Four Fears
Written for the Sailor Moon Monthly Fanfiction Challenge
December Challenge - Day Eleven: Phobia
by Kihin Ranno


He's afraid of being alone.

He tells people that his mother used to leave him alone. Or he got lost in the woods and wandered around by himself for days. But that isn't true. He's always been surrounded by people. He shouldn't be so paranoid of abandonment because he doesn't know what it's like to be abandoned.

But he has nightmares all the time, and he cries into his pillow so that no one hears. This goes on for sixteen years until one day he has a different dream. That's when he realizes that he was the one who left.


He's afraid of clowns.

He knows it's stupid. He knows he shouldn't tell people because they make fun of him. But he still refuses to go to the circus, and he still entrusts friends with that secret. He never regrets it.

He can't help it; clowns are creepy. They're always smiling and laughing. They're too quick with jokes and too resilient as they trip all over themselves and cram their bodies into tiny cars.

But mostly he can't get over the fact that he knows that there is a monster underneath that smile. He knows because he's the same way.


He's afraid of fire.

When he finds out why, he thinks "how fucking typical" and "I'm such a cliché." He tries to carry around a lighter to prove that he's no longer afraid, but he sweats so much when it's in his pocket that he has to shower afterwards.

Then he tries to play with matches: ridiculous for someone his age. He manages to light one, shakes, burns his fingers, and throws them out.

Finally, he goes to a Shinto shrine because he knows about their sacred fire. That's when he sees her, and he finds something else to fear.


He's afraid of Kunzite.

He's always known there's something else inside him. Something older and darker and more vicious than he could ever be. It's twisted and wrong but most of all sorry for everything it's done.

That doesn't change what Kunzite is.

Kunzite is foul. Kunzite is cruel. Kunzite is covered in blood and he likes the taste. Kunzite killed his best friend. Kunzite killed his lover. Kunzite killed a lot of people, and Kunzite is trying to kill him too. Kunzite wants his body, and Kunzite has never lost.

He's afraid of Kunzite: the monster in his head.