Disclaimer- me no own Naruto © , k?

I no there r a few quote capitalizing problem. I no. I'm lazy. Get over it, k? sorry, but it's too TROUBLESOME. (that's right. Shikamaru and I…. We're buddies. HA)

(a/n and oh yea, tenten is the light element. Hinata is the wind element. Srry, but I didn't even notice it/cries in corner/)

Magic words





omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo srry for the prople who read my story b-4 this! i put the wrong doc. on! ok, this is the REAL thing, ok?! ok?! good... ssssssssssssssssssoooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy!!!

----------------------saku's pov

ew… ew…EW. I thought, as a cockroach crawled around. Sasuke had grabbed my arm, and had dragged me all the way to the elevator. The other boys had dragged the others with them. Well, except for horio, hinata, who got dragged by naruto, and shikamaru. So I just followed afterwards, along with tenten, tomoyo, sakuno, and sakura. Now… CRAP! There's a…HUGE…bug… on… my… leg.


He sighed, and domo shiremo slipped out of his mouth. The bug popped off, and joined the rest of the bugs. That's when tsunade came in.

"TSUNADE BAACHAN! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO POOR HINATA CHAN!" naruto yelled. Hinata had fainted apparently, and was laying in naruto's arms, bridal style. She sighed.

"well, apparently, one of the giant flying bug queens has taken a liking to this place. No worries, but some of the beds have been eaten…" she said, examing the remains of a bed, "so it looks like we have to use the extra beds. We have 8 left, after the heaven dorm filled. So, I guess some of you have to share… now let's get this place cleaned. C'MON IN BOYS!" that's when shino came in, along with 2 other boys.

"let 'em rip, boys!" tsunade said. The boys lifted their arms, and a mammoth sized swarm of bugs came out of their sleeves. And after a few seconds, the entire bug thing was gone.

"wow…" sakura san, tomoyo, and tomo gasped.

"THANKS SHINO!" naruto screamed. Hinata had woken up, and was smiling. "thank you, shino san…"

neji, ryoma, and sasuke mumured, 'thanks'.

Tomoyo bowed, and said, "thank you, aburame san." Tomo grinned. "thanks!"

Tenten patted shino on the shoulder, and smiled. "thans, shino! Now I can sleep!"

Ino dragged shikamaru to shino and she grinned. "thanks shino! Now you do it, shika kun!"

He sighed. "fine. Thanks shino."

Sakura and shoaran came up together, and they bowed. "domo arigato, shino!" (a/n it means 'thank you very much')

Sakuno, horio, and eriol came up, and said their thank you's.

I bowed, and said, "thank you shino." He grunted. "you knew this was going to happen, didn't you?"

"bugs know more than you think." And he walked off. I stood there, thinking, Why do I get that feeling you're hiding something, shino?

Once the beds came, the problem that once came up in the train, came AGAIN. Who was going to sleep with who? That's when tsunade said, "just letting you know, 2 boys can't fit on the beds. You're too broad. It's a boy-girl pairing, you know? Unless you what the floor…"

"NO!" ino, tenten, and tomo screamed. Those 3 always got along…the loud, and the bold.

Sakuno, tomoyo, and hinata huddled together. The shy ones…

Horio, and naruto stayed together in a grinning marathon. Loud mouths…

Sasuke, ryoma, shoaran, and neji stayed with 1 another in silence. Quiet types…

Then I saw eriol and shikamaru talking to 1 another. Eriol was telling shikamaru some of his usual lies, and shikamaru would smirk, and then make up another lie. Intellectuals…

My eyes wondered to sasuke again. His raven hair framing his white, pale face, his onyx eyes covered by his eyelids. His arms were crossed across his firm chest… I shook my head. What the heck?!

Then sakura came up to me. "hey sakura chan, I see that you've developed a crush on the uchiha boy." I blushed.

"no I didn't!" I cried. She smirked. "hey sakura chan… can you keep a secret?" I nodded. Then us. The 2 that keep the group together… we're also…

"well… I found out… well…" she was blushing and smiling. "what? What is it, sakura?!" I asked.

"well… I found out shoaran's my mate!" she whispered excitedly. My mouth dropped. "no way… how did you find out?! Does he know?!"

she shook her head. "no. but you know, boys have to find out for themselves! I found out when we went to a indoor waterpark last month! He fell in cold water, and you know how marks show when a sudden shock, or you're so weak, that you can't hide it! His showed, and it was on the right! It was a upside down sakura (cherry blossom)!! But mine's on the left, and it's right side up!"

well, you see, in my world, (a/n the naruto/harry potter crossover world…) there is such thing as a mate. The one you get along with the most, the one you belong to. You're kinda like a posession, a slave to 1 another. Weird, but those with the opposite mark as you, like sakura's, a blossom, and shoaran's, upside down blossom, and it's on the opposite position on your chest, like if it was on the right, your mate's would be on the left, is your mate. All marks are somewhere near your heart. My mark is an angel wing on the left side.

I squealed. "you have got to tell him! I bet he'll be sooooooooooo excited!" she said, "maybe another day, but for right now, I wanna give him a few hints!" the bright ones…the mix.

"sakura! Sakura san! Wake up!" neji said, bring the 2 of us out of our trance. "we're choosing who's going with who."

"well, I would choose sakura, but I don't want any of you touching hinata!" naruto said. Neji glared.

"what?" he hissed. Naruto laughed nervously. Tenten came up, and calmed him down. "fine. But no 1 is going to sleep with you, but me, got that, tenten?" she blushed.


"you. Are. Not. Going. To. Sleep. With. Anyone. But. Me. Got it?" her blush deepened.

"g-g-got it…"

ino clung to shikamaru. (a/n she's shikamaru's fangirl! But he likes it, even though he doesn't show it. I'll explain why she's shika's fangirl, and not sasuke's or anyone else's, later)

"shika kun! You'll pair up with me, right?"

"troublesome. But, okay."

"shall thy lend me thy hand?" eriol asked tomoyo, as he knelt down on 1 knee, putting out his hand. She giggled.

"of course, sir eriol. I'd be delighted." She placed it in his. Those 2 deserve each other.

"hey tomo! Wanna pair up?!" horio called from across the room.

"sure!" she called back.

Then shoaran came up to sakura and asked, "um… wanna…" she giggled.

"of course! I'd love to be your partner!" she said.

I walked over to sakuno. She was alone, so I just stood next to her.

"waiting for ryoma?" I whispered. She looked at me, and nodded. "waiting for sasuke?" she asked. I shrugged. "why not?" I looked ryoma's and sasuke's way. I sighed. They were glaring at 1 another. Their eyes were screaming, 'I'll ask her 1st!'

sakuno sighed too. "I bet this is a sign of a BEAUTIFUL friendship between those 2." She said. I laughed. That's when I saw the boys walking towards us… speed walking… jogging… running… sprinting…

"SAKU(RA OR NO) DO YOU WANNA BE MY PARTNER?!" the 2 boys glared. We laughed. They stared at us.

"you look so cute when you get that look in you eye, ryoma kun!" sakuno laughed. Ryoma softened. Sasuke smirked.

"you know sasuke, you had the same look yesterday! So cute…" I laughed too. Sasuke softened up too. Ryoma smirked.

"but yes." Sakuno said through her giggles.

"we'll be your partners" I finished. The boys smiled. I looked at the clock. It was 4, another hour until the early dinner was going to happen.

"so… we have another hour, what are we going to do?" tomo pondered.

"I don't know…" tomoyo pondered as well.

"well, we can talk about what's new in our lives, and maybe some old memories. Right shoaran?" sakura said, nudging shoaran.

"shut up." He said. She stuck her tongue (sp?) out, and said, "make me!"

"that's sounds like a good idea. I would love to talk about my many years of experience in EVERYTHING!" horio boasted.

"well, I guess we could do that…" ino said, then she began thinking.

"sasuke, since you're new to the yinyang gang, this will be a good time to get to know us." Tenten said.

"does he really have to?" neji asked. Tenten bonked him on the head. "hey!"

"yes he does! Now, shut up, and let everyone else talk." She scolded. Neji frowned, but kept his mouth shut.

"ugh. Troublesome." Shikamaru said.

"I would like to get to know you, sasuke san." Eriol said, smiling towards sasuke.

"YEAH! I HAVE SO MANY NEW STORIES!!! LIKE WHEN I ALMOST GOT ARRESTED FOR BEING IN A 5 FT. DIAMETER OF ORLANDO BLOOM!!!" kinda obvious, right? Who's the 1 that orlando bloom got a restraining order on? That's right, our fave dobe, naruto. (A/n Sorry, orlando bloom fans, but I love making fun of many there are of you… there's a lot. About half my friends LOVE him.)

"I hope we can get to know 1 another sasuke san…" hinata whispered.

"that would very nice to be aquainted with you sasuke…" sakuno said shyly, with ryoma's arm protectively around her waist.

"and how I would NOT love to get to know you." He said, smirking. "ditto." Sasuke said out of the blue. "So… who's 1st?" I asked.

"how about you sakura?" I smiled, and said, "NOPE!" then I pointed at the seigaku 4. "you guys. Tell your stories at your school."

"huh?! WHY?!" tomo yelled. Horio ducked and covered. "WHERE'S THE EARTHQUAKE?!" he shouted. Tomo hit him in the head. "THERE'S NO EARTHQUAKE, YOU BAKA!" (a/n did I mention that means fool? Or idiot?) horio grinned.

"I guess you're right. It was you." Tomo fumed.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!" horio cowarded. "nothing…"

"good boy." She said.

"s-sakura… do we have to?" sakuno said. I nodded. Ryoma didn't say anything, but according to the smirk on his face, he couldn't wait to brag to sasuke.

"I'll go 1st." horio said. "my name is satoshi (a/n I think…) horio. I have 2 years of experience at magic at seigaku. I'm from a line of tennis players, a few are pros, but most of them turned to family lives. But I want to be pro, and that's why I tried out for the tri wizard tournament. My dad is a coach for magic tennis, my mom stays at home. I have 1 baby brother."

"me next!" tomo smiled. "my name is tomoko o. my last name is unneeded, so, don't question me. I have 5 years at magic, 9 in tennis. (a/n made it all up!) my family is new to tennis, but for some reason we're all naturals. The principle saw me practicing, and she convinced me to try out. So I did, and here I am. My family has both parents, and a pair of twins."

"um… uh… I'm sakuno ryuzaki. Yes, I am sumire granddaughter. For my entire life, since I was 4, so about 9 years, I've been playing tennis. I've been using magic for 4 years, though. My family was filled with semi pros, and a few pros, like my grandmother. Tennis is natural to me, but it's the magic that kills me. Being at this, my grandma signed me up. And… I made it. It's only my grandma and me." Sakuno said. I looked at ryoma.

"what? Oh. Ryoma echizen, from the echizen clan, known for it's full on line of pros. Practicing since I was 2, 13 years, for each, magic and tennis. I'm okay at both (a/n LIAR!). As a birthright, I guess people expect me to be good. The old lady made me try out. And unfortunatly… I made it. Family has dad, mom, brother, cat, and cousin." Everyone stared. "what?"

"that's the most I've ever heard from you ryoma…" sakuno said. He tilted his cap down. I giggled to myself. He's blushing.

Then I pointed to the clow 4. "your guys' turns."

"OH YEA!" sakura said, standing. Shoaran pulled her down. She giggled.

"anyway, I'm sakura kinomoto. You met my older brother, toya. My family has magic in it's blood, so it got passed down. I've been training since I was 5, so 10 years. You can say the principle has a small blood connection to me, so I tried out to see if I could do it. And I made it/giggle/ it's only my borther, and my dad."

"shoaran li." Shoaran said, "I'm from hong kong, but I moved to japan for the schools. Like sakura, I have a small connection, and magic's in my blood. But I've been training since I was 3, so I have 12 years of experience. I tried out, for my own personal reasons, though I didn't intend to make it. But I did. It's me with my mother, and my… ugh… sisters."

"tomoyo! I'm from a family where magic isn't common. We own 'sakura toys' industries. My company goes hand-in-hand with sakura's company. Mrs. uzumaki is a very nice lady. But I tried out to test my abilities, and I made the cut/Giggle/ I only have my mother." Tomyo said.

"eriol. Very meet you again, sasuke. I have a LARGE connection to mr. clow, and my family is not big. It's only me, and nakuru, and souppie. I've had magic my entire life, so 15 years. I also tried out for personal reasons."

Sasuke nodded. Then I pointed to ino, who was at the opposite side of me. "you go ino!"

"fine! I'm ino yamanaka, and my family is large. Magic is common, but it's special addition is what made me stand out as a yamanaka. I'm very good at it. I won't say what it is, but it's good. I have 8 years of know how. Your turn, shika kun!"

"ugh… shikamaru nara. My family is also large, and magic common as well. My clan adds special additions too, and like ino, I'm very good at it, and I won't say. I have 10 years of experience, and blah." Shikamaru said shortly. Neji was next.

"hyuuga neji, I'm from the branch clan, but that also as large as the main. These eyes are our special ability, we can see… I won't say. But I'm better than most main housers, and I have 10 years of experience on my belt."

Tenten smiled and said, " tenten. Just, tenten. well, I never knew my family. But I moved here from china when I was little, an I met ino. She helped me with finding a job, so I bought an apartment, yada yada. But I came here because ino dragged me, but I do have 8 years of experience."


"hinata hyuuga… I'm a main family member… and as neji said, we have eye abilities. I have 11 years of experience, but I am still weaker than my cousin, neji. But I'm here because hyuuga's, main, or branch, have to attend school." She said softly.

Then sasuke turned to me. I gulped. Well, here goes nothing… literally.

"well, sakura haruno… I'm an orphan, and I live with naruto… I came here because it kinda was like a birthright… haruno's have always gone to hogwarts. I've had magic since…… a long time." I said softly. Everyone looked at me strange. Naruto put the back of his hand on my head.

"are you alright, sakura chan?"

"yeah! Of course!" I exclaimed. I looked at the clock, and it was blinking, 4:30. "hey naruto… why don't you tell everyone that incident with the metal tray, and brad pitt?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Naruto perked up.

"OH YEAH! DAMN THOSE AMERICAN ACTORS… THEY THINK JUST CAUSE I HAVE THEIR FACE, I KNOW THEM! BUT NO! okay, so I was at a print shop, when I bumped into him…" he went on.

-------------------------------sasu's pov

sakura's hiding something…

yea… but what?

Ah, not you again.

Aw! You missed me! Oh cute. /hugs/


Now what could our blossom be hiding?

Yea… wait, she is not yours!… OR MINE!


Shut up.



Well, let's give her some time. Maybe she'll open up…

I wonder if she's our mate… you know. We feel different around her…

Then hers would be an angel wing on the left side.

Well, we'll find out, now won't we?

"… and then I slid off the ramp, fell, thus hitting brad pitt in the head with a metal tray." Naruto finished. How long was I out? I looked at the clock. It was blinking, 5:00.

A long time.

"c'mon sasuke! We're gonna go eat!" sakura said, holding her hand out. "we have class tomorrow, so might as well enjoy ourselves."


And off we went. When we came to the dining hall, they served some sort of soup. It was good… but I think I saw an eye in there…

When we went to bed sakura wore the same, t-shirt, with nothing underneath… and I rather not prove that fact. "good night sasuke kun."

"night… sakura."

"and sasuke kun?"


"what level are you?"


"never mind… but you know that the tournament starts in 3 days… so you better find out. And oh yeah…"

"what is it?" I asked.

"your mark is a devil's wing on the right side, isn't it?" she asked. My eyes widened. "because mine's an angel wing on the left side."

And with that, she said, "good night… sasuke kun."

A/n… wow, that sucked. T.T