Okay, I just have to say WOW! I just saw that this story got 14939 hits. There were 220 people who read the last chapter, and I can't tell you how good this feels right now. Thank you for the reviews too. Sadly I passed just one of my exams so that means I have to study next week and this week again, but I hope with this chapter you'll be able to wait.

Chapter XIV - Just one more funny day...

That 24 hours in Tree Hill was great. We just played games like twenty questions, I never (of course without the alcohol), I would rather, and my personal favourite Twister. Yeah, you would never picture me as a twistergirl right? But the greatest thing that Nathan didn't try to push me. He didn't tried kissing me again and well I was a little disappointed but glad. I still didn't know what this - us - was. I mean we have fun, we kissed we pretty well get along, oh and we pretend to be a couple. But that still doesn't mean that we ARE a couple, right? Or am I just make this worse that this is? Why life has to be so complicated? It was so much easier when we were just kids who ran around chasing butterflies. This afternoon we will go back to Duke, and it would be - again - a four hours long drive. I wanted this day to be as much fun as it can be.

"Hey Nate"

"Hm?" he stared at me

"I thought we could make this day memorable"

"Oh I know ways..."

"Not that you perv" I said and smacked him with a newspaper "Something else. Oh I know, this is very childish, but so much fun!" I jumped up from the couch excited

"What?" he just looked up at me curiously

"Well, I saw this on movies and since I didn't get much friends when I was little, except from Peyton who we played this game too, anyway, not the point." I saw him smiling at me "So as I started, this is a fun game..."

"That you know from movies, I got that Hales, pretend that I pushed the rewind button"

"Hm just for that it would be only fair if I didn't tell you" I pretend to be hurt and sat back at the couch

"You know you couldn't do that. You are just to excited about it"

"No, you won't break me"

"Wanna bet?" he asked and before I could say anything he pulled me down beside him and started tickling me

"Stop it Nathan I'm serious" I managed to said between laughs

"Okay, but just because you asked me so nicely"

Oh yeah, he stopped it but before he relased me he pecked my lips.

"So what game was that that you were trying to explain me"

"Yeah, so this is kind of checklist game. We wrote down five things that the other need to do. We did it with Peyton like every month. Sometimes it was like get a henna, or sing on an open mic night, and other times there were like get a boys number. It was really so much fun"

"Well yeah it is, but do you realize we were the only ones who play this game cuz only we are here, right?"

"Yeah in that way it isn't so much fun anymore." I started to pout.

"You say you didn't have fun with me this weekend? I'm hurt Haley really, really hurt"

"Oh quit being a baby. You are so much like Jake. He thinks he get away with that too"

"Well I hope you can't compare our kissing techniques"

"Hmmm since I'm still mad at you I won't answer that question" I know I was playing with the fire but I didn't cared at that moment. I saw something his eyes, that I couldn't define but I was sure it won't be good. Just when I was about to get up from the floor he catched my waist and laid me on the floor him half on top of me.

"You know two can play that game" he said smiling

"What game?" I asked playing the dumb card

"Oh you know what I mean" he said and started to lean in. But 'what the hell' I thought and I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and bring his lips down to mine. Just when the kiss started to get more intense then yesterday I felt my phone vibrate.

"I don't know who that is, but I seriously don't love him/her right now. Please don't answer it!" Nate started to pout.

"I have too" but I pecked his lips just like he did it moments ago before I answered "Hey this is Glamour Girl speaking, what can I do for you"

"Haley James, is that the way I teach you to pick up your phone?"

"No Deb, that's not the way. I just..."

"No 'just's young lady. So how was your weekend? Could you find a place to stay?"

"Yes, I could, one of my friends helped me out" while I was speaking I rolled my eyes gesturing Nathan how glad I'm that she phoned me right now

"Great. Now about next weekend I hope we'll be able to meet"

"Actually I don't know Deb, we got some esses we got to do for philosophy." Okay I lied but there is no way I'm coming back next week again. I need some sleep and I need to be there for Brooke and Allison. Not to mention I have to get all the stuffs arranged if Peyton's going to come. "But I can have dinner with you on friday before Step Up" I told her kind of a peace offering

"How is that you have time to go to that little club, but you can't have a weekend with me?"

"You know I work there! To be honest, there TOO! 'Cuz I didn't have any money from you!" I shouted at her completly forgetting that Nathan was there hearing every word. "I tried for years to be the perfect little daughter you wanted me to be. But I just can't anymore. I got to much work, not enough money and I didn't even mentioned studying. And about my personal life? There wasn't any time for that. You tried to cut me off from my friend, well lets face it, that - thank God - didn't worked. How about you just didn't order me around for a little?!" I hunged up on her and I could feel the stream coming out from my ears. I know the next time we meet I have to apologize, but I was full with her. She wasn't even my real mom and still she thought she has every right to tell me what to do or not to do. When I got accepted to Duke I was having a blast. I was eager to move out, and start a new life. Well that's not how it played out but at least I'm not with her 24/7 now.

"Can we go now Nathan? I'd really like to get back on time to sleep a little and enjoy Brooke's company.

"Sure" he said and we get to the car and started our 4 hours drive. Again in silence.


So a little drama. How will the Scott brothers react the gossip about Haley and Nathan? Most importantly how will Jake react? And what about Deb's call? Will she leave Haley alone or not?

Hugs: Angel