This is a story, (most likely a little AU, not so sure yet) about the life of Padme Amidala Skywalker, how she grew to be the person we know in our lovely movies. This is a Padme x OC starting off, but in the future, there will be Anidala just the way most fans like it. I won't spoil the story for you, because I'm really excited about this. This story began as a role-play by my cousin and I, and now since it turned out so great, I decided to transform it into a story for everyone to enjoy. So do so!

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, though I've been a fan since I was a wee lass…just kidding about the wee lass deal, my obsession is my father's fault.

It was the beginning of a new life for a young Padme Naberrie. As she carried in the last box from the speeder, she could not help but think of this new future that was about to blossom.

Ever since she had been invited to join the Legislative Youth Program in Theed, she had been having troubles in arriving at the academy on time. Thus the explanation for her family moving towards the suburbs of the capital.

Jobal and Ruwee Naberrie had been thrilled on the acceptance of their youngest daughter. The program had been meant for children of the ages thirteen and above. Yet she had been accepted at age ten. Despite how Jobal had expected her to follow a much simpler life, Ruwee could easily spot that the young girl had the gifts that a politician would indeed possess.

As her older sister, Sola, assisted her with the last box, across the lakeside, she met the glance of a young boy of her age. Dark, curly hair was on his head, followed by the piercing gaze of his gentle blue eyes. Padme looked back at him, surprised. Then again, they did expect this sort of attention when they moved into a new home.

"Padme, stop day dreaming so we can unpack the rest of this stuff!" Sola stated calmly, nudging her little sister in the ribs. Padme winced, nodding as she broke contact with the boy.

"Okay, just stop being so pushy!" the younger girl snapped back. As sisters, the two did tend to bicker a lot. And right now, they were bickering all the way to the door.

It was at this that the boy chuckled at the two from his position in a tree, tossing his ball to himself happily.

Padme had a day to spend until she began her schoolwork. And she was planning to spend it the right way that any child wished.

She had changed into some of her play clothes and a swimsuit underneath, as she walked out onto the lakeside docks. The water was a gentle blue, yet the tint of green was there to remind those spectating of its true name.

She sat down on the edge, gazing back across the lake. Her eyes searched for that boy she had seen the other day. In search of entertainment, as well as a possible friend.

She wrapped her dark curls around her finger, as she spotted something splashing in the water. She darted up, her eyes falling upon the same boy from the other day. He was swimming in the waters below, enjoying himself in his own company.

He looked up from where he had been towards the girl watching him, as he waved like as though they were friends.

"Hi!" he greeted, as she waved back. He began to swim towards the dock, interested. She seemed friendly enough, as he pulled himself on.

"Hi…I'm Padme," she responded from his earlier greeting. He grinned, wiping some water off his forehead.

"I'm Palo," he introduced, shaking hands with her. The girl smiled back, surprised that he had even come to say anything to her. Most boys her age were annoying and smelled funny.

"Nice to meet you. So…where do you live?" she asked, looking out towards the lake. He pointed out at a house across the lake, towards another dock.

"My house is over there. I've been living here with my parents for a long time. Did you just move in?" he asked, interested in how she arrived here.

"Yes, I came here yesterday. My parents, sister, and I had to move here since I was joining the Legislative Youth Program," she explained. He furrowed his eyebrows in surprise, tapping his chin.

"I'm in that program too. I guess that means we might have some of those classes together," he remarked, smiling. She nodded, grinning for a moment. It was then that she decided that she liked Palo, as a friend. And the first thing she ever did to friends was mess with them.

"Neat…" she replied, distracting him as she pushed him into the lake water. He however had a feeling that she was up to something. So he grabbed her hand and yanked her into the water as well.

Padme let out a squeal, splashing into the water with him. The two children began to laugh, splashing each other.

"Agh, I'm going to get you, Palo!" she screamed, swimming after him. He laughed hysterically, trying to get away as she chased after him.

"No, no!" he shouted, swimming as fast as he could. He didn't realize she was a fast swimmer, having caught up to him quickly. She grabbed him by the shoulders, dunking him under the lake water for a moment. He laughed even under water, forcing himself to the surface.

"Okay, okay you got your revenge!" he gasped, spitting lake water out of his mouth. It was now Padme's turn to laugh, as she placed a lump of seaweed on his head.

"Okay, now that works for me," she said, as he patted his head to find the weed there.

"Ewww, Padme, that's gross…now you're going to EAT some," he insisted, pulling it off his head and shoving it at her. She squealed, flinging it away as she desperately tried to escape this sentence.

"No! Get that away!" she insisted, trying to swim away from the boy. He smirked, grabbing at the water in efforts to seize her back.

"Come on, don't you want some?" he replied, laughter coming from him as he pushed himself harder to get to her.

"No, that's disgusting. Especially to eat." she replied, managing to get to the shoreline.

"Mhmmm…" he responded, chasing after her as she ran towards the nearby forest area. He may have been slow in the water, but he was definitely faster on land. He quickly sped up to her, tackling her on the ground.

Padme fell with a squeak, as he dangled the seaweed above her. She fastened her mouth shut, refusing to eat the plant. Palo reached towards her, tickling her in efforts to get her to open her mouth.

"You've got to open up soon!" he stated, as she fought back tears of laughter. She had to keep fighting, or she'd have to taste the foulest thing in the lakeside area. He suddenly felt her sit up and shove it in his mouth as he spoke.

"I got you two times now," she replied, as he hacked up the disgusting algae. He spat it out on the ground, looking like he would be sick.

"Ewww….That was so gross…" he managed to say. She shrugged, hating that he even tried to make her eat it. It was just a joke, right?

"Sorry…you did try to make me eat it," she stated calmly, as he shot a glare at her. "YOU. Not me!" he retorted.

He then sighed, the moldy flavor leaving his tongue. "Oh well…Just have to promise that I won't be forced to eat any more disgusting things…"

"Okay. Never again, I swear on…this tree!" she said, pointing at the tree above her. Palo studied the branches, grinning.

"Good…hey, this tree would be perfect for a clubhouse. Maybe this summer I can build one…" he said fondly at the gigantic tree.

"I can help," Padme replied, watching him study that tree. She did not understand why he was so amazed by it, but one day she would find out.

"That will be how you make up for me eating that seaweed."

What did you think? I gave it my best, so hope you enjoy. I forgot to mention this earlier, but we do hear of Palo in Episode II, I wouldn't exactly call him an OC. I'm just taking the name that she talked about and giving him a real story. How about some lovely reviews? Please?