I do not own invader Zim or any of the characters. I am just an insignificant insect that is just a fan. All characters belong to Jhonen Vasquez and nickelodeon.

This is the sequel to "Dodge ball to Destruction" and the prequel to "THE TRAIL OF APOCALYPSE AND DOOM"

I did a revise of this story because I want to make it more understandable. Also the reasons I wants too, is that I also revises my first story so I didn't want any confusion in my sequence of stories… I hope you all like!


Zim rests his head on his desk as Miss Bitters keeps droning on and on of doom. The spooky teacher croons out "Doom, doom, doom, doom... and where will it all end class?"

Zita raises her hand.
"Yes Zita?" Miss Bitters points with her long old pointy finger at the girl.
"Doom, Miss Bitters?" answer Zita.
"Correct Zita" Miss Bitters nods in approval.

Zim gave Zita an annoyed "you 'Miss' Know- it- all" look. Zita stuck her tongue out at Zim. Zim stuck his long snaky tongue back at her in retaliation! "BLAAAAH!"

"ZIM!!! Answer this question, what is the meaning of life?" Miss Bitters screech.

Zim turns to Miss Bitters with his tongue still sticking out "mmm? Mmm?" Zim slurps his snaky tongue back in, the he taps his chin in thought…"eh...uh, doom?" he answers.

Miss Bitters rebukes, "Wrong! The answer to the meaning of life is 42!" She emphasis that with a slap of the ruler on her desk!

Dib cocks his eyebrow. Far is it that he wanted to defend Zim yet… 42? He raises his hand and said, "Wait, Are you saying that the answer to life is 42? That was on the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!"

Miss Bitters mock, "Well Dib since you read that book you can write a book report on it!"

Dib raises his hand again, as he argues further "Miss Bitters! Everyone's read that book!"

Miss Bitters raises her brow and her scoffs, "Really Dib? Do you think everyone reads?"

Dib turns to the class as he spoke. Dib disputes, "That's ridiculous! I am sure..." and pauses. The looks at everyone else in the class were blank expressions on their faces.
Dib frowns at that, "Oh come on! Anyone? It is like the best sci-fi that came out! IT'S A CLASSIC!" …still, nothing sparks any intelligence in their eyes.

Zim stuck his chin up and retort, "I read it, but Cows don't speak European English."

Dib cocks his eye in doubt of Zim's comment, "oh seriously Zim? The Hitchhikers Guide is real?" he asks.

Zim threw his head back, laughs..., laughs..., and laughs. Then he went maniacal in his laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" interrupts Dib.

"FOOLISH DIB, I, THE GREAT ZIM WILL RELISH IN YOUR DESTRUCTION! THE HITCH HIKERS GUIDE IS BASES ON... uh…uh oh… " Zim stops and realizes he might have said too much, "OH NO I HAVE SAID TOO MUCH!" Zim said aloud to himself.

Zim turns to the rest of the class and shook his threatening fist at them, "YOU HEARD NOTHING! NOTHING!"The class just stares in awkward bafflement.
Someone in the background gave a cough, "coughspecial Ed kidcough"


The whole class doubles up in laughter at Zim!

Miss Bitters strikes her ruler on her desk! "SHUT YOUR TRAPS AND HAPPINESS!" WHAP!

The whole class stops laughing.

"As you all know, Zim will have to miss the rest of the class after lunch tomorrow for his remedial class. Zim needs extra attention because he is unbalances." Miss Bitters leans in real close to Zim and as something rattles… she sneers at Zim, "Which means Zim that the school wants you out of it's ordinary class and stick you somewhere out of the way!"

Zim is at first shocked! "Like I… I am defective?" Zim squeaks.

"YESSSS!" she answers with a hiss.

Zim looks about the class… then he turns back to his desk… sinking down on his seat… deflates.

"Ouch…" Dib wince at the hurt in Zim's stare as Zim just gazes out at nothing.
Dib spoke up, "Hey that is not what remedial class is about! He and Gaz are only in there just because of what happened at GYM!" (See Dodge ball to Destruction)

Miss Bitters coldly shot back "No one remembers that! And with their short attention span you can't count on them to remember yesterday!" said Miss Bitters.

Dib crosses his arms; he thought that the whole thing is just too mean. It is one thing for Dib to pick on Zim for being an alien. However, this had a cruelty that he did not like.

The whole class starts laughing at Zim again, forgetting Miss Bitters telling them to shut up earlier.

Zim had squeezes his eyes shut; He is shaking as if something is boiling in him! Then something clicks back in Zim like the hammer of a revolver drawing back.
Zim turns to the others with fire in his eyes and an aura lashing out!
Zim narrows his eyes at the class and jumps on his chair and pointes, "YOU ARE ALL DEFECTIVE! YOU SLUG BRAINS!"

Dib could see hurt in Zim, as his eyes seem to about water. Then Zim pauses, looking about as if he realizes where he is… Zim looks around at the class.
Zim clears his throat as he collects himself. Zim got down from his chair. Zim gathers his books and his composure, straightens his shirt, and turns to Miss Bitters.

Zim bows his head to her and said in a puffs-up manner, "I would be honored to go to this REMEDIAL CLASS." Then Zim turns his head to the class and in a tone dripping with venom, "For I ZIM may find some intelligence there." Zim raise his chin up in arrogance and marches out of the class.

"ZIM! Where are you going? You don't start class till tomorrow!"
The lunch bell rang.
Miss Bitters growls under her breath, "Never mind" she turns back to her desk.

Dib could not help but feel some pity but only because he can imagine what Gaz might be going through...