon was still a klutz. No matter what he did she still ended up getting hurt, and worrying about her cost him sleep.

And then his first coffee of the day had burnt his tongue, and it was still smarting. Every time he opened his mouth it stung.

His jacket made his shoulders feel sore, and his hair refused to behave. His shirt made his arms itch and he felt sluggish still, and it was almost midday.

He'd gotten chewed out at university for inattention, but was it his fault some insane woman haunted his dreams and turned them into nightmares? Was it his fault that that necessitated sleep during a lecture?

Of course it wasn't his fault.

Then is began to rain and he'd got wet on the way home, and his dripping hair had annoyed him even more than before. It dripped down his already sodden back and made him flinch every time another drop of cold water found its way under his collar.

People he usually got along with fine irritated him and he found himself snapping at the little old lady on the stairs and the woman two doors down.

Then he couldn't concentrate on the homework he needed to do, and it irritated him further. He stood and paced, but only ended up banging his knee on his coffee table. Needless to say this irritated him further.

Deciding that staying at home was dangerous he went out to the arcade. But even there he was irritated, the smell of damp people and wet hair filled the place. Even Andrew's usual cheery attitude didn't seem as refreshing as it usually was.

He tried to talk himself out of it, but even one of Andrew's famous coffees didn't have the energizing effect it usually did.

"Shouldn't you be studying, baka?"

Then her voice. He turned his head. There she was, standing there in a little puddle of her own making, disappointed to find him there when she had had wanted some 'alone' time with Andrew. Her hair was sodden and her jacket dripping. Her big blue eyes were wide and showed the myriad of emotions she felt. She was fidgeting in her damp clothes.

He turned fully, ready for battle, and suddenly his day couldn't have gotten better.

AN; my first one shot. Tell me what you think!