Title: Not Gonna Lose You.

Disclaimer: I obviously DO NOT own Saiyuki (If I did, do you think I'd be here simply WRITING FANFICTION?!) that is all.

Pairings: Gojyo x Hakkai (possible Sanzo x Goku...maybe if I can talk my friend into it )

Warnings: Suicide attempt, Disturbing Imagery(they're in a hospital later on...shudders ), Shounen-Ai, Yaoi(later), RP ficlet.

Author Notes: This is another RP changed into a story using original text from both players, I didn't change or add much to the fic. I mainly played Gojyo, my friend mainly played Hakkai/Demon Hakkai. We took turns at Sanzo, Goku, demons, extra characters. Please enjoy.

SUMMARY: Gojyo's spending his time in the room while Goku and Sanzo hit the baths. Hakkai arrives 'home' early with hardly any supplies...It's days until their next town. Hakkai experiences something he hasn't before, and somethings bothering the hell out of him...Gojyo tries to help.
Hakkai stared at Gojyo who was sulking on his bed. He closed the door gently behind him and set the groceries down on the floor.

"Gojyo, what's wrong?"

Gojyo looked up at Hakkai shaking his head slightly placing a hand onto his neck rubbing the back of it.

"Ah, It's nothin' really. I was just fuckin' bored is all." He replied while his eyes glanced to the bags wondering if there was anything to snack on. He swore to the heavens that he was slowly turning into that monkey.

"You're back early though aren't you?" He added placing his arm back by his side. Hakkai smiled.

"Not too early. I couldn't find half of the things on the list." He pulled the offending piece of paper out of his pocket and stared at it in concern. "This town is rather small."

"That'd explain it then. It looked big at first!" Gojyo sat up more on his bed bringing a leg up more to his chest to rest his arm on as he leaned up against the headboard.

"How far is it to the next town if you couldn't find half the things on the list?"

"Maa," said Hakkai with a smile. "Days." He dug in a bag and produced a carton of Hi-lights.

"Days eh? That'll please Mr. High Royal Pain in the Ass to no end." Gojyo mused looking up at the pack of Hi-lite

"I found these, but they didn't have any of Sanzo's brand. I think I'm in trouble." He threw the carton to Gojyo.

"Aw, thanks man." He caught the carton and set it next to him. "Ah screw that monk, it's not your fault if they didn't have his precious brand." He added with a grin. Hakkai gave a laugh.

"I'm not too worried. But he does get rather...er...cranky when things don't go his way." His smile said he wasn't concerned with Sanzo.

"That he does, but then he's cranky just about every minute of the day anyway." Said Gojyo with a shrug.

"How was the day?" Hakkai asked as he looked around. "Where are Sanzo and Goku anyway? In the baths?"

"Sanzo and Goku...yeah I think they went in not too long ago...as for the day? Guess you could say the usual. Daily whacking over the head sessions with the fan obsessed monk, and arguing about food with the chimp. You have a better day in the town?" muttered the kappa looking at the ceiling thoughtfully for a moment. Hakkai's smile fell and he sat on his own bed taking his monocle off he gave it to Hakuryu to play with then rubbed his face with his long hands.

"I had a little girl scream and run away from me for no apparent reason...other than that? Standard fare."

Gojyo turned around on the bed facing him now when he saw that smile falter. He watched the white dragon for a brief moment before turning his crimson gaze upon Hakkai again, a brow raised slightly.

"Scream and run? That's unusual...Maybe she mistook you for Sanzo." He said adding a laugh to his words. Hakkai's smile came back at that appreciative of the effort.

"I don't know what it was. I just smiled at her and she took off." He scratched the back of his neck. "I've never had that happen before."

"Yeah, perhaps it was one of those one time things?" Gojyo suggested, his expression turning into a frown, though he was thinking a little. He smiled a minute or so later at him. "Ah, I wouldn't let it worry you Hakkai."

Hakkai gave a little smile, "I suppose not." He reached out and touched Gojyo's hand.

"I think I could use a bath."

"Yeah? Same here in fact…we could always go join the other two, or one... depending on if the monkey's still living, although not hearing any gunshots or yells could be considered a good sign." Gojyo smirked amused with the thought.

"Maybe we could...find an empty one..." Hakkai said quietly. "I don't think...I can't smile around them right now."

Gojyo stayed quiet for a brief moment and nodded a small look of concern written over his face at his remark. "Sure we can." He said eventually now placing a hand onto his shoulder. "Be honest with me 'Kai. Is it bothering you? With the kid I mean."

Hakkai gave a small huff of a laugh through his nose. "I'm that obvious am I?"

"I can read you just as well you can read me..." The kappa stated matter-of-factly as he straightened up to stand looking to him. "But yes, you are sometimes." He gave a small smile to him. "Come on, you need the relaxation time more than any of us."

"I suppose I do." Hakkai sighed as he took the robe from next to the door and handed Gojyo another. "Care to join me?" He asked as he began to unbutton his tunic.

"Sure, I'll join ya'" Gojyo replied, taking his shirt off and discarded it to the side of his bed. He took the robe from him with a widened smile. "Thanks."

Hakkai turned his back to give himself some privacy and stripped pulling the robe over his skin he turned with a sigh to the dragon on the bed.

"You want to come too Hakuryu?" The dragon mewled and put his head down on Hakkai's pillow. Hakkai laughed.

"Tired are we?" He reached down and scratched the dragon behind the ear.

"You stay. We'll be back soon." He looked at Gojyo. "Ready?"

Gojyo had slipped off the rest of his attire quickly and placed the robe around him. He looked over his shoulder at the tired dragon briefly before turning back to tie the sash around his waist. He looked back to Hakkai with a nod. "Yep!"

Hakkai gathered their shower things blinking a little as his false eye blurred. Gojyo reached for the door handle after he walked the short distance to it.

"Hey, there should be one other free next to the one the monk and his pet are using now that I think about it." The kappa turned to his best friend not liking the sudden silence lingering in the air. "Oi, Hakkai?"

"Hmm?" Hakkai shook out of his thoughts. "Yes that sounds lovely."

"You wanna talk about what's bothering you?" asked Gojyo opening the door. "If you wanna' that is." He added as an after thought.

"It's...it warrants more consideration on my part before I share I think." The healer said walking through the door.

"A-Aa, gomen." Said Gojyo, shutting the door behind him, he knew better than to push on at something. He walked on ahead towards the baths humming a small tune to himself as he went.

"This one's empty by the looks of it..." Gojyo said opening the door turning to look at Hakkai.

"Cuties first, ne?" He commented adding a playful wink and grin. Hakkai snorted lightly and entered.

"Hardly cute Gojyo." He took his robe off and turned on the shower water, letting the hot water run down over his face and head. He made no move to clean himself, but just enjoyed the feel of the water as it washed his headache away. Gojyo had stayed silent when following him in, and closed the door gently behind him. He followed the brunette's actions, taking his robe off and going to stand under the water.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say that, 'Kai..." He said as leaned his head back a little letting the water run over him.

"We've lived together for over three years. I'd say you're probably a little biased." said the healer raising his head from the water long enough to answer. Gojyo shrugged sub-consciously and shook his head, shifting a little to answer him.

"You never know." He said running a hand through his hair once before reaching over for some shampoo, applied some and retreated back under the water to lather it into his hair. Hakkai's legs suddenly didn't want to support him anymore and he went down slowly onto his knees, holding the wall in front of him for support. He found himself crying, his false eye burning with effort. He shook and held his head and let the warm water touch him gently on the back.

"'Kai?" Gojyo twisted to the side seeing him out the corner of his eye sliding down to his knees. He let the water rinse through his hair removing some soap from it before he decided to go over to him, kneeling down next to him and placed a hand on his back gently.

"Hakkai? What's wrong?" Gojyo asked as Hakkai shrugged out of his touch gently. "I'm tired of it."

Gojyo decided to withdraw his hand figuring he shouldn't try to push on at him ...at the moment.

"Tired...of what?" He asked gently, wondering if he was referring to earlier.

"This trip, the cleaning up after everyone, the killing..." He didn't look up. "I'm so tired."

Gojyo didn't know what to really say to that, he was as guilty as the other two for leaving him to all the cleaning up. As for the trip he guessed none of them could be bothered with it...as for the killing, well they had said it was kill or be killed...and yeah sometimes it did get a bit much.

"Hakkai...I..." He started, stopping in mid though, the hell could he say? There was only really one thing he could say he was sorry for...oh well, he didn't figure it'd help much but..."I'm sorry,"

Hakkai sighed and stood, "It's not your fault dear Gojyo." He said putting a hand over the kappa's scars. "It gets harder to smile every day. But you're not the cause of that."

"I know it's not but..." Gojyo replied standing up as well slightly flinching at the touch but forced himself to bear with it for now. "I'm partly guilty to leaving you to clear up after the three of us..." He added. Hakkai's smile was soft and real.

"My dear friend. That is a fraction of the problem. It's not fair of me to blame it on any of you." He removed his hand. And reached for the shampoo.

"Aa, I know, still counts though..." Gojyo went back under his side of the water, letting the water rinse out the rest of the soap from his hair.

" Just, don't scare me like that again, ne?" He commented a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Hakkai stared at him a strange look on his face. "Yeah..." He continued to wash his hair and moved over to the bath letting himself down into the scalding water with a sigh.

Gojyo turned after the soap was all out, not seeing the strange look and followed him over.

"So, ya' feel any better?" He knew it was probably a stupid question but it was always nice to ask right? The healer lay his head back against the edge of the tub, "I'm on my way."

"Aa, s'always a good start... wonder what those two are up to, there's not been any noise since you went to get things and came back." He said after thinking about it. "Maybe the monkey got Sanzo to go get him something to eat ne?"

"Maybe they're asleep already. God I can only hope." Hakkai's green eyes slipped closed.

"Yeah maybe they are. It'll be a peaceful night for us either way." Gojyo laughed. "Come to think of it, have you eaten?" the kappa asked looking over to his friend seeing his eyes close.

Hakkai's green eye cracked open and he looked at Gojyo with a concentrating look..."Not since...the village two days ago."

"What?! You haven't?! Damn it Hakkai you shoulda' said... If you want to we can go get something later on?" He asked, looking back into his emerald coloured eye. His own eyes told him he was going to be stubborn and rather determined on making him eat something so he wasn't likely to faint or something. Hakkai gave him a little smile.

"You'll have forgotten by the time we get out." His arm rested on the edge of the deep tub his long fingers played over the top of the water languidly.

"Are you saying I'm forgetful or something?" Gojyo raising a single brow at him although smirked a little. He knew it himself it was true but he wouldn't forget this time. "I won't forget."

"I'm saying that I'll have changed the subject enough that you won't remember what it was you weren't supposed to forget." Hakkai had a whimsical smile on his face.

"Oh? I bet you won't, although you're quite welcome to try me." Gojyo said with a grin. He shifted a bit getting comfy determined that he wasn't going to let that happen. He'd remember by the time they got out.

"Gojyo...what's our record at our card games?" Hakkai opened one emerald eye again. "You aren't very good at winning against me...never have been."

"Gah...Wellllll..." He started looking to him. "I can always hope Lady Luck's on my side every now and then can't I?...Or..." He looked away, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling. "...just a lady? Hmm."

Hakkai's smile turned strained. "Ah yes. I suppose..." He left the sentence unfinished as his stomach gave a sharp pang. He winced.

"Yeah, I planned to go out later, buuuut," Gojyo said stretching slightly. "I can leave that for the next town we go to I think." He hadn't taken note of that wince.

Hakkai sat up and waved his hands, his usual fake smile well in place.

"No, no Gojyo not on my account. I wouldn't want to rob you of your fun."

"Naaaah, it's fine 'Kai. I'd already been warned off by his royal pain in the ass about going out anyway. I was gonna' do it to just to annoy the hell outta him." The kappa sniggered.

"It's fun to annoy him at times...until he draws that goddamned gun out and nearly hits." Gojyo added as an after thought. Hakkai sighed and felt his headache return at the mere thought,

"Dear lord, you three are..." His stomach twinged again and he drew his knees up this time as the ache kicked him in the chest.

"Us threeeee are?" Gojyo questioned turning to him again, his eyes widening with worry. "Hey, Hakkai you all right?"

"No I don't...think so." Hakkai said his voice strained.

"Why, what's wrong?" Gojyo asked sitting up and leaning over to his side a little.

"It's..." the pain ebbed again and Hakkai relaxed. "It's nothing."

"Nothing my ass, 'Kai...It's something..." He replied giving him that rare look of 'Don't gimme' that shit.'

"I...I'm just..." Hakkai fumbled for an excuse. But none came. "I'm..."

"Hmm? You're what?" His look softened a little reaching an arm over to place a hand on his shoulder. "You can tell me...ya' know that." Hakkai shook his head at him however. The kappa narrowed his eyes into a serious glare.


"No Gojyo. It's a bother. You just..." He gasped and pushed hard against Gojyo's hand as the pain in his stomach threatened to consume him. Gojyo withdrew his hand after it'd been pushed at. He ran a hand through his red tresses letting a small sigh slip through. "Damn it 'Kai...If it's bothering you then you can say it...whatever it is. I'm always there to listen and you damn well know it."

"Not this..." Hakkai put his hands over his scar and hung his head as his stomach protested, "This I can't tell you..." Gojyo sighed gently at the healer and raised both his hands a little giving into him.

"Okay, I won't push on at it." Lowering his hands back to his sides he let his glance lock onto the brunette from the side. Hakkai blinked a few times his vision blurring dangerously.

"I...I should get out." He put his hand on the edge of the tub and went to push himself up but his arm gave out and he fell back into the water in a very un-Hakkai show of clumsiness.

"Huh?" Gojyo winced inwardly, seeing him fall so...easily? He knew that wasn't like him at all. He got up and out helping the healer, not caring if he went to push away from him again... not that he'd let him after that little 'trick'. "Geez Hakkai..."

"Thank you Gojyo." Said the healer as he leant heavily on his friend, his head was light and his footsteps faltering.

"Aa," He replied, supporting him upright. Damn it that had been scarier than what had happened earlier.

"You...wanna go lie down for a bit? Eat maybe?" He said adding the second part deliberately looking to him. Hakkai laughed a bit at this.

"You win..." His smile fell to a wince of pain, "I want...I want..." He looked at Gojyo with more longing than the Kappa had ever seen. Hakkai wanted so desperately to say what was on his mind. Gojyo continued to look at him, giving him his full attention, also noting the longing look.

"Hmm? What is it that you want?"

Hakkai opened his mouth about to speak but dropped his head again. "I can't..."

"So say it when you're ready...c'mon I say we go get something to eat." Gojyo said kicking himself, damn he had to think of a better way of bringing it up. Hakkai nodded took one step and collapsed completely.