Itachi Uchiha raised an elegant black eyebrow as he stood before the leader of the Akatsuki.

"Please repeat." He said. The leader sighed and began again.

"Your partner Kisame, is going through a midlife crisis. You have been assigned a new partner until he recovers. I will introduce you two very soon."

"Kisame needs to toughen up. Midlife crisis… damn." Itachi muttered, annoyed that his partner was actually that weak.

The leader growled. "You were the one that fed him Shark-Fin Soup, Itachi."

"He was asking for it!"

"That doesn't justify that you made him into a self-hating, cannibalistic, blubbering idiot."

"I didn't turn him into an idiot. He was that long before I ever met him."

"Just shut up and let me introduce your new partner." The leader snapped at him, before turning to entrance of the dark cave.

Stepping into the cool shadows was a figure already clad in the black and red Akatsuki cloak. The person glid over to the leader and Itachi and the Uchiha saw that his new partner was a woman.

Not just that, she looked a little older than his brother and her long black hair and listless dark eyes made her look like she was half-dead. Not too intimidating, but creepy nonetheless.

"Itachi Uchiha," Itachi thought her heard a little giggle, "meet your new partner, Tsukiko Miyashi. Also known as the Undying Moon."

The girl nodded numbly at him and drifted away into a corner to inspect a splatter of blood. Itachi looked at her incrediously.

"Are you sure that she is qualified to be in Akatsuki?" He asked, as she stared at the stain in fascination.

"Yes." The other nodded, "She killed off her entire town because they wouldn't accept a rule or something she made up. Rather silly really, but still at the age of ten… Plus she's really pretty, and not like Deidara. He just wears a lot of makeup." (Somewhere Deidara sneezed getting a bunch of snot on Sasori's favorite puppet. The ex-Sand nin glowered hatefully at his teammate.)

Had their leader been anything other than a leader of an S-ranked criminal organization, he would have had hearts swirling around his head.

'And all I did was murder my whole family and torture my little brother.' Itachi thought sourly, feeling that he was no longer special.

"Well, will you please show Tsukiko to her quarters?" Asked the leader before disappearing in shadow. Itachi inwardly rolled his eyes.

He turned to call his new teammate over, but found himself already face to face with her. He shuddered inwardly, as he was an Uchiha and Uchiha's didn't do many things publically. Including shuddering, rolling their eyes, eating, showing emotion, and showing more personality than a leaf, but I digress.

Tsukiko's huge blue eyes stared at him blankly and he idly wondered if she was mentally retarted.

"This way." He said, turning away from her unwavering gaze.

That night Itachi was lying in bed, entertaining himself with images of death when he heard a tiny little squeak. Had he been an ordinary ninja he would have passed it off as the house settling, but it just so happened that he was an elite S-ranked criminal who lived in a cave because the Akatsuki didn't pay as much as originally thought. In fact, most of their finances went into food and nail polish, as well as play-dough for Deidara, but once again, I digress.

The squeak seemed to have come from his closet, so her quickly pulled out his shiny new kunai that he found on the body of one of his victims and liked, and flung it at whatever it was that made the noise.

There was a loud thunk sound as metal collided with bone and then silence. Getting up he turned on the light, which took about three month's pay to install, and looked at the face of the intruder.

He was shocked to see that it was in fact his new partner, Tsukiko. She was dressed in shuriken pajamas and was impaled against the wall, the kunai going through her forehead, and her right hand clutched something tightly. Just as he stepped forward, Tsukiko's body moved. She reached up and tried to pull the kunai out, but the knife was stuck and she finally gave up, looking at him dolefully.

"Little help?" She motioned to the kunai and he pulled it out somewhat reculantly. The wound immediately healed itself, sucking the lost blood in as well.

She blinked at him before dashing out of the room leaving the oldest of the remaining Uchiha standing in his closet.

Itachi crept to Tsukiko's room, listening as she appeared to be having a conversation with herself.

"The sacred shroud. Now I have it."

Using the skills that earned him the title of leader of the ANBU he looked into her room and found the girl clutching some sort of cloth in her hands.

She unfurled it and from his hiding place Itachi choked on his spit.

His boxers. His Akatsuki boxers.

Horror washed over the normally cold and cruel Uchiha, and it was in that moment that he realized that his worst nightmare had come true.

A fangirl. A fangirl had infiltrated the Akatsuki.