ok, this fic was up before and due to evil reviews it went down. i will put it up again IF and only IF there are no more flames! any at all and this will be gone forever. you've been warned...


"Oh my god…Mark or Roger, I d-don't care who, you guys need to pick up the phone, it's…oh my fucking god, she's gone, it's done, I—I can't do this alone, you guys, I need you here, and Angel's gone…fuck, I can't even talk straight, oh my god, she's dead…she's fucking dead, I don't think I can handle this, get over here right now…please…I love you guys, bye…"

Hi. You've reached Maureen and Joanne. Leave a message and don't forget Over the Moon -- My performance, protesting the eviction of the Homeless (and artists) from the Eleventh Street Lot. Tonight at midnight in the lot between A and B. Party at Life Cafe to follow…

"Maureen, Joanne, please pick up, please pick up the phone, oh my god…Angel's gone, Angel is dead and I don't fucking know what to do and I can't deal with this by myself…if one of you gets this, you need to come to the hospital, I need you, I can't—oh shit, oh my god, I'll never see her again, she's fucking dead and…and…Jesus, I don't know what I'm saying, but come, please, you have to come because I can't be alone right now…I love you guys, you know I love you guys and I need you…please come…"

Hey, it's Mimi! Sorry, not here right now. Yeah, you're really disappointed, I can tell. Anyway, leave your message at the beep. It's pretty damn easy. Here it comes!...

"Please, Mimi, you have to be there, please pick up the fucking phone, I need—"


"Mimi? Oh thank God, oh my god, you picked up…I can't fucking believe this, Mimi, I'm just too…oh shit…"

"Collins, calm down, I can't understand you. Take a deep breath…okay. What's the matter?"

"Mimi, I can't do this, she's fucking gone, she's dead, Angel's dead…"

"No…Collins, no, she can't be, you—"

"Mimi, I can't do this alone, I need you, I need someone, but I can't handle this by myself…oh fuck, oh my god, she's dead…"

"Angel…oh god, Angel, this isn't…this can't be…oh my god…"

"Mimi, please, you have to come, please—"

"Okay, Collins, I'm coming, I'll be there as fast as I can…oh my god…"

"Please, Mimi, please get here soon, you have to…"



"I love you, Mimi, I just…I love you."

"I know, Collins, I love you too…I'm coming, Collins, I'll be there soon."

"Okay…shit, oh my god, Angel is—"

i'm depressing myself. i think i need some ice cream. and this is a little like a chapter in another story of mine...oh well. but this makes me sad.

btw, remember: no flames, or this is gone!