
Disclaimer: I do not own either Digimon, or any of the Marvel Comics characters. They are owned by Toei Animation and Marvel Entertainment Group, respectively.

It helps to have a working knowledge of both Digimon and Marvel Comics when reading this. As it's in the Digimon section, I think that the former is covered, so when it comes to the latter, I will try to be as straightforward as possible when using the Marvel characters and explaining their background.

Now.... let battle commence! Prepare for a bizarre crossover, with action, adventure, a hefty helping of my trademark humour, and more fights than you can shake a webshooter at!!

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Chapter One

"Mission Impossible"

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Catch me if ya can, rubber man!
The elasticated arms of Reed Richards, better known as Mr. Fantastic, leader of the world-renowned superhero team, the Fantastic Four, stretched out across his laboratory within Pier Four, reaching for the intruder.
There was a brief implosion of air, and the figure disappeared, as Reed's hands closed down around the empty space where he and been standing. With another pop, he appeared behind Reed, and jumped on his shoulders, clamping his hands around his eyes.
Guess whoo-oooh! the imp-like figure giggled, before popping away as Reed reached to grab him again.
Impossible Man, please... Reed muttered, I'm very busy... I don't have time for games...
The nameless Poppupian who the Fantastic Four knew as the Impossible Man materialised with his trademark sound effect, on top of one of Reed's consoles, legs and arms crossed, scowling.
You're soooo boring! the imp whined. I've been away for so long, and this is how I get greeted when I drop in to see old friends? I was hoping the FF could give me some entertainment!
Well, I hate to disappoint, Reed said, allowing his arms to contract back to normal, but I'm engaged in some important research on the space/time continuum. Recent events, like the Onslaught imbroglio, and the coming of the Celestials has made the fabric of reality very weak, and I'm...
Blah, blah, BLAH!! the Impossible Man screamed, popping up directly in front of Reed's face. Reed enlarged his hand and pushed the purple-clad alien away.
So, please, let me get back to my work, Reed pleaded.
Aw, fine, the Impossible Man poked his tongue out. You big boring bore of a boring man, you.
Thank you, Reed said, turning back to the device that lay on the nearest console, and picking up a circuit welder as the Poppupian disappeared.
It was less than ten seconds later when a pop was heard, and a squeal of Ooooh... what does THIS button do? reached Reed's ears. He turned, and saw a green and purple girl with a huge head, incredibly long legs and pigtails running around behind him, pointing at random things.
What are you DOING? Reed asked.
Don't you watch cartoons? the Impossible Man queried, pop-morphing from Dee-Dee to Dexter before Reed's eyes. You are stuuuuupid.
I'm afraid I have no idea what you're referring to...
The imp groaned, and popped into his normal shape. So what's that gizmo you're working on? he asked.
Well, it's... Reed stopped short as the Poppupian disappeared. He waited for a second, then sighed, and turned around again, only to have the alien pop up in front of him and snatch the device from the console.
Oooh, pretty lights! he giggled, shaking the widget.
Reed yelped. Put that down! It's very sensitive!
Reed stretched out his arms, attempting to snatch the machine back from the imp, but the nuisance simply popped over to the other side of the lab.
he squealed. Tell me tell me tell me!
It's a temporal/spatial disruptor... Reed said, slowly, ...now PLEASE... put it DOWN...
The Impossible Man assumed the form of Reed's four year old son, Franklin. Or what? he asked. Gonna gimmie a spanking? The alien disappeared again as Reed darted towards him.
Over here! he called out from atop a console.
No, over here!
Or is it here!
Reed waited.
But this time, the Impossible Man did not reappear.

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Life sucks, DemiDevimon thought. Well... naw... actually... DEATH sucks...
The little bat-like Digital Monster floated endlessly through a sea of white nothing, a permanent scowl fixed on his features. He had been this way for far longer than he cared to remember.
Ya give a guy th' best years'a your life, an' what happens? He ups and EATS YA!
DemiDevimon recalled how his master, Myotismon, having Digivolved into his Mega form of VenomMyotismon, before commencing his large-scale demolition of the Odaiba district in Tokyo, and simply inhaled his most faithful servant, absorbing him into him, using his energy to power himself. The DigiDestined children had eventually destroyed VenomMyotismon, of course... but because he died in the real world, he could not be reformatted into a Digi-Egg back in the Digital World. Myotismon's spirit lived on, and returned to plague the DigiDestined some time later, but DemiDevimon's spirit was left wandering... neither in the real world, like Wizardmon, or in the Digital World. DemiDevimon had become stuck in the
void between dimensions. And it was certainly no picnic.
The little bat had no idea how big the white void was - he assumed it went on forever. He wasn't sure when he had stopped talking - at first, he talked to himself, to try and stop himself from going crazy, but then he decided that he didn't actually LIKE he had to say, so he stopped before he got into a fight with himself, and he hadn't been quite the same since.
So, when he collided with a small green imp wearing a purple tunic and carrying a hunk of pointy metal who appeared right in front of him out of nowhere, he was more than a little surprised.
Watch where yer goin', avocado-head! the bat shrieked at the being, before he came to his senses, and realised just what was happening.
The imp dusted himself off, and with a pop, assumed the form of Steve Martin. Well EXCUU-UUSE ME!! he roared at the bat, who was physically blown back slightly by the force of his words. The imp returned to his normal shape.
Wh-who the hell are you? the dazed DemiDevimon inquired. And where'd you come from?
I am a Poppupian, from the planet Poppup, the imp replied. My race has no names, but you can call me the Impossible Man.
I'm DemiDevimon, the Digimon replied. And what are you doin' here?
This is the dimensional divide, the Impossible Man said, telling DemiDevimon something he already knew. When I teleport, I come here, then return to wherever I came from. It's like an interdimensional short cut. I was just in the middle of harassing Reed Richards, when you so rudely smacked into me and stopped be from popping back.
Never heard of him.
The Poppupian's eyes literally leapt out of their sockets and grew to six times their normal size, as his mouth morphed into a loudspeaker, and an sound leapt from his lips. How can you NOT have heard of Reed Richards?! Mister Fantastic? Of the Fantastic Four?
The bat shook his head - or more correctly, his entire body. Sounds like we come from... different regions, huh? he said with a grin.
Ooh, a weirdo from another dimension! the imp squealed. With a pop, he took on the shape of William Shatner. A... new world! A.... bold new... CIVILISATION! Somewhere MAN... has... never BEEN... BEFORE!
Yah, right, uh-huh, great, DemiDevimon mumbled. Well, I ain't no teleporter, an' I've been stuck here for all of forever, buster. Any chance you might see your way to helpin' a fellow mischief maker out?
On onnnne condition! the imp grinned. You take me to your world! My playmates back in my dimension have run out of comedy value... I need someone NEW to torment!
I can't take you anywhere, DemiDevimon replied. Yer the one who's takin' me.
Hmn, that IS a stickler, the Impossible Man said, popping into the form of Albert Einstein and rubbing his chin. Vot you zink vee should do? Setting the hunk of machinery he had pilfered from Reed Richards down, he sat on it, and transformed into the Thinker statue.
Hey, rocky, the bat tapped him with his wing. What the frag is that? The small Digimon indicated the device upon which the Poppupian's buttocks presently rested.
Oh, it's a... temporary... special... whoojamajigger, the elven extraterrestrial informed him, returning to his normal shape.
A wide grin spread across DemiDevimon's face. Believe it or not, I know what yer tryin' to say... and I think it could come in very useful...

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Push the button.
This button?
THIS one?
Does that LOOK like a BUTTON?!
Oh, okay, now I got it!
The Impossible Man's spindly finger stabbed down on a grey button on the surface of the device, which immediately hummed into life. With a sucking, slurping sound, a small circle in the white void caved in on itself, and slowly began to widen, a roaring wind picking up and tugging on the two misfits.
There's no place like home! DemiDevimon laughed, as he allowed the gale to lift him up, and pull him down through the portal.
Aunty Em, Aunty Em! the Impossible Man giggled, hovering in mid air with his hands behind his head, slowly moving down through the portal, grabbing the disruptor at the last minute and bringing it through the dimensional doorway with him.

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EEEEE! Lookit the purty flowers!
The Impossible Man darted back and forth, from tree to bush, popping from random form to random form. DemiDevimon made a face. Bleargh... the ol' place has changed... it's all... NICE and crap...
The Impossible Man materialised beside the bat. So, c'mon, take me to where the action's at! I got a wantin' to do some tauntin'!
That might be a bit of a problem, DemiDevimon replied. See, I could see everythin' that was goin' on when I was stuck in Whitesville... thing is, my old boss came back and took the DigiDestined - kids who look after this world - on again, an' got beat. But then they did some crazy crap where they protected the whole world from evil.
No fighting?! the Impossible Man yelped.
Don't look like it.
the imp grunted, rubbing his hands together. Guess I'll have to START some, then...
Hey, watch out!
There was a squelching noise, as the Impossible Man looked up too late, and found himself smeared across the underside of a large, red, scaly foot.
The Tyrannomon which had stepped on him looked down, puzzled, and flicked the green goop of his foot, before continuing on his way. The imp popped back into his normal form, clutching his head, and watching the dinosaur Digimon go. he yelled after it, waving his fist. And let that be a lesson to you! Staggering, the alien leant against a tree. Mommy, I think I need to lie down...
Suddenly, a buzzing reached the elf's ears, as he looked up into the branches of the tree, where the noise was coming from.
Brown Stingers!
Two sharp brown daggers cut downward through the air, pinning the Impossible Man to the ground by his tunic, as a huge bee-like creature zipped out of the tree and off over the horizon.
Heh, you okay down there, slick? DemiDevimon inquired, hovering over his head.
Show me the way to go home... I'm tired and I wanna go to bed... the Impossible Man garbled tunelessly. Moving sluggishly, he yanked the stingers free, and got to his feet, unsteadily. I need a drink...
There's a lake over there... the bat indicated with his wing, and the imp lurched off.
Dropping to his knees, the Impossible Man cupped his hands and dipped them into the lake, drinking what he could scoop up.
DemiDevimon inquired. Y'know, we should... uh-oh...

A piercing shriek filled the air, and the imp looked up to see a serpentine creature lift it's head clear of the water. A long blue body stretched out behind it, as it's bright yellow head stared down at him, eyes filled with malice.
Uh, I don't think Seadramon likes you drinking from his lake, DemiDevimon offered unhelpfully.
Ohhhh, poop, the Impossible Man groaned.
Ice Blast! the serpent screamed, firing a javelin of solid ice directly at the imp, who squealed, and was hit full force. His rubbery body contorted as the spike sunk into him, his skin giving way and stretching out, as he was thrown a good hundred feet backwards.
Content, the Seadramon snorted and sank back beneath the waves, as DemiDevimon fluttered over to where the Impossible Man lay.
the imp looked up at him, your world sucks.
Big talk from a guy who just said his own world blew, DemiDevimon replied, settling down on the branch of a nearby tree.
The Impossible Man sat up with a grunt, and yanked the Seadramon's Ice Blast free of his chest. Yeah, but, like, your dimension blows hot AND cold. Major suckage, bat-boy.
Bull cookies! DemiDevimon retorted. My world could cream your world any day of the week!
Groaning audibly, the Impossible Man got to his feet, and walked over to the temporal/spatial disruptor, which lay were he had set it down when he arrived, mercifully unscathed by any of the creatures.
the imp said, regaining his composure and patting the disruptor, ...sounds like a challenge.

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Worlds collide as the Impossible Man and DemiDevimon begin a contest to see which of their worlds is top dog! However, it's unlikely that either Marvel heroes or Digimon will listen to anything the two troublemakers have to say, so some trickery is in order... and that just happens to be their speciality!

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Click the link to see a "cover" pic for this fic - it took 6 full days to do, so it did!

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Each chapter will be posted as a separate fic, with it's own title, which will then be chaptered in along with the rest of the chapters ONE WEEK after it is put up. More people look at the "Most Recent New Fics" section than the "Most Recently Updated" section, so I can always hope to rope in a few new readers with this method. The next chapter will be titled:


For now, review - what battles wouldja like to see?

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