AN: I'm not going to say anything, I know you guys been waiting. Sorry for the late update.
Sakura could hear the squeaks coming from the bed in the room from Kakashi's movements and the groans from the man himself. She could also hear the pounding of her heart through her chest as she made her way towards Kakashi's bedroom.
So fast, she thought. Tsunade's Jutsu worked so fast.
She finally reached the doorway to his room and could see Kakashi was indeed waking up from his deep sleep. His limbs would work one at a time moving up and down trying to test themselves out and work out the kinks in them. His face, now turned Sakura's way, frowned and relaxed from the effort until it stayed relax, facing back toward the ceiling again. Both Sakura and Pakkun continued to watch the Jonin in his state on the bed until he finally settled on staying still on the bed.
For a while he stayed in an inert position on the bed. Sakura looked on worried, thinking that whatever Tsunade did to Kakashi probably had a short side effect to it. That probably Kakashi wasn't waking up at all but just moving his body around self-consciously.
Still worried, Sakura made her way inside the room to check on Kakashi before anymore side effect showed itself, but before she could reach him, Kakashi sat up slowly on his bed, startling Sakura back to the wall next to the doorway. She kept her mouth closed as she watch Kakashi move both of his hands to cover his face and dragged them over it before they settled again beside him.
"Kakashi," Pakkun barked, breaking the silence. "You're awake."
The Jonin turned his head towards the sound of his dog's voice and with a couple blinks he opened his right eye to see his companion lazily looking up at him. The smile under his mask was small but welcoming to the pug.
"I see you didn't have trouble carrying me home," Kakashi joked.
Pakkun tsked and went to the head of the bed to grabbed the headband with his mouth to place in Kakashi's lap.
"If you mean carrying you as in having two gate watchmen carry you here to your apartment, then no, I had no trouble. But I made sure they won't say anything in case you're wondering."
"I could always count on you," Kakashi smile, petting Pakkun on the head.
Sakura silently watched the interaction between the two, now calmed and relaxed from her fright from earlier. It was like a routine for them, a casual conversation between friends, not awkward at all, being a guy talking to a puppy kind of awkward.
Things like this happens a lot, right?
She should know. She watched Kiba do it all the time with his dog, Akamaru. But then again, Akamaru doesn't openly talk back with Kiba, at least not in a communication others could understand. So saying it happens a lot could be questionable.
Shaking her head from the many questions, she continued to watch the two in front of her.
"I see Tsunade stopped by," Kakashi voiced while putting on his headband. "I'm not surprise she not here telling me how disappointed she is in me," Kakashi joked.
"She did stopped by and she did mention a little how disappointed she was with you," Pakkun joked along with him. "But Kakashi…she wasn't alone," he had to add.
Finished with his headband, Kakashi turned towards the pug again with a frown on his face.
"Excuse me," Kakashi questioned.
"Kakashi, we have company."
Sakura knew it was bound to happen…the meeting…but she wasn't expecting it to be so soon. Hearing how Kakashi's voice tensed when he spoke to Pakkun, Kakashi wasn't expecting someone to be here, especially someone other then Tsunade. She waited and watched as Kakashi slowly turned towards his doorway and finally faced eye to eyes to who the company Pakkun was referring to.
His right eye kind of widen at first but relaxed shortly afterwards.
Sakura leaned off of the wall to stand up straight and smoothed her hands down the front of her skirt before lifting her right hand up in a wave.
"Hi Kakashi," Sakura said with an awkward smile.
When Kakashi didn't say anything but just continued to look at her, she put her hand down and looked down at the floor in embarrassment.
"Well," Pakkun voiced, interrupting the silence. "I would introduce you, Kakashi but it seem she already know you."
"Yeah and I know her," Kakashi finally spoke, turning away from Sakura now to look ahead.
"You know each other by association. By her cousin and your student, Yoshi, am I right," Pakkun asked.
"Yes," Sakura and Kakashi said in union.
Again, the two went silent and Pakkun observed the two closely.
Pakkun, he knew why his Jonin master was acting the way he was, seeing how his right eyebrow bend in anger and how his hands ball into fists.
The woman, Sakura was just standing there looking everywhere around the room but every now and then her eyes would stop and look upon Kakashi's state to study him. At times her eyes would linger longer then they use to and Pakkun would twist his head up in confusion at this. Human women were complicated. In their smells, their moods, and in their actions, but his master was even more complicated as he turned his head towards said Jonin as Kakashi moved closer to the edge of the bed.
He rested a little at the edge of the bed, letting his hands rest on his knees.
"Are you okay," Sakura finally asked.
Again, the Jonin didn't say anything except to let out a long sigh.
Since Kakashi wasn't saying anything, Sakura relied on his actions, his demeanor. It changed she noticed when he noticed she was there. Very understandable but very rude. It's like he turned himself off from the joking Kakashi from earlier to this mute-not-paying-her-any-attention Kakashi.
Why the sudden change in attitude?
She would have to admit, she was peeved by it. Now she understood what Tsunade meant about shinobis and their egos. She just wouldn't suspect Kakashi would be one of them, but then again, she didn't know Kakashi that well either. The man literally doesn't give much away.
Letting out a sigh herself, letting her frustration out of her system, she took a step closer to the bed to once again to try to get the Jonin to talk.
"How are you feeling, Kakashi?" No answer. "Maybe I should check…," she suggested, starting to pull out her small flashlight from her skirt but she was interrupted by a knock on the door.
All heads turned towards the sound echoing from the living room. The knocks came again and Sakura turned back in front of her to Kakashi and Pakkun as if to ask if they were expecting someone. Kakashi just turned from looking in the hallway from his doorway to back facing forward while Pakkun turned his head upward in curiosity and confusion.
"Maybe you should check the door," Kakashi finally said.
He turned his head again towards her way looking up at her face. Her mouth was gape widely and she looked at him in disbelief. Pakkun could smell the anger rising in the woman and decided to intervene before other words were said.
"Please Sakura, could you check the door," he said jumping off the bed onto the floor to sit between the two humans.
Sakura closed her mouth once hearing the pug speak. Her hands were in fists tightening with the anger boiling up inside her but like her frustration with the man earlier, she let it go with another long sigh.
"Fine, I'll go check," she forced out before turning to leave the room.
Patients come first, patients come first…
Sakura mantra to herself. Her anger was slowly going away, very slowly but at least she wasn't cutting half moon shapes in her palms anymore.
"I hope it's Tsunade coming back," she whispered to herself.
With that hope in mind, she quickly opened the door expecting the older woman.
"Tsunade, I don't think this is going to…you?"
Pakkun watched as Sakura left the room and once he figured she was out of hearing distance, turned towards his master with a frown on his face.
"That was uncalled for," he stated.
Kakashi let out another sigh and slowly stood up from the bed.
"Kakashi are you sure you should be standing up so soon? Oh, what am I saying of course you're sure."
The Jonin made it to his dresser and leaned against it for support. His body was still a little drained from used up chakra but manageable.
"Not right now Pakkun," he whispered.
Finally feeling up to standing up on his own, he started to dig through his drawer for some fresh clothes.
"Of course," the pug grunted.
With one last look at the Jonin, Pakkun left the room to see who was at the door.
"You…what are you doing here," Sakura repeated, narrowing her eyes evilly at the person standing on the other side.
"Me, what do you mean me, what are you doing here? You know I could have sworn this was Kakashi's apartment the last time I checked," the senbon chewing Jonin questioned, looking over the door for the number and the inside for confirmation. "But if it's yours then today is my lucky day."
"Well too bad it isn't because this is Kakashi's apartment."
"Shoot," Genma snapped his finger. "Well, where is Mr. Lonely anyway?"
As he asked, he pushed pass Sakura.
"Hey, you just can't barge in like you own the place," Sakura yelled, closing the door behind him.
Genma stopped midway to the hallway towards Kakashi's room when he saw Pakkun coming out.
"Hey Pakkun, where's Kakashi?"
On cue, the shower sounded from Kakashi's bedroom. This time Sakura pushed pass Genma to talk to Pakkun.
"You let him get up to take a shower, what if he falls," Sakura snapped at the pug looking back and forth between the room and the dog.
"Don't worry, he's fine. He needs a little cooling off anyway," Pakkun answered.
"I can't believe this," Sakura expressed throwing her arms up in the air in disbelief before folding them across her chest.
"I can."
Sakura, clearly annoyed again, turned to face the smiling man behind her. He was smiling at her with the senbon sticking through his teeth, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively while looking her up and down.
"Why are you here," she asked once more disregarding his wondering eyes.
"I'm here on official shinobi business."
"Really!" She asked with interests.
"Yep. Why are you here?"
"Official medic-nin business."
"Really! Well in that case, my apartment isn't but two blocks away, you think you could put some of that 'official medic-nin business' to good work and come home with me," Genma said twisting the senbon around in his mouth.
"Uh, I give up," Sakura stated, throwing her arms up in the air again and moving around him to go sit down on the green couch.
Genma just laugh at the feisty woman while also admiring her behind as she passed. Once she seated and started looking through an old magazine from off of the coffee table, his attention went towards the pug sitting in front of him. His smiling face turned serious as he squatted down to get to the dog's level.
"What's the situation," Pakkun whispered.
"The Hokage and the council wants to meet with all of the high ranking shinobis at the tower in thirty minutes. They say it's urgent," Genma whispered back.
"Do we know what's it about?"
Genma shook his head. "Just that it mandatory."
"Urgent and mandatory, huh? Must be something big."
Genma nodded.
Both kept quiet for awhile to think on the matter until Genma broke it.
"So uhm, Kakashi…he's alright?"
"Yeah, you know how he gets. He's not so big on vulnerability, especially around unfamiliar company."
"Aren't we all," he shook his head.
He turned to face the couch Sakura was sitting on. "So that would explain hot-tempered over there," he asked facing the pug again.
"Yes and it would seem you like to douse the fire with more gasoline," Pakkun implied.
"Hey, what can I say, I tease to please," he smiled, standing up after he heard the shower cutting off. "Not to mention getting my girl all revved up before she finally giving in to me," he said loud enough for Sakura to hear him.
Sakura just tsked at him and continued to flip through the magazine she was looking through. After a while, the room settled into nothing but flipping pages and opening and closing cabinets from in the kitchen waiting for the owner of the apartment to step out of his bedroom. It wasn't long before they all heard the door to the bathroom opening up and all attention were turned towards the hallway.
Pakkun was the first to actually moved from his spot next to the couch and run down the hallway to the room. Sakura, putting her magazine down, and Genma, closing one of his open cabinets, moved to the walk area where they both could watch the hallway. They could only hear Pakkun's voice whispering from the room as he talked to Kakashi.
Probably explaining the message Genma came to give Kakashi, Sakura thought.
Finally they could see the shadows of the two making their way out of the room with their persons right behind them. Sakura started to look Kakashi over as he walked closer to them with a new, fresh Jonin uniform donned. He seemed more lenient now after his shower. No tight fists, no frown, no arched eyebrows or should she say eyebrow over his right eye. He was good.
I still think you should punch him for how he was treating you, Inner Sakura fisted.
Or at least apologize, Sakura thought being her own voice of reason.
"You're moving well, Kakashi. How are you feeling," she asked once again to see what his reaction would be.
"I'm good for now, thanks for asking Sakura," he finally answered her but his eye wouldn't meet hers.
"That's good, good to know. Mind if I check that notion for myself if that's alright with you," she asked already pulling out her flashlight.
His eye finally met hers and then the flashlight in her right hand. He looked on questioningly, debating with himself and Pakkun's insinuative nudging on his leg.
"Please," Sakura at last stated.
"Alright," he agreed.
He settled on sitting on the nearest arm of the couch near the door and nearest to Sakura to accommodate her check-up, sitting calmly and erect as Sakura stood in front of him about to start.
Her hand with the small flashlight lifted but paused in it movement.
This was different.
This closeness they were in. The scrutinizing of it all. The awareness of it. She was aware of it and now, she didn't know what to do with it. It was different when Kakashi was lying on the bed in a comatose state not aware of her treatment or her observation, but now, with him sitting here looking at her… she felt like her counterpart, Yoshi. Being judged and monitor by her sensei Kakashi. Watching her to see if what she was about to do was right or making sure she wouldn't make a mistake. It was mind-boggling, yet insecure at the same time.
She lowered her flashlight and stood straight again, switching the flashlight to the other hand so she could use her other one to rub at her eyes.
Get yourself together, Sakura, she told herself.
Hey, what's the big idea? Blind him already.
"What's wrong, Sakura," Kakashi asked, frowning in concern.
"Nothing, just give me a minute will you."
Come on Sakura, you've been a medic-nin for all your life, don't tell me you'll chicken out from an dark grey eye.
You're right, I shouldn't be afraid of him. I could do this.
Of course you could.
Getting herself back together and back on track, she placed the flashlight in her dominate hand and aimed for Kakashi's eye. She watched its reaction, constricting to the invasive light. With that done and not sure if Kakashi trust her checking on the Sharingan, she went to the next phrase of his check-up…his chakra.
She returned her flashlight to it's rightful place tucked safety in her pocket of her skirt, and lift both hand for Kakashi's vest. That feeling again of awareness and judgment was starting to creep up on her and she had to breath deeply in and out through her mouth and nose to calm herself. With that method, she started to unzip Kakashi's jacket.
She chanced a glance at his eye to see he was looking off somewhere in the room and she was thankful for that. Looking over at the other two bodies in the room, she could read the smug look on Genma's face and an unreadable look on Pakkun. It reminded her of the same look of Tsunade and Pakkun when she was taking off Kakashi's vest in the room while he was asleep and she tried not to blush from the thought of this looking like a scene from one of her romance novels.
Closing her eyes and placing her hands over his chest, she let her chakra flow into his body to see what was happening. Kakashi let in an intake of breathe and then let it out slowly through his mask. She searched his channels and his wounds while she was at it and also the chakra flowing towards his left eye where the Sharingan was. Tsunade's Jutsu was still working it's magic.
Finished, she dispel her chakra from his body and open her eyes and stood straight again making notes of her finding.
"So how was everything," Kakashi asked, zipping up his vest and standing up himself.
"Good," she breathed out. "But your eye reaction was slow to response to my flashlight making me aware that your reaction time is going to be off for a while. Also, your chakra is still a little low but your body working on replenishing it so that's a plus. Your wounds healed nicely and everything else are looking good."
"I bet it does," Genma voiced out loud.
"You should be fine," Sakura said ignoring Genma.
"Thank you again, Sakura," Kakashi said scratching the back of his head.
"You're welcome."
She smiled at him as he returned it with a smile of his right eye. Taking that as a sign of approval, her feeling of awareness and judging was gone.
"Ah, I don't mean to interrupt this touching moment but Kakashi we have to go," Genma said walking over to the door to open it.
"Right. Sakura," Kakashi said his goodbye with a nod of his head and headed for the door.
"Don't worry Sakura," Genma turned back to face her, placing his arm around Kakashi's neck just as the Jonin was about to walk out the door. "I'll take good care of him. He's in good capable hands now."
"I'm sure he is."
"And you know, that 'official medic-nin business' still stands if you're still interested."
"I'm sure I'm not interested," Sakura replied back, rolling her eyes at the suggestive look Genma was giving her.
"Oh I'm sure you will."
"Bye, I'm sure you don't want to be late for your 'official shinobi business'," she stated to get them, mainly Genma out the house.
"Bye," Genma finally said and closed the door behind them.
Sakura shook her head at Genma's antics and rubbed her face from the sudden tiredness overcoming her.
"Well I should be going myself," she told herself and the pug looking up at her.
"Maybe you should. And Sakura…," he paused until he fully had the young woman attention from the yawn she was taking. "About Kakashi's behavior earlier…"
"No need to explain, I get it. Shinobis egos, right?"
"No, that's not…yeah," he stopped himself. It wasn't his place to explain his master's awkward, ever-changing behavior. He'll leave that to the humans.
"I was fully warned by Tsunade about it, so you don't have to say anything."
She walked to the door to open it but stopped short of doing so.
"You know Pakkun, it was nice meeting you," she smiled.
"You too, Miss Sakura."
With a final bye, Sakura left the apartment. Pakkun setup the trap to protect the apartment and jumped on the couch to lay down, awaiting his master's return.
Kakashi and Genma made it into the tower building and in the main room where the meeting was suppose to be held. The councilmen, Homura and Koharu along with the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi were seated across the room behind a table while the rest of the party stood in front of them.
Kakashi stood a little off from the group quietly observing the people who were there.
Of course, Jiraiya and most of the Jonins from his school were here. Also, Tsunade and her teachers were here standing separate from the men in the room next to them. He could see but three ANBU guards standing off to all three areas of the room beside the front door in their traditional undercover wear being stationary as ever. All things considered, everyone was here of his knowledge.
"Alright everyone calm down," the Hokage started trying to quiet the people in front of him. "We have urgent matter to attend to. Please, everyone."
The room settled down and face the councilmen before them.
"Now I called this meeting on account of the rumors going on about the final exams."
The room started to fill with noise again rumbling about the said "mention" of rumors. Sarutobi again quiet the room with his hands.
"Quiet please. Unfortunately for these rumors I'm sorry to say there's more."
"You've got to be kidding me," Tsunade voiced among the crowd. "There's more? What could be worst than illegal jutsu or steroidal students. Not to mention the unfairness and dirty tricks Orochimaru teaches his students."
"There have been talk that Orochimaru might use this exam as an excuse to rage war against us."
The room broke again in an uproar.
"Seriously," a Jonin yelled.
"What's the point of this exam then," a female teacher added.
"I knew this was going to happen."
"This is ridiculous."
And so on and so on the comments continued.
"People please, it's just a rumor, hearsay really," Sarutobi spoke again over the commotion.
"Yeah but where did it come from? Someone had to have heard of it happening somewhere else in order to have said something like that," Genma stated.
"I don't know but I don't want anyone getting alarm over this, rumored or not. We handled situation like this before, so this is no different. We'll treat this just like any other preparation for any war we faced before. Preparation is the key."
"What about our students? Do we tell them about this new development or what," Asuma questioned.
"No. At least not yet anyway," Homura answered. "It's still just hearsay and we don't want our students even worried then they already are. Plans have already been made to send a surveillance team to watch and listen out for any truth of these "rumors." Until then, don't say anything to them or until we give you further notice."
"However, if it turns out that the rumors are true, immediate preparation will be as followed," Koharu added.
"I still don't like it," Tsunade voiced.
"Don't we all," Jiraiya agreed.
"Please, just go about your regular business and think of this no more. I know it would be hard but for the sake of your students, I beg you."
There were further groans and moans about the whole situation but in the end they all agreed.
"Now, if there isn't any more to discuss this meeting is over. Until next time," Koharu spoke.
The room started to empty with the separate parties leaving out through separate door, talking among themselves as they went. Kakashi, now leaning against the wall next to the door the men were leaving through, waited patiently for everything to settle down before confronting the council. Now that he's awake he still have to give his report even if he doesn't have it in writing, giving it orally and in person was much better for his liking.
"The mission was a success," he said giving them the two finger salute.
Short and simple.
"How are you feeling Kakashi? We heard that it must have been rough in order for you to come back in the state you were in," Sarutobi asked.
Kakashi just shrugged his shoulder.
"You should still be careful Kakashi," Homura started, "You may have perfected the Sharingan to make a name for yourself this far but we still don't know how far your Sharingan can develop. Who knows, you could possibly reach the status of a full pledge Uchiha and be able to unlock more of their mystery technique."
"Isn't that why we have Sasuke," Kakashi questioned.
"Even so, the lone Uchiha won't reveal too much thus us relying on you. So take it easy."
Kakashi was upset but he did his best not to show it as always. What else do they want from me? I already gave them blood, sweat, and almost death to master the Sharingan by myself and they still want more.
"Is there anything else," he asked.
As much as he hate to ask he had to or else they'll be howling him some more later, and right now he really just wanted to get out of here and sleep some more. He still was recuperating from his mission.
"Yes. There is the matter of your student, the Haruno kid. What is his standing as of now," this time Koharu questioned.
"He is doing quite well for someone with no shinobi background. With each practice and lesson he is accomplishing a lot."
"Any sign of a specialty?"
"No, I'm afraid. At least not of this moment."
"You only have a week left Kakashi. If he hasn't develop one yet and doesn't prove himself by that time, then we can't keep him."
"You're dismiss Kakashi," Sarutobi said interrupting his councilmen before they could say another word.
He gave Kakashi a sympathizing look for his troubles before Kakashi looked away and turned to his two friends.
"I think that's enough for one day don't you think."
The other two council didn't say anything else but they stood when the Hokage got up to gather his things to leave. Leaving the room empty of any occupants.
Genma could see his friend was disturbed from the meeting they left from even more from his meeting with the council alone. The tension was there, in his shoulders, his right eyebrow, in his walk. Genma been around Kakashi to know when there's tension in his walk as well. The guy tried to cover it by reading his book but Genma wasn't buying it. Knowing someone this long does have its perks, but he tried not to let Kakashi know that.
They were leaving the tower building, through with their meeting and Kakashi with his. The day was turning into mid afternoon still humming with life out in the streets. They bypassed vendors and offers of all sorts heading back to Kakashi's apartment. Genma could have gone a different route, like for instance, the bar or to a personal lady friend of his but he sort of did promise a feisty medic-nin that he'll watch over her recovering patient.
Hating the quiet between them and all this thinking, Genma tried to see could he steer his friend's mood some other way, and thinking about it he just might have an idea.
"It's must be getting to you to know what she found out about you," he voiced out loud.
Turning to face his friend, he could see Kakashi was still reading his book but as much as he been around Kakashi he knew the guy was listening.
"I mean you were out for awhile, who knows what she was doing during that time. She just might have found out what you are hiding under that mask of yours. I could interrogate her personally if you want."
He watched as Kakashi closed his book and tucked it away in his pouch.
Ha, got you interested he thought.
"Pakkun was there I doubt he would let anything happen of those sort," Kakashi answered.
"You're going to trust your dog for your own protection from a woman?"
'I'm not concern."
"Kakashi women are treaty. They could get inside your mind and make you do things or say things that you don't want them to know."
"Personal experience, Genma?"
Genma caught the smile in his friend's eye and had to smile back. He was loosening his friend up, the tensions slowly leaving him.
"You could say that, but the outcome always work out in both our favors in the end if you know what I mean," he smiled smugly.
"Is there a point to this conversation?"
"Yes. If you let a woman know too much she's going to start to ask questions."
"I doubt Sakura is that kind of woman."
"Ah ha, so you are fond of her? I should have known. What you guys met like, once and you're already sticking up for her."
"Three times actually but whose counting."
"Obviously your not," Genma said sarcastically.
Kakashi shrugged and pulled out his book again. "I'm not sure I know what you mean."
"You can't play dumb with me Kakashi, we all know you're smart so its unbecoming of you to act like it."
Genma continued to taunt Kakashi while he read his book as they continue down the street to get home.
Sakura was walking home with a little hop in her steps. She had just came from the hospital to give Tsunade her report about Kakashi. The woman was drinking again but at least she was sober, which meant she just got started. But giving her report wasn't what was causing her to skip happily home. It was what Tsunade had said afterwards…
"Everything's properly documented. You did well for your first documentation of a patients, Sakura," Tsunade said while sipping her drink.
She was holding up the two sheets of paper given to her by the pink haired medic-nin in training after her two and a half hour stay at Kakashi's apartment.
"So how was it? How do you feel after that experience?"
"Well, I wouldn't say it was the most welcome experience I ever had but an experience all the same. Then again, this was my first actual medical work. So, I would have to say, I wouldn't mind doing some more private practice to get a little further experience in that part of my field, but I would prefer working in the hospital."
"Typical," Tsunade voiced, dropping the papers on her desk and gulping down the rest of her sake.
"Is there anything else you would like to know," Sakura asked.
"No. You pretty much said what you had to say in your report. Besides, I'll just stop by later tomorrow to check on him. You're dismiss."
Sakura nod her head in acknowledgement and turned to head out the door. Before her hand could reach the door knob, Tsunade stopped her.
"Oh and Sakura I want you well rested for tomorrow."
"Why," Sakura asked, turning around to confront the medic-nin.
"Because we have some special training for tomorrow. So I want to see you bright and early at the training ground 7, okay?"
Sakura left the room then and it wasn't until she was down the hall about to descend the stairs that what Tsunade had said to her finally sunk in.
She was going to get some special training tomorrow. Sakura couldn't contain the excitement. On the entire walk home she pondered about what could the training be about. What jutsu could it be or would she be able to master what it was Tsunade had plan for her. She couldn't wait.
Finally making it to her apartment, she pulled out her keys to rush in and get ready for bed, wanting to sleep the rest of the night away to make tomorrow come quicker. When she ascend the stairs to her floor though, she was met with a waiting friend at her door.
"Hinata, what are you doing here?"
Hinata was startled by her friend's voice and she jumped away from the door she was leaning on.
"Sakura, you're finally here."
"How long have you been waiting here," Sakura asked, unlocking her door and offering her friend to enter.
"Not long," Hinata answered, closing the door behind her.
"What's wrong?"
Hinata started to point her fingers together and Sakura full attention was on her friend. Her excitement from earlier was gone, only to be replaced by worry for her friend. She knew when Hinata start to point her fingers something was bothering her friend.
"I-I would like to ask you a favor."
"Yeah, anything. What is it?"
She offer her friend to sit down, to try to comfort her as much as possible seeing her friend face begin to turn red. Sakura begin to rub on Hinata's back to calm her and it began to work. Even though she could still see the red tint in her cheeks.
"H-how much do you know about Kiba Inuzuka?"
Sakura was taken back by the question. She wasn't expecting that to be the question.
"Not much, why?"
"Well, I met him again last night after walking from Ino's family flower shop. H-he kind of asked me out."
"That's good. I mean that's good, right?"
"I kind of ran away from him."
Hinata stood, covering her face with her hands. She began to pace up and down in front of Sakura.
"I felt really bad afterwards. I mean I ran away from him without giving him an answer. I could have said no or something but I didn't. And this morning, I just felt even worst. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Then…then at the club, I saw him hanging out with his friends and, I-I don't know. I panicked. I ran out there so fast, I don't think the others know I'm gone."
"Hinata it's okay…"
"No, it's not," Hinata bellowed, finally stopping her pacing and surprising Sakura at how loud she was. "I mean is this how I'm going to act every time a boy come up to me to ask me out. Am I going to be dateless for the rest of my life because I'm too scared to be around a boy who like me?"
"I don't know, Hinata. It's really…"
"What I'm saying… asking, really… is for your help," Hinata said, calmer this time.
She went back to sitting down on the couch next to Sakura and she looked at her friend with pleading eyes.
"The favor, Sakura, I came to ask you is, maybe, if I knew something, anything, about him, then maybe I can feel a little comfortable to talk to him or consider giving him a proper answer next time. Or maybe seeing if he's really worth going out with."
"So you want me to interrogate him, investigate him."
"When you say it that way…"
Sakura could tell this was really bothering Hinata. She really felt bad about it. But she knew Hinata didn't mean any harm about it. She's just a cautious person, and if this was the only way to make her feel better, she'll do it.
"Okay, Hinata I'll do it."
Sakura nodded and Hinata reached out and gave her a big hug.
"Thank you Sakura."
"You're welcome."
The two said there good-byes and Sakura locked the door behind her and prepared herself for bed. She figured she'll start to do her investigation on a Monday where and when she'll see Kiba again. For now, she have tomorrow to think about. The excitement came back and she let out a giggle in her covers. She couldn't wait. So, she turned in her bed and closed her eyes, still with a smile on her face, and tried to fall asleep.
AN: What do you think? Are you still interested in it after all this time has passed? Review and let me know, please. Thank you