The Freaks on Privet Drive

Summary: What if Harry was not the only one to be abused and neglected by the Dursley's? What if Dudley was a wizard? Originally started 2007, revamped 2015.

Chapter one: Prologue

In a perfectly normal neighborhood, in a perfectly normal town, a perfectly normal family of three lived a perfectly normal life, in a perfectly normal house.

The perfectly normal Petunia opened the door and reached down for the milk, humming a perfectly normal tune. She looked over where the milk bottles should be, and gasped, letting out a loud shriek, "Vernon!"

Two years later to the very day, that suddenly not-so-normal woman entered her three and a half year old son's room, intent on bringing him into the kitchen for breakfast. "Oh my little Diddly-Dums, are you hungry pumpkin?" She crooned, sickly sweetness laced in her high pitched tone.

"Mumma I want!" The child yelled, pointing at his mothers' necklace. "Mum! I WANT!" He shrieked. But before Petunia could move to take it off and give it to him, to her immense shock the clasp undid itself and the necklace flew through the air and landed in Dudley's fist. The child squealed in delight as he gazed at his prize, never realizing just how much this one moment would change his future.