Powerbond, and Cyber Dark Circle. I got it! I got it but it says I can't activate it on the first turn I receive it. Okay now let me remember what Cyber Dark Circle does. Man, it has the most complicated effect.
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all damage from spells, traps, and monster effects are reduced to zero. Take up to three fusion material monsters from you or your opponents grave and summon them to your side of the field in defense mode. Within five turns of their summoning, (this applies to all fusion monsters that were present at turn) if any of those monster(s) are to be destroyed in battle, the controller of that card takes 1000 points of damage for each fusion material monster used.
I got it. Okay, if Cyber End gets destroyed I lose 3000 life points and lose the duel, but Zane takes equal damage if his Cyber Dark Dragon gets destroyed. Worth a try, it's the only chance I've got.
"Atti! Wait up for me!" An eight year old Alexis was running down the pavement, determined to catch up with her brother. Then her foot got caught in a dent in the ground and she fell forward, skinning her palms and knee. Alexis tried not to cry, she expected for her brother to appear from behind the surrounding trees and help her up. He didn't. That's when a few tears fell.
"Are you alright?" a softer male voice asked. Alexis looked up to see a hand extended to her. She accepted it as the boy helped her stand up. "You're Atti's friend, Zane." Alexis said. She could feel her cheeks turning pink. Zane smiled, it was a small one. "Yeah, I'm glad you're alright."
Alexis's cheeks deepened in color and she looked down. "Thank you."
"It wasn't a problem, but be more carefle next time for me and you okay?"
End Flashback
Memories tempted for Alexis's eyes to leak but she wasn't crying, not now. She is not going to get weak, not now.
"I play scapegoat to summon four sheep tokens and a face-down. That's all for now." Alexis said. She looked up to her side. Jaden, Syrus, nor Chazz knew what she was doing but Atticus understood. He gave her an encouraging smile.
"So you're stalling now?" Zane sneered. He drew. "I play Cybernetic Costdown. This summons all machine types from my deck and grave to my field regardless of monter zones. If all of them are sent to the grave in this turn then I don't take any damage. However if I don't I take 500 points of damage from each monster."
"What are you doing, Zane?" Alexis asked.
"It's been nice knowing you, Lexi." He grinned. Alexis tried not to show her fear as Zane's ten monsters looked down at her. "I play polymerization to fuse all of my monsters to form this!" The ground trembled around them as a giant ten-headed dragon formed in a blaze of blue fire.
"What is that thing? I've never seen you play it!" It was true. Alexis looked up to her friends who all had a horrified expression on their face. Alexis was afraid to look but she did. "8-8000 attack points?" No, this was impossible.
"I'd like to introduce you to a very close friend of mine, Chimeratech Over Dragon. He has a special effect too. The amount of monsters I used to fuse it is the same amount of times he can attack. Way more than enough to wipe your field clean and your life points! Go Over Dragon and destroy all those sheep tokens!"
"Alexis!" Atticus yelled.
"No! She'll lose!" Syrus said in despair.
"Alexis can't, she came so close!" Jaden said.
"Oh god, why does that have to be there! 10 attacks, 8000 points each!"
Alexis was frozen. Ten broad beams of light blasted towards her.
An explosion that could be heard from miles around filled the dueling field. The four suffered suspense as the smoke took forever to clear. When it did, Alexis was barely on her feet. Her field was clean but her lifepoints remained the same.
"What? This duel should be over!" Zane pointed out. Atticus fell over in relief. "That was too close."
"Well it isn't, Zane," Alexis started. "Only four of your attacks went through because I activated this. It's simple and cliched but highly useful! Negate Attack!"
"You spared yourself this time, but I think these shocks have been getting to your head. You should've stopped me earlier!" Jaden though about this, "You know he's actually right. Why didn't Alexis use it in the beginning. Atticus, do you know?"
"Just wait and see." He replied.
"You'll see. My turn!" She drew. "Zane, it's time. I activate a very special card called Cyber Dark Circle, compliments to Big Brother!" Zane's eyes widened as the field changed drastically. The surrounding sky and ground turned black and green light shone from the hair-thin fissures that appeared in the ground.
"Cyber Dark Circle-?"
"Yes, Zane. It's the same card you gave to Atticus! I activate it's effect. You should know what it does! (For my sake, don't make me explain it again.) I use it to summon your three Cyber Dragons you ditched a while back!"
"But why-?" He was confused.
"And I use a gift from your own brother, Zane. I fuse these three Cyber Dragons using Powerbond to form Cyber End Dragon!" The silver three-headed dragon appeared in all his glory. Zane staggered back. "How?"
"Cyber End Dragon, it's time to bring your old master back. From beginning to end!"
Jaden still seemed to be comfused. "Wait, what is she saying? They both have equal amount of attack points. Alexis will lose when her turn ends and Zane will still have lifepoints!"
Atticus had a grave expression on his face. "If any of those fusion monsters is destroyed, the controller takes damage. But that still doesn't explain everything, Lexi. What are you planning?"
"Zane..." She spoke his name very softly, the world around them two seemed to fade. "You might not think so but I will win this duel, no matter what. Do you know how?"
Zane realized what was going to happen. "No, Alexis, don't, it could kill you."
She smiled, "Maybe, welcome back Zane."
The earth reappered around them. "Go Cyber End Dragon, time to put down that Chimeratech!" Three beams of lightning was unleashed and then Chimeratech Over Dragon let loose its own attack.
"Alexis no!" Blinding light and a deafening explosion occurred as the two attacks collided, both players were consumed in the thick smoke. This time Atticus didn't wait for the smoke to clear, without thinking about safety he slid down the steep cliff and dissappeared within the smoke. Jaden, forgetting about his condition followed. The rest reluctantly followed too.
The smoke was getting thinner and thinner. The two duelists were both on their backs, yards away from where they were former standing. Atticus was supporting Alexis's head. "Zane.." She whispered before falling unconscious.
- - - - -
"So how's my sister?" Atticus asked the nurse. Jaden and Chazz took a seat beside Alexis's bed. Syrus was at Zane's.
"She's doing fine but she did take a bigger hit than Mr. Yuki. However Mr. Truesdale has a much worse condition. His influence with constant underground duels has done serious damage to his body and nerves. He may make a full recovery or might not.."
Atticus bunched up his guts and asked, "Will... he have a chance of dieing?" This question caught the rest's attention, especially Syrus's.
"The doctor had told me he does have a fairly large chance, More advanced medical doctors are making there way to the academy soon. I'm sorry Mr. Rhodes." She bowed before leaving. Atticus collapsed in a nearby chair, his face covering his stricken face. Syrus had turned pale, he was way too worried to all he managed to say was, "Big bro..."
Now as Zane's friends were both worrying about the fact that he was hovering somewhere between life and death, he was in his own thoughts, trying to sort his confused feelings...
He was walking through a blank world, everything was empty and a bright white, he kept walking until he saw something. Nothing came, it was as if reality had moved far, far away... It was silent until,
He froze. The voice was so strange yet so familiar to him. It sounded like coarse metal grinding against each other but some how smoothened.
"Who's there..?" Zane asked in the emptyness, what was this strange voice he heard several times before?
"Zane, do you not recognize us?" In a gust of wind and blue lightning, a dragon appeared before Zane. Its' heads were raised but lowered as six shining eyes gazed down upon him.
Zane gasped, "Cyber End Dragon!" After the time Zane had turned his back on his own partner, he never paid one more thought of it.
"When you lost to Aster Phoenix you gave up your beliefs, your old and right ways just for cold victory. You turned away and abandoned your friends who were once by your side,"
Zane looked down, hot tears burned at the corners of his eyes but he held them back.
Cyber End continued, "Back then you had a choice, a choice to stand back up, but you didn't. You sank lower and lower, Zane. However you still do have a choice. Zane, you're one step to awakening, and one step to death. Your friends are still waiting for you in your own world, don't let them down now."
It dissappeared, leaving Zane standing there. Cyber End is right, I was wrong, I was wrong all along, Yes, I will choose life over death. I am sorry.
- - -
Syrus was sipping his drink nervously, Jaden was watching him.
"Jaden, Zane hasn't woken up in like a week. Alexis is with him now.. but..."
"Syrus, I'm sure Zane will be just fine. I mean he's not really the weakest guy out there now is he?" He gave a reassuring pat on the back. Suddenly Chazz burst into the room. "Good news Syrus! Zane is finally waking up!" Syrus almost suffocated him until he jumped off ran like he never ran before to Zane's wing.
Meanwhile, tears of relief and happiness ran down Alexis's cheeks. "I'm so glad you're okay, Zane. Doctors say it was a medical miracle." Zane let out a short laugh, "Medical Miracle? No, isn't that a bit cliched. A.. friend helped me."
"Friend?" Alexis asked, before Zane could answer the rest of the gang burst into the room.
And so then most feelings were confessed, apologies and thanks were made. It was a very happy day for the GX gang.
Unfortunately some one happened to be there to spoil the moment...
The end... For now (Read A Royal Living!)
Yeah so I finally finished this, tell me what you think of the ending, did you expect that? Also I might be rewriting some chapters in a Royal Living to correct mistakes and make by sentences more flowing. Hope you all enjoyed this!