Disclaimer: Neither I nor drunkenwerewolf owns Zelda. We just have copies of the games.

Author's note: Well, I haven't really had much inspiration to write lately, but all that changed when I started playing Twilight Princess. I decided to try this self-insertion thing again, this time with more of my friends than just Kenny. Just a warning, though. There will be an eventual pairing of Midna/me. Also, DO NOT read this fic if you haven't beaten Twilight Princess yet! It contains MAJOR spoilers, especially in the later chapters. You have been warned… Anyway, on with the fic!



NOT Another Crappy Zelda Self Insertion

Chapter one: I GOT A WII!



Special Power: Can control light and darkness (Plo Koon, much?)

Weakness: Puts others before himself

Twilight Form: Majestic white wolf

Special Powers in Twilight Form: Burst of light emanates from his body when he howls.


Special Power: Expert sniper (kind of screwed over in his Twilight form, though)

Weakness: Foul mouth gets him in trouble sometimes

Twilight Form: Coyote

Special Powers in Twilight Form: Can leap even farther than Link to attack his foes from a distance.



"Hey, Matt!" Ryan said, his voice filled with excitement. "I GOT A WII!!!!!"

Matt shrugged. "You lucky son of a bitch." He could not afford to get any of the next-generation consoles, but he already had a 360.

"I also got the new Zelda game, Twilight Princess!" Ryan exclaimed. "Wanna get together after school, man? I don't have any homework."

"Sure, why not?" It was Friday, so Ryan and Matt decided to make it a sleepover. Once Ryan had gotten his Wii set up, he immediately started The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

"Dude, the graphics are fucking awesome!" Matt said. Ryan shot a glance at his friend that said "Shut up," without actually saying it. Ryan knew that his mom didn't approve of Matt's language, and he wanted to be able to have him over again.



After a marathon session of Zelda, Ryan and Matt were getting ready for bed. Suddenly, Ryan noticed something strange outside. Black clouds of twilight were appearing all over the sky, just like in the game.

"Dude, check this out!" Ryan called. "There are clouds just like the ones in the game!"

"That can't be a good thing," Matt said, "The Twilight really screwed the Hylians over when it-- WHAT THE FUCK?

Mat watched in awe as his friend was transformed into a wolf, just like in the game. But something was different. Instead of being black like Link's fur, Ryan's wolf body was completely covered in beautiful white fur.

"SHIT!" Matt yelled as his body began changing as well. Instead of becoming a wolf, however, Matt became a coyote. At that very moment, a portal mysteriously appeared above Ryan's house, pulling the two friends into a world that to them only existed on a Wii optical disc.



Author's note: Sorry for the language, folks. I'm just trying to portray Matt accurately. You may know him better as "drunkenwerewolf." And yes, he curses a LOT. Please read and review! ;)