Author's Note: Here's Chapter 3! I'm a pretty slow writer and a procrastinator at that, so you people seriously have to be patient with me. :P Thanks for all the great reviews, faves, and alerts so far! You guys rock and I love you all for the support!
I've struggled and struggled to keep this as in character as I can, but I'm slowly failing. x/ I hope you guys can put up with some ooc.
I also edited chapter 2 for typos. Bad, bad me. Tsk.
Saix bit his lip nervously, quickly opening up another portal in front of himself to return to his room. The late meeting with the Superior had just shaken him out of his usual arrangement, making him twitch involuntarily. He sat on the edge of his bed, fingers running idly against the black sheets, as he looked out at the pale light of Kingdom Hearts outside the large floor-to-ceiling window. The Luna Diviner mumbled quietly to himself in thought; they were Nobodies, they could not feel... then why could he not sleep, why was he thinking... the way he was thinking?
He shook his head slightly to disperse his thoughts, grumbling to himself. His ghostly reflection in the window showed how tired he looked - then he remembered. Saix glanced to the small bedside table, where the pills Vexen had given him stood innocently.
He could... try...
He unzipped his cloak and threw it off somewhere across his room, not being the neatest person. Falling back onto the bed, he grabbed the small bottle and started squinting at the tiny print on the back. After a moment, he felt like he hadn't taken in any of the writing at all - so he just tossed the bottle away across the floor and rolled around onto his side to stare morosely at it where it had rolled into a corner.
If he wanted to sleep so badly, why didn't he just take one, and do so? The once sentence he had read had definately said 'dreamless sleep'. He just couldn't stop asking himself why he didn't take one, but every time his own being wouldn't answer. There was also a small sliver of his mind saying - But you want to dream!
Saix mentally stabbed that part of his mind and told the voice to go away. It's not like your mind listens to you, because it persisted. The Luna Diviner heaved a great sigh and relaxed slightly, closing his eyes. Oh well. He could lie here, all night, listening to the silence and feeling the soft blue glow of the moon on his eyelids.
Xemnas had reached the rooftop; but he did nothing there but pace, looking up at Kingdom Hearts every so often and muttering a question that the luminous monolith would never answer.
After another half hour, he grew disgusted of the cycle of walking around the rooftop, and warped to the hallways down below with a sigh. He was back in the same hallway where he had met Saix just a few hours before - soon the Castle's other occupants would be waking.
Best to be back in my room, he thought, I don't want to be accused of doing odd things I didn't do. The Superior had strode purposefully down half the hallway - then noticed that a door was slightly ajar. The door to Saix's room. Curiosity got the better of him - he tiptoed to the door and peeked in. The Luna Diviner seemed to be sound asleep.
Saix felt Xemnas' presence immediately; his senses had become trained to detect it. He had two options - he could get up and greet Xemnas, ask him what he was doing here, and show him that he wasn't asleep either, or he could lie here and pretend to be asleep while Xemnas.. well, he was going to leave, right? Saix chose the second option and relaxed convincingly, pretending to be sound asleep.
Xemnas was fidgeting in the doorway - an inner voice was whispering to him to step inside, while sense was telling him to close the door and leave. He succumbed to the first voice and took a tentative step into Saix' chamber as if he was doing it for the first time - not that he had not been here before. On official business, of course.
The Superior tiptoed again over to the foot of Saix' bed, holding his breath for fear of disturbing VII's apparent sleep. He felt his sense tingle and start to churn again; he felt more curious than he had ever before, for some reason. After so many sleepless nights, he was here. He inched around the edge of Saix' bed until he was right in front of him.
He sat there, for long moments of silence, watching Saix in his 'sleep'. For in truth Saix was pretty much as awake as he could be - his thoughts were going haywire and so were his senses. Thoughts raced through his mind, wondering what Xemnas was doing. After a moment, his mind reeled when he felt Xemnas' hand brush against his arm. He stilled himself best he could, keeping his arm from twitching.
Xemnas smiled slightly at Saix' sleeping form, so sleek and handsome. His blue hair spilled over his shoulders, tousled like liquid moonlight. The Superior brushed a few strands back from the Luna Diviner's pale face, admiring it. Saix gave a small impulsive twitch and Xemnas drew his hands back. After so long, it had been difficult not to make a move, not to touch... primordial senses directed his actions, but he controlled them with difficulty.
Xemnas shuffled back to
the door, and looked back once.
"Night." he whispered
quietly, and left, closing the door behind him.
Saix didn't hear anything for the rest of the night.
Author's Note: Whoo. Two in the morning and I'm finally done Chapter three.. phew. I haven't slept for the past week, ironic, eh? xD Let's hope the next update is quick.
R&R, thanks!
- Clari