!! …I lied. LMAO I've got a couple of replies and such about how it ended so soon, etc. SO! To try and quench the thirst of the few, I've written the Epilogue. Have fun!!

Marty looked down at the grave marker. He'd long since gotten rid of his crutch and had started using a cane, which he leaned on in the uneven ground. He had so much to say to this man, yet he didn't know where to begin. Clearing his throat and removing his hat, he decided to say what was in his heart.

"Hey there, Mr. Kloppman." Marty said, his smile slow and sad. "How've you been? I've been okay, I guess. Actually, I've been really good.

"I took over for you after…you know." He continued, gaining confidence. "It's been three years since I began looking after the lodging house. We've got lots of new lodgers, and you'd be surprised at how much they act like we used to. I'd swear that there's a clone of everyone." He chuckled softly.

"You'd be proud of everyone." Marty said, the wind blowing his hair. "Jenn and Dom- uh…Styx and Bumlets- have two great kids now. They've got a really good business going, and seem to be really happy.

"Jack and Arielle got married finally. I think they live somewhere in Ontario, Canada. Jack "Cowboy" Kelly lives in Canada." Marty laughed a little at that. "They just traveled to Santa Fe not too long ago, though."

"David and Emilie were able to open up a new business last year. It's a seamstress shop that Emilie mainly runs. David was kind of embarrassed to go in the women-based shop, so he mainly handles the financial stuff. Cindie and Jake are their partners.

"Cassandra and Alex still have WAY too many kids." Marty joked. "They had twins not too long ago, and they're both healthy and beautiful. Alex is still a great musician, and Cassandra is still the best cook I've ever met." He shrugged. "Don't tell Hannah that…

"Everyone's gotten married as far as I know. Gabe and Cosette finally tied the knot, and Gabe's still as temperamental as always, but Cosette quietly puts him in his place, whether he knows it or not.

"Michael and Sarah, after arguing about it for weeks, ended up eloping. We only found out about them last week. Sarah's pregnant and due in a few months.

"Speaking of due, Chloe and Trey had triplets last month. Triplets! I felt so sorry for her." Marty grinned. "They looked so much like them. Oh! I almost forgot."

Marty reached inside his pockets and pulled out letters. "I got letters from Ray and Brendon and Andrianne. They're getting on a huge ship called the Titanic. I just hope that they'll settle down once they get back."

Shoving the letters back in his pockets, he leaned back on his cane again. Marty grew silent for a moment, before he continued.

"I do miss you, Mr. Kloppman." He said softly. "You were like a father to all of us. For most of us, you were the father that we never had, and we can't tell you how grateful we are." He swallowed. "I'm just sorry that we didn't have a chance to tell you so sooner."


Turning around, he smiled at Hannah, who held their toddler on her hip. "I'll be there in a second." He assured her. Focusing again on the grave marker, he nodded.

"We owe you so much." Marty shrugged his shoulders again. "I finally made something of my life, thanks to you." Patting the marker as he would someone's shoulder, Marty turned around and, with the assistance of his cane, walked towards his wife.

The lodging house was busy that day. Maybe it was because of the rain, or maybe it was just because the lodgers there loved the place. Friends and familiar faces comforted those who'd known no love.

Reminding himself of that, Marty had an endless patience with them all. Settling behind the desk, he picked up the ledger to check the names.

"Let's see…Cards, yup…Pacey, yup…Bets…" Marty looked around. "Where's Bets?"

And as if he had summoned the boy, Bets walked in, shaking his medium brown hair dry. "God, it's rainin' 'ard." The boy remarked in a heavy accent.

"Bets, where you been?" Marty asked.

"I finished up sellin'." Bets replied, as if the answer alone would be enough.

"You were supposed to be here an hour ago." Marty said, using his authoritative tone.

Bets looked at him like he was crazy. "And stay cooped up in 'ere? You're mad!" With that, he ran upstairs to be greeted by others.

Marty smiled. Just like old times.