A/N Hi Everyone! Welcome to my first Disgaea fic, I love Disgaea soo much! Anway, here's the background of this, there are SPOlLERS from the anime, so if you don't want to know yet, DO NOT READ! You have been warned.

The Netherworld was full of despair, their King Laharl, was gone. Even though he was a royal pain, literally the demons could not help but feel some sorrow for their loss. Etna was now the Queen and she was in her office, trying desperately to figure out dispute between the netherworld, human race, and the angels. She sighed as she read a threatening letter which said the following.

To the Overlord of the Netherworld,

The human leaders and I have been discussing the consequences the demons should suffer, after their hostile attempt to takeover. You manipulated an angel trainee, and caused her to undergo great pain, and sorrow, not to mention she was punished. The demons shall suffer for all that have done, we will write to you soon, to allow you proper notice before your divine punishment.


Lamington and the army of Angels

Etna's face was contorted into anger by the time she was reading the second sentence. When she got to the end of the letter, she couldn't believe it, the angels were at it again. This time it wasn't even Volcanus behind it, or maybe he was. Etna yelled to no one in particular, "Those Damn angels they don't think that losing our King wasn't punishment enough? We did not manipulate Flonne, we sort of befriended her. I better get help. I can't handle this myself anymore." Etna ran to the school in the forest, there she saw who she was looking for. The class was having a lesson on love, "Now boys and girls if you don't learn to love you'll be bad little demons. Do you want to hear the story of how your great King Laharl made the ultimate sacrifice for his friends through the power of love?" The young demons nodded their head eagerly at their young teacher, whose red eyes twinkled. She began to tell the story moving around dramatically retelling the story of the young demon she respected and loved so much. Her long blonde hair was blowing in the wind, and as she energetically taught the children her red bow on her head jostled. If you looked closely at her eyes you would see sadness deep in her soul but she tried her best to not let Laharl's sacrifice be in vain. This young demon knew that she should try to live the happy and meaningful life that Laharl would have wanted her to.

When the teacher finished her class Etna appeared from behind a tree, the young demons ran up to Etna yelling "Etna-sama!" Etna rolled her eyes smiling awkwardly, "It's Queen, now." The teacher told the students to read their manuals and that she would be back momentarily. She was not naive she also left a Prinny to watch over them, to ensure they behaved. Etna began, "Flonne, we have a big problem, I got this in the mail today." Flonne the fallen angel read the letter with worry and concern for her beloved demons. When she read what Lamington said about her being manipulated you could see great anger in her eyes. "I was not manipulated, I helped Laharl-san, because I felt demons were misunderstood, and deserved a chance to live normally. If anything Lamington-sama used me, he sent me here to assassinate the King, when he knew he had been dead for two years." Flonne looked to Etna with sad eyes, "Etna-san you and Laharl-san were right from the beginning, the angels were and still are trying to take over the Netherworld. I feel so ashamed that I used to proudly call myself an angel trainee." Etna looked down sadly, she knew that Flonne probably felt the worst pain of all, knowing Laharl killed himself because of her. She looked to her friend and put her arm around her shoulder as a friendly gesture. "Flonne maybe you should take the rest of the day off this Prinny could take over. You go back to your room and relax, I'll send a Prinny to be your servant for the day." Flonne smiled at Etna sadly, "Oh thank you Etna-san, don't worry I am sure we will figure this out together. Etna shook her head when Flonne skipped away to the castle entrance, "That girl is so strange, she's been acting way to happy sometimes, but I know it's just a mask."

Back in the palace Etna went to the Prinnies quarters to get a Prinny to serve her, "Prinnies, come her now!" All the Prinnies assembled in a line, at least she thought all of them did. Etna was about to send the Prinny she chose when she heard music coming from behind a chair. She looked behind the chair curiously and saw a Prinny lounging about and drinking lemonade. Etna grew angry and glared at the Prinny and yelled, "You Prinny, get up now! You're the one going to serve the new teacher all day. Go now!" The Prinny glared at her through sunglasses, and stood there staring Etna down. Etna ripped the sunglasses off of the Prinny and gasped, it had demonic red eyes. "What the..?" Etna shook her head the eyes looked so familiar, but she just couldn't figure it out. She slapped the Prinny upside his head, and sent him to Flonne's living quarters. The Prinny grabbed his sunglasses put them, back on, and went down the hall to Flonne's room.

Flonne was lying down face first on her bed lightly sobbing, when she heard a knock at the door. She opened the door with tears stained on her cheeks, her pink red gown was even covered with tears. The Prinny saw her and stumbled backwards as if he saw a ghost. She let the Prinny in and sighed, "Hello, um can you please come in, I need assistance in a few things today?" The Prinny listened to Flonne's sweet voice and scrambled inside. For the first time the Prinny spoke, "What do you need help with?" Flonne looked at the Prinny skeptically, then the Prinny realized his mistake and corrected it, "Dood." Flonne smiled, "Well I am decorating my room to make it feel more like it was in Celestia, before Lamingtom-sama..used me." Flonne then broke out into a fresh bout of tears and the Prinny looked at her wearily. "Um it's ok, Dood. It's all in the past Dood. Try to be happy Dood." Flonne smiled at the Prinny sadly, "Thank you Prinny, I am sorry for making a scene in front of you like that. I just can't believe Lamington-sama used me, and Laharl-san is gone!" The Prinny widened his eyes behind his sunglasses, when the former overlord was mentioned. He walked over to Flonne and patted her on the head, "Don't be so sad Dood. I'm sure he just wanted you to live happily." Flonne smiled up a the Prinny, "You know Prinny I think you may be right, let's start decorating!" The Prinny sweat dropped and began to help Flonne. She was looking to decorate her room with flowers and paint it pink, and the ceiling too look like the Celestian sky. The whole time the Prinny was trying to talk her into, painting it with a different scheme. "What if you paint the walls blue and the ceiling black? Dood. That would look much better in the Overlord's castle wouldn't it?" Flonne smiled sadly, but Prinny you know that Etna-sama is now the Queen and Laharl-sama is..is" Flonne couldn't finish the sentence and looked down sadly. She continued to decorate and there was knock on the door.

Flonne answered the door, and it was Etna, "Etna-san, what are you doing here? Etna smiled, "Oh just came by to see how your holding up, and seeing if that damned Prinny was actually working." Flonne smiled, "Oh I am doing much better Etna-san thank you." Flonne looked at the Prinny and decided something. "Etna-san can I request something of you?" Etna raised her eyebrows, "uh sure, what?" Flonne gave her the puppy dog eyes and pleaded, "Etna-san may I have this Prinny please?" Etna practically fell down from surprise, "Wh..what?" Flonne gave her brightest smile, "He is very helpful and kind to me, plus I always wanted my own vassal." Etna smiled at Flonne, "Ok, you can have him. Jeez, I sound like I'm allowing you to have a pet or something." Etna shook her head said goodbye and left. The Prinny looked at Flonne as if she had three heads and long fangs, instead of cute little fangs. What was all that about! Um. Dood?" Flonne looked at him, "You are very kind to me Prinny, and I need you to help me get through this sadness. I just miss Laharl-san so much, sometimes I wish it was him who turned into the flower and then brought back, and that I sacrificed myself." The Prinny glared at her and began yelling at her, "Don't you ever say that again Flonne, I-Laharl..uh the King did that because he cared about you. You taught him to love, and care about others. You opened his eyes to a new way of living." Flonne looked at the Prinny as if he was crazy, "How would you know all these things, how do you know it wouldn't have been better if it was I instead?" The Prinny looked into Flonne's beautiful red eyes, and stood up straight. "I know this because..because I am Laharl!" Flonne looked at the Prinny and burst out with loud and boisterous laughter, her laugh could rival Laharl's evil laugh. "Hahahaahahahahahaha! You Laharl? You're a Prinny, Laharl was a handsome demon, with blue hair and gorgeous red eyes! Prinnies have black eyes, not to mention you look like a penguin." Flonne was just too angry and upset that his Prinny would dare to play such a cruel trick on her, that she had now idea how cruel she was being herself. If she was not so caught up in her anger, she would have seen the Prinny glaring at her with indescribable hatred at the moment. Finally she stopped laughing and yelled at him to leave her room, before he left, she took the sunglasses off of him. "And Prinnies should not wear these either, act like..." Flonne trailed off as she stared into the Prinny's demonic red eyes. "L..L..Laharl!" The Prinny glared at her, "Yes Flonne it's me, you've really changed. Since when si the love freak so cruel?" Flonne ran up to Laharl, and angrily began to hit him. "You idiot, why did you do that, you sacrificed your life!" Laharl glared at her, "I could ask you the same thing Flonne, why did you allow that angel to turn you into a flower. We could have escaped and gone back to the Netherworld. We could have lived here and I'd still have my body!" Flonne looked down sadly, "I am sorry Lahar-san I thought I was being caring and protecting, when all I was, was selfish, and I caused you great pain." Flonne began to cry and Laharl looked at her with alarm," Flonne don't cry, c'mon. I have an idea, we can get everything back to normal, if we take over Celestia." Flonne looked at Laharl, "what do you mean Laharl-san?" Laharl smiled evilly, "You help me to take over Celestia, and we can use the angels power to restore me back to my original body. You could be an angel again too, if you want like before." Flonne smiled at Laharl, "Actually Laharl-san if it is alright with you, I wish to remain a demon."

A/N Well that the first chapter, hope you like. Peace.