Author's Notice: I have decided, starting tomorrow ( Sunday 4.27.08 ), that I will begin revising almost all my stories. The first story, as I promised I would finish prior to this, will be When We Were Young. After I fix that story ( after reading it over, I was very displeased with myself ) I will upload a new chapter.
Following When We Were Young will be these stories in this order:
Love Is Just a Bloodsport
Stupid Girl (god knows that this story needs it the most; I truly am ashamed)
Breathe Your Name
Oh Brother
Get a Grip
Deleterious Deploration (Chaos I need you!! Haha)
I am doing this because I am very disappointed in myself and know I can do much better. I would very much like to prove that to you all. Almost all of these will be transformed into first person point of veiw. I may put some in Sesshomaru's POV or may leave them all in Kagome's. Your input is very welcome and encouraged. I could use some friendly and helpful advice on how to improve my stories. I would very much appreciate it.
I have new plans for When We Were Young. Yes, of course, it is still the same plot but the characters need a bit of tweaking and more depth. My goal is to relay the emotion to my readers as if it were their own -- let's see if I am capable! I love challenging myself. So, we will find out. Also, I want to alternate between POVs possibly. I have also done some reading up on the time I placed it in and I was very mistaken - their "meetings" definately need some rearranging. I will focus a bit more on their relationship prior to their seperation to give you guys a better sense of everything and to make it more heartbreaking when they do finally connect again. Hehe. I am looking forward to it. Tonight, however, I am glued to the TV due to a sprained knee ( right in the middle of a dance concert too! how embarassing! ) so tomorrow will be my early start. I promise two chapters tomorrow ( or one EXTREMELY long one ) at the most ( for the new and improved WWWY ).
Remember, input is encouraged! I shall relay all my other plans of the other stories later.
For now, email me, please?(!)
Thanks and sorry for the long wait.
My stories will all, eventually, be finished.
I promise!
--Sesshy's Sweetheart