by Shosuro

The night wind blew softly through blond spiky hair, as sparkling sapphire blue eyes looked up into the starry sky as he stepped out of the train station. The young man reached up and ruffled his blond locks as he smiled into the night sky. In the distance there was a dog barking to the full moon and he slightly shivered as the wind became slightly cool. He started to walk off in a general direction humming to himself.

'It's such a great night!' he thought to himself. 'I wonder what Sasuke is doing?'

He got a few feet away from the train station when his cell phone when off and started to vibrate inside his tight blue jeans. He looked at the caller ID and mentally sighed to himself, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately whenever Tsunade called him.


"Oi, Boy! How did your jobs go?"

"Everything went fine, old lady," the blond said into the phone as he continued to walk towards his apartment complex.

"Did you get to go to every customer?"

"Yes," he said slightly annoyed that she had to called him to check up on him. It wasn't like it was his first job. He had been working for her every since he could. Just because he had some "issues" with the last job doesn't mean that he can't do his job right. 'Hell, the way I see it, I took care of the little bunny. He took care up him so well that the little bunny ran away and now lived with him.'

"Boy! Don't get that tone of voice with me! You are still young enough for me to put my foot up your ass to teach you a lesson," the voice on the phone yelled angrily into his ear. He rolled his eyes as he walked in front of the corner store that was just down the block from his apartment.

"Well compared to how old you are I might as be that gleam in my father's eyes when he saw my mom for the first time!" he snapped back as he walked into the store. He waved to the store clerk as he went to the back of the store where the bottle drinks where stored.

"Uzumaki Naruto! Don't make me come over there and break your legs!" Tsunade yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, old lady. I know, I know," the handsome young man smiled into the phone as he reached into the freezer to get his favorite orange drink. He could always rile up his aunt by just making comments about her age. He was turning around to walk to the counter when a thought popped into his head. 'Maybe Sasuke would like something to drink? I wonder what he would like?'

"I got to each place fine, old lady," he said as he reached for a red drink for Sasuke and made his way over to the counter. "Each animal was fed just like their owners requested but why did each and everyone of them have to be across town? You know that it took me almost all night long to get to those places!"

"Well think of it as punishment for calling me old, boy!" she said into the phone.

"Well this be all Naruto?" the clerk asked.

"Ohh, yeah I guess this is it, for now at least, I might be back later for some food," Naruto said to the clerk. "See ya later, Ryo."

"Who was that?" Tsunade asked.

"Oh that was Ryo, he is the clerk at the 7-11 a block away from my apartment. I stopped for something to drink. Running around town, doing the jobs you gave me made me very thirsty," he said as he walked out of the store and headed once again to his apartment complex that was coming into view.

"Ok, ok, Naruto. I get it. Just to prove to you I get it, and to show that I am an awesome aunt, I'll take you to eat. How does that Ramen place that you like...what is it called...?" she asked.

"Ichiraku Ramen Bar!!" he yelled into the phone. "Are you SERIOUS? Free food? Hell yeah! Free Ramen! Free Ramen!"

"Ok, ok, just head in my direction and we can take you to eat..." she was saying until Naruto interupted her.

"Shit!! Oh crap! Grandma, I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that. I kinda forgot that I have plans tonight," Naruto said as he walked up to his apartment complex.

"What? What do you have to do that you would give up free ramen?" the shocked voice said suspiciously.

"I just want to get home and do some homework," he said. He cringed at himself at the lame excuse that he gave his aunt. He knew she wouldn't buy it and he didn't have to wait long for Tsunade to respond to his lame excuse.

"Homework?! Uzumaki Naruto, what are you trying to tell me? That is the lamest excuse ever!" she said.

"I just want to get home, old lady,"

"Oh NO you don't! Spill it, Naruto! There has to be a good reason why you are passing up on FREE RAMEN! Now tell me or I will send Jiraiya down there to find out whats really going on," she yelled into the phone.

"Ok ok ok Tsunade. The thing is...well err... ummm...well you see..." Naruto was stalling for time, hoping against hope that the phone's reception would go out so that he would not have to answer her question.

"Spill it, Uzumaki Naruto!"

"sigh...okay, old hag. I wanted to tell you in person but you are gonna bug me about it until I tell you . So you give me no choice but to tell you over the phone," he said. He looked up and finally took notice where he was at. He noticed that he had just walked into the shadow of his apartment complex. He looked up to the third floor were his apartment was at and smiled to himself. He thought of his dark hair, dark eyed sex god up there in his place, waiting for him to get home. That thought gave his smile a brighter shine to it. He leaned against the brick wall that surrounded the complex and continued to stare at his third floor window. For that moment in time he wanted to be lost in his thoughts and really didn't want to handle the present but the voice on the other end of the phone brought him back.


"Look, Tsunade, I don't know how to put this in anyway that would leave you okay with what I am about to say, so I am just going to say it out right and let you sort it out and ask questions," he said. His hand automatically reaching for the back of his head. His hand ran through his blond hair and he took a deep calming breath. "I am gay... or at the very least Bi."


"I met someone yesterday when I took that job. His name is Sasuke. He needs a place to stay for a while so he is staying with me. I don't expect you to understand because neither do I. I am really confused right now. Hell before yesterday I thought that I was straight as a ruler but now I know that I am very much attracted to Sasuke," he said in one deep breath.


"So...that is what I wanted to tell you in person. I thought it was a in person type of thing to do...uhmm old hag?" he whispered.

"I'm here. I am just processing this through," she whispered.

"Do you hate me?" he whispered into the phone. His heart was racing a hundred mile per hour. He felt like it was going to jump out of his chest and run down the street. He was scared of her answer, he really didn't think telling her that he was gay would stop her from loving him, but it was not far from what he was frighten of.

"Never. Naruto I could never hate you, you know that! I love you as if you were my own brat! How could you think that wouldn't love you if I new that you were gay? That is a stupid idea, Naruto. It just going to take sometime to get used to the idea of not having your own children running around my feet, you know what I mean?" she said into the phone.

"Yeah I know," Naruto whispered.

"Now, I will expect you introduce us to your Sasuke. You know so that we can approve of him and what not."

"Grandma!!" Naruto said warningly.

"Just kidding. I know that once you set your mind to something, not one of us can change your mind. I just hope that your Sasuke knows what he is getting himself into."

"How about this, old hag. You guys take us out to eat tomorrow night and pay for it and I'll introduce you to Sasuke?" Naruto said.

"Trying to get a free meal out of this one, brat?"

"You know me!"

"Yeah I do. Alright. You conned me into it. I'll call you tomorrow to make sure you don't back out," she said. "Oh, yeah do you want me to tell, Jiraiya or do you?"

"Oh yeah, umm...well..."

"Ok, ok, ok...if he comes home tonight from his "research" I'll tell him, if not you will at dinner, okay?"

"Thanks, grandma,"

"Alright, I'll see ya tomorrow,"she said to Naruto. "Love you, bye."

"Love ya too, old hag," Naruto said into the phone and closed it.

The conversation went rather well from all his ideas of what would happen if he told his family if that he was gay or BI at least. His aunt was always understanding at the very least, when she wasn't being over protective and violent. He was felling better knowing that she took it quite well. Almost as if she was expecting it...naw that was too, much thinking on his part.

"Naw, that couldn't be right...sigh...that is too much thinking for my poor little head," he said to himself before realizing where he was again. He looked up to his apartment window and saw the lights on, telling him that Sasuke was still awake. A smile took his face and spread across his cheeks. 'Ahh well...enough about thinking about that. No time for that when there is someone waiting for me to get home to! A very Sexy someone at that!!' he thought to himself. It was a exciting thing to feel adrenaline pump through your blood at the mere thought of someone waiting for him at his apartment, because he was used to being alone.

With the added energy flowing through his veins he made it up the fights of stairs in the matter of seconds. He flew to the front of his door and stopped cold. He stood there looking at the door. He looked at the number of the apartment to make sure that he ran to the right one. He wanted to make sure that this was the right one when he went in there to find his bunny waiting for him. He rummaged through his pockets for his house key and slid it into the door. He waited until the lock twisted and clicked before he let go of his breath that he did not know he was holding. He closed his eyes and stepped in and prepared for the worst. The worst being coming home to find that his new guest, his bunny, his Sasuke was gone and left him alone once again.

"I'm home!" Naruto said into the apartment that had heard that line one too many times.

He was greeted with no reply of "Welcome Home!" and he felt his heart sink to the floor. He had hoped that he wouldn't be alone. He had hoped that Sasuke would still be here by the time he got back from work. 'Its just...its just...that I thought that it would be nice to come home to somebody instead of an empty apartment,' he thought to himself. He shrugged off his backpack that he carried and let it drop to the floor. He closed his eyes and slipped out of his shoes at the entrance of the hallway and started to walk into his lonely apartment. As usual his first stop within his apartment was always the refrigerator that held little food in it, maybe a slice of pizza from the other night.

He rounded the corner to walk into the kitchen and he stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widen at what he saw. There before him was his bunny, his guest, his lover, his Sasuke standing in front of the counter cutting away on some poor helpless vegetable. Sasuke didn't notice that Naruto had walked into the kitchen or into the apartment for that matter because he had his earphones on and listening to his iNinja (the newest and the most expensive MP3 player and music technology there was today). Naruto watched in amazement as Sasuke moved around the kitchen as if he had been living there a lot longer than Naruto had ever had. He felt his heart move from the ground and back into his chest. It was beating rather fast from his unexpected surprise.

After a few more moments of just watching Sasuke, Naruto decided it was time to let the Bastard know that he was home. He watched as Sasuke was finishing cooking and preparing the plates and Naruto used that exact moment to catch his bunny rabbit. He leaned over behind Sasuke, one hand grabbed his waist, while the other reached around and slid across a lean chest and pulled him back into his own body. Naruto felt not heard that Sasuke was surprised. He felt his body tense up in shock and he held his breath. Naruto leaned over to the right side of Sasuke's neck and gave it a gentle love bite and he felt Sasuke's body soften within his grasps.

Sasuke reached up and moved his earphones from his ears in order to hear Naruto.

"I'm home," Naruto whispered into Sasuke's warm neck. Loving the way it felt just to hold someone.

"Welcome home, dobe," Sasuke whispered. He felt like if he had said it any louder that it would have ruined the moment. Then again, him calling him dobe could ruin the moment. But he would just have to see how the Dobe felt at the moment to know exactly.

Naruto's response to that was to nibble and lick up and down the surface of Sasuke's neck and to hold him tighter to his body.

"Whatcha doing?" Naruto asked between his licks.

"Just finishing up cooking," Sasuke said as he tried to control the rising heat that was flowing through his body and started to pool at his groin.

"You can cook?" he asked.

"What do you take me for?"

"Hey I'm just asking. Most college guys can't cook anything other than Ramen," Naruto murmured, still holding on to Sasuke as he finished putting together their meal.

"Is that the reason why you have nothing but Ramen in your kitchen, when I went to grab something to eat earlier," Sasuke said.

Naruto let go of Sasuke and stepped back. He gave Sasuke a wide grin and scratched the back of his head from embarrassment.

"Well you see, I do know how to cook. Its just sometimes its just faster to cook Ramen than a full meal."


"I do know how to cook!!"



"Whatever." Sasuke said as he once again moved around the kitchen to place the plates on the table. "Dinner is ready."

"You know you didn't have to cook, teme," Naruto whispered as he helped carry the dishes to the table.

"Yes I know," Sasuke said as he laid the plates down and turned around to watch Naruto carefully place the remaining dishes down. "Like I said, there was nothing in your kitchen except old pizza boxes and Ramen. I decided to go get something to eat. While I was out I bought a few things that I needed."

"Oh," the blond said sheepishly.

"Well are you going to sit down or are you going to eat standing up?"

"I'll sit. Damn Sasuke are you always this cold?" Naruto whispered. "Ittadakimasu!"


They ate in silence, both enjoying the delicious food that had Sasuke made. Naruto was very surprised with the food. It was the tastiest thing he had ever ate, besides ramen. Naruto moaned as he continued to eat what was before him. He quickly found that he was running out of food because Naruto was a big eater but before he could ask for seconds Sasuke was filling his plate with different portions of the meal.

"Ahh, thanks Sasuke," Naruto said happily.


"Man Sasuke this really good," he praised his dark haired lover. "I have to hand it too you, you can really cook. Thanks for dinner!"

Sasuke didn't reply to the complement except to try to hide the slight blush that had creeped onto his cheeks. He shook his head and just said "Dobe" and started to eat once more. Naruto looked up at say something at Sasuke for calling him a "dobe" but when he saw that Sasuke had a small smile on his face he didn't say anything. It wasn't even a real smile, it was more like the his left side of his mouth curved slightly up. If you weren't looking for it you wouldn't have seen it and just would have mistaking it for another one of Sasuke unemotional un-smile.

After they were finished with dinner Sasuke moved to take the dishes to the to the sink, when his stack of dishes was taken from him.

"Hey I'll do the dishes since you did the cooking," Naruto said with a smile.

Sasuke let him take the used dishes and watched him move to the sink to wash them. He just nodded and left to walk back into the living room.

"I took the liberty of bring some of my stuff here," Sasuke said loud enough so that the blond in the kitchen could here. 'It's not like it would be too crowded in here,' he thought to himself as he looked around the empty apartment.

"Oh that okay," Naruto said with a smile in his voice. "It's not like it would be too crowded in here."

"That is exactly what I said," Sasuke whispered underneath his breath.


"Nothing Dobe."

After about five more minutes Sasuke heard the blond finishing up washing the dishes and knew that he would soon be out here with him. He looked around the living room once more and wondered if the hyperactive blond would freak out with the changes that he made.



Sasuke looked up and if he was the type to laugh he would have been rolling on the floor from the look on Naruto's face. Naruto's jaw dropped in surprise and his sapphire blue eyes went wide and bugged out of his head. Sasuke watched as his lover was looking over his living room like it was on fire. He watched as he tried to say something but ended up just opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

"Bastard?!?" he said when he finally found his voice.


"What the hell happened to my apartment?"

"I told you I bought somethings that I needed," he said as if he had already explained himself and it was pointless to saw it again.

"I heard that but you didn't say you were going to buy the whole store and redecorate the living room," Naruto growled as he stepped into a living room that he did not even recognize.

Sasuke looked at him and looked back to the living room. He did not see a problem with what he had done. In fact it looked rather good. The old couch was replaced by a new soft beige one with a love seat to the right. In the middle was a small coffee table that fitted the room quite nicely. Across the way of the big couch was a large entertainment system, fully loaded with a TV, DVD player and a very nice sound system. Everything matched with each other perfectly, so when Naruto made that face he was slightly confused at to why the blond was having a hissy fit. He smirked at the blond and wondered if he was going to give him that same look when looks at his bedroom and bathroom.

"It needed it," Sasuke stated simply.

"I know that but that doesn't mean that you have to do it yourself!! Damn it Sasuke!!"

"You said that I could bring my things here. I am living here So I need this place at least livable," Sasuke said.


"You don't like it?" Sasuke said. He had really thought the dobe would be happy that his apartment was now livable.

"It's not that I don't like it. Hell I think it is really great! I like everything. It is really perfect," he said to Sasuke. "I just don't like the fact that you bought everything."

"Get over it."


"I said get over it," Sasuke said as he looked the other way, not wanting looking at him. He was really getting pissed that the dobe was letting his pride get in the way of excepting that he improved his home. "I thought this would be my way of saying ..."

Naruto looked up and watched Sasuke not complete his sentence.

"Of saying what?"

"Nothing. Just forget it. I will remove everything here and return it the way it was," Sasuke growled. He was pissed now. The dobe had to get all jackass and didn't except that this was his way of saying 'thank you for letting me stay here.' He got up from the love seat and was just about the pass the blond when said person reached out and grabbed his arm. Thus trapping him there in front of him.

"What were you going to say just now?"


"No you were going to say that this was your way to say what Sasuke?" he whispered in to Sasuke's ear.

"Nothing, Naruto. I was going to say nothing. Now let me go," Sasuke glared back at Naruto.

"Not until you tell me what you were going to say."


"Don't tell me that, bastard" Naruto said to him when he pulled Sasuke to him. He held him close. Close enough to breath on down on Sasuke's lips. He looked down into dark eyes that tried to look away. "Tell me what you were going to say."

"This would be my way of saying thank you for letting me live here," Sasuke whispered under his breath. His lips pouted out prettily.


"I'm not saying it again."

"Awe, Sasuke! You didn't have to do this! You know that it's okay with me that you live here. You didn't have to go to the trouble to remodel the living room," Naruto said as he wrapped his arms around his lover. He smiled at the pouting lip that Sasuke was giving him unknowingly. He had this strong urge to bite those pouting lips. It was pulling him to do it. He wanted to do it but he was talking to the Bastard right now and he didn't want to ruin it.

Sasuke looked up underneath lush black eyelashes and looked away, while a light blush highlighting the top of his cheeks. What he did not not realize was that he started to pout even more. Making it a bigger target for the blond that was trying to repressed the urge to bite it. With his left hand under Sasuke's chin, Naruto moved Sasuke's face back to face him and he bent down and bit down on the protruding lip.

Sasuke's eyes widen when Naruto bit into his lip. He looked into blue eyes full of mischief and felt his body heat up with pleasure.

"Plus, I think you thanked me enough the shower," he said with Sasuke's lip between his teeth. He watched as Sasuke's face lit up with a full blown blush that made him look even more edible. "Right, Sasuke?"

Sasuke didn't say anything but moaned when Naruto's tongue found its way between his lips and mapping out the inside of his mouth. His body shivered when he felt his tongue stroked by Naruto's.

"I think that I need to punish you for your act of remodeling of my living room," Naruto said as he nibbled a line across Sasuke's jaw. Sasuke turned his head to the side, making it easier for the blond to get at and moaned.

Sasuke's arms wrapped themselves around his lover's neck and he leaned into that wonderfully sexy body. That body that has given him so much pleasure that he didn't think was imaginable.

"How about we break in your lovely love seat?" he whispered as he bite down hard on the spot where the neck and the shoulder connects. He felt the warm body within his grasp shudder from the pleasure. Sasuke didn't say anything but just nodded.

Naruto proceeded to undress Sasuke like he was a Christmas present. Sasuke soon found himself stripped bare and pushed on to the love seat that he was just occupying. His legs where spread and he gasped in surprise as Naruto just drove right in and took in his half hard erection. Still fully clothed Naruto began to lick and suck on Sasuke's growing erection, bring it to life and rapidly becoming hard.

Sasuke moaned out loud loudly from his lovers lips and tongue. He reached out and grabbed a hand full of soft blond locks and pushed Naruto's head down fuller onto his hardening dick. He felt a tongue dance up and down his dick wickedly. It traced the vein on the backside all the way up until it dipped into the opening where pre-cum was leaking out profusely.

Naruto held the base of Sasuke's dick tightly and bobbed his head up and down rapidly but in shallow swallows. Never quite taking the whole dick in his mouth and deep throating him like he wanted. Naruto knew what he wanted. He knew because rough fingers were tightened within his hair, trying to push him further on his dick aching arousal but Naruto was stubborn and wanted to take Sasuke like he wanted to not the other way around. Plus, he had to teach Sasuke a lesson for removing all of his things and replacing them with his. So Naruto just alternated between sucking hard on the tip of Sasuke's dick or licking and sucking up and down in shallow movements.

Sasuke snapped opened his eyes and looked down at his dobe that was sucking him off. He was doing a wonderful job of it too except that anytime that he came near completion Naruto would stop or slow down and change tactics on him and never once doing more to push him off the edge into orgasming. He badly needed Naruto's lips and mouth around his aching arousal and deep throating him now but the blond wouldn't move an inch deeper than three inches down his dick.

"Naruto," Sasuke panted out as his lover sucked on the tip hard.

"Humm?" Naruto hummed with Sasuke in his mouth. That in it's self had Sasuke moaning and shivering like it was cold outside and he didn't have a coat.


"Humm...ahhh...What ...(lick) you ...(suck, lick, suck)...want?" Naruto said with a mouth full of dick.

"Deeper..." Sasuke moaned.


"NaRuTo!" Sasuke wined when he didn't get what he wanted.

"This is punishment for misbehaving. Bastard," Naruto said.

" shouldn't...mmmm...look...mmm..aaahh...our room...ahhh or the bathroom...mmmm," Sasuke moaned to Naruto. He looked down to see Naruto's reaction to his confession. A blond head looked up and blue eyes trapped with black ones. Realization hit Naruto of what Sasuke just confessed and he was surprised to say the least.

"Looks like I have to punish you more," he said as he let the hard erection pop out of his mouth and stand tall and painfully hard.

Sasuke shuddered at the words, wondering what Naruto was about to do. He watched as his blond stood up and slowly divested himself of his clothes, one article of clothing at a time. Mean while his eyes as locked within lust filled obsidian eyes. Naruto reached out his hand to Sasuke once his all of his clothes were taken off. Sasuke was the first one to break eye contact when Naruto's hard arousal was revealed to this eyes. He would have died of a nose bleed if it wasn't for the fact that all of his blood was pooling down in his groin. He felt himself salivate from the mere look at the hardness that rose from blond pubic hair. He barely had time to recognize the fact that Naruto was waiting for him to take his hand so that he could pull him into his grasps.

He was pressed into his lovers muscular body and instantly he could feel how hot it was between them. He felt Naruto's dick push against his and it made his legs weak from pleasure. He held on to a tanned chest before he could fall. The chest before him amazed him, left him begging for more. On instinct he snaked his tongue out and licked the erected nipple that was in front of him. Naruto moaned when he felt Sasuke's teeth bite his nipple. He turned them around and sat down on the love seat. He pulled down Sasuke so that he was sitting facing Naruto.

Sasuke leaned forward and took Naruto's lips. He licked his lips playing with Naruto, making him moan between their kisses. Naruto moved Sasuke right above his cock and then remembered something really important.

"Lube?" he asked between sucking on Sasuke's tongue.

"Pants," Sasuke moaned as he took his tongue back in order to get the lube. He bent backwards and reached out for his discarded pants and where thrown on the floor.

Naruto watched as pale skin stretched out to get the lube. He ran his hands over the expansion of a pale chest, leaving claw marks over his skin. He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, while his right hand stoked Sasuke's hardness. He watched muscles ripple as Sasuke pulled himself up and handed Naruto the little tube.

Naruto opened the the tube and slipped his fingers underneath his moaning dark haired lover. He soon found Sasuke attached to his neck, sucking hard at the right spot. Naruto gasped at the sensation. He pushed two fingers through tight muscles and both of them moaned at just the feel of it. He thrust his fingers a few times, quickly getting impatient with the whole stretching process. He growled low in his throat when Sasuke switched sides of his neck to suck on. He press three fingers within Sasuke, roughly stretching him for things to come.

"I can't wait anymore," Naruto moaned into Sasuke's hair. He grabbed pale hips and not too gently and pushed into the warmth of Sasuke's body.

Sasuke closed his eyes to the slight pain at the entry of Naruto's thick cock. He bit his lip and his nails drew blood against tanned shoulders. The slight pain was worth it because he knew that intense pleasure would soon come to hand. Once he was completely seated within Sasuke, Naruto waited for Sasuke's to adjust. He was impatient but he wasn't going to hurt his lover more than that. After what seemed like forever Sasuke move just a little. He tilted his hips forward as he leaned in to kiss Naruto to move.

Naruto got the the point the thrust his dick deeply into the hotness. He moaned and Sasuke gasped. He tighten the hold of Sasuke's hips and moved him up just a little. He used this to thrust up into Sasuke while pulling him down on his aching hardness. Sasuke moaned. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and closed his eyes from the intense pleasure that he was receiving from slow deep dicking.

"You need to be Punished Sasuke," Naruto huskily said as his hands raised pale hips up and down his cock repeatedly . "So you're going to do all the work, while I sit back on the love seat that you bought this afternoon."

Sasuke looked up in to determined blue eyes. He watched Naruto lean his back against the love seat and processed to release the death like grip that he had on Sasuke's hips. Since Naruto had placed himself in the middle of the love seat he placed his arms on the back of the chair and watched what would be his dark haired lover's next move.

Sasuke did not say anything to his blond. He was busy quickly analyzing the situation that he was in. He looked to his sides and noticed that the love seat was just slightly too big for him to hold on to the armrests. If he had the armrests it would be easier to ride Naruto. But he had no such luck. It would seem that the only thing that he had available to hold on to was Naruto. Not that was a bad thing, it was just that he was beginning to depend a lot on the blond nowadays. He mentally shook those thoughts from his head because he had more pressing matters that think on, like the fact that he had a very hard thick dick up his ass and he was just ordered to ride him. He looked over into blue eyes and gave him the Uchiha smirk. He had a wonderfully wicked idea.

He touched the tanned chest that was displayed out in front of him and ran his hands up and down the soft skin, slowly memorizing all the hard muscles under the softness. He pressed down on the chest while slowly raising himself up off the dick that was impaling him. While his ass was slowly raising up he leaned forward and captured a mouth full of nipple and began to suck when he painstakingly lowered himself on Naruto. He felt the body underneath him tense at the slow pace that Sasuke had started but he did not care at the moment. All he really cared about was to get some kind of payback for Naruto's so called punishment.

Naruto had to bite his lower lip when his lover started off slow. 'Damn it. I somehow knew that he wouldn't just be compliant and just do as I asked, now would he? Fuck, he knew that I couldn't wait. Now he is just taking his sweet ass time as payback. Bastard.' he thought to himself. He gasped out loud when his nipple as sucked roughly. 'Damn it, this is going to be a while.'

Sasuke used his thigh muscles and his hands on his dobe in order to slowly ride him. He closed his eyes and just let his other sense take over. The sound in the living room hit him first. The slow and steady sound of skin slapping against skin was too much to take in. He heard his balls slapping wetly on top of Naruto's, he lusty sigh that he breathed into the air every time he slid down on Naruto's dick and would just barely brush past his prostate. The deep intake of air into Naruto's lungs each time he rose up and the rush of air out of them when he seated himself fully on him once again. It was all to hypnotizing and Sasuke was slowly spiraling out of control.

'Fuck, yeah! His pace picked up,' Naruto yelled in his mind. He watched as Sasuke leaned back slightly and moaned out loudly when he hit his prostate dead on. He gripped the back of the love seat as Sasuke deliciously shivered and tightened around him from the over stimulation on his prostate. He used the few moments when Sasuke stopped his movements to enjoy the pleasure flow through him, to try to control his breath and regain something of his control. Damn it was getting harder. He had to last, damn it. He at least wanted to last until Sasuke was begging and pleading with him to finish him off. He hoped that Sasuke would do that. Either way it would be enjoyable to his lover and him.

Sasuke's breath hitched once again when he hit his prostate over and over. He looked over to see Naruto's expression and what he saw took his breath away. His blond sex god was leaning back against the love seat, panting, and sweating. His body was tensed up from the pleasure and he watched as the muscles underneath his fingers twitched from his touch. Although he was going slightly faster from when he first began it was still too slow for Naruto's tastes if him biting his lip was any indication. With eyes still on his blond, Sasuke reached around his body with his left hand lightly touched the tighten sac that he was slowly bouncing on. He watched as hands tightened even further into the back of the love seat from the caress. With a slightly sadistic smirk, Sasuke fondled the sac within his fingers. With the rolling of the fingers on his sac, Naruto rolled his head back and moaned.

Naruto was disturbed from his moaning when he felt something wet press on his lips, wanting him to open up. He opened his eyes slightly to find that Sasuke was pressing his finger on his lips. He opened is mouth and let the finger in. His tongue automatically feeling around it, tasting it. His eyes widen when he tasted what was on that finger. It was Sasuke. It was his taste. He would never forget that taste. The bastard wiped some pre-cum off his leaking hardness and wanted his blond to taste him. Naruto eyes narrowed at his lover and he proceeded to suck the digit within his mouth. Cleaning him of all of that tasty musk. When he could no longer taste Sasuke he moved his mouth away from the finger.

"More," was the only thing that Naruto growled out.

Sasuke stopped his movements, making his lover growl from the lost of friction and covered his hand in his own pre-cum that was overflowing. His hand reached out to Naruto's mouth when it was snatched up Naruto's painful grip. With surprise evident on his face he watched as Naruto licked and sucked ever part of his hand. So entranced with what Naruto was doing he totally forgot what was suppose to be doing until Naruto's hips not to gently snapped up and hit his prostate hard. Sasuke yelped out in surprise and pleasure.

"Ride me," Naruto growled between sucking on a finger.

Sasuke heard his command and the nodded. It was the only thing that he could do at the moment. The time for riding Naruto slow was past. Now all Sasuke wanted was a hard, fast and deep fuck. Sasuke rode him deeply, taking him all the way in making sure that he hit his hot spot with each slam down. The lube and Naruto's own juices making the movement really easy to do. With each rise and fall of is body on Naruto's he was losing control. He was panting for air that escaped him. His cheeks were flushed from the heat that they were making. His body was about to burst into flame if a there was any match in the room. Everything thing was spiraling down in his guts. He could feel his orgasm building up. But it wasn't enough. It was so close. He could almost taste it within his mouth, it was so close. But it wasn't enough. It was missing something. He knew that if he did finish that it wouldn't be the same mind blowing experience. It would be hallow because something was missing. Then he realized what was missing.


The dobe was missing. Without the whole exchange Naruto kept his control. Although he was close to ripping apart the love seat, he still had his control and not once did he help Sasuke move. There was no touches, no kisses, no licks, no bites that left him shivering from delight. There was no Naruto in the mix. It was just him alone, bouncing up and down on his dick. He was so close that he knew that when Naruto would join him that it would be what would push him over the edge.

"Naruto..."Sasuke panted out. "Please?"

That was the only thing that he was waiting for. Not missing a beat, Naruto's hand were in a blink of an eye in a death grip around Sasuke's hips as he slammed Sasuke hard on his erection. The movement hit Sasuke's prostate hard and Sasuke screamed out Naruto's name as he came in spurts all over a tanned chest. Naruto watched Sasuke shiver over him in delight. He kept his hands on his hips and kept Sasuke moving even though all Sasuke wanted to do was to fall down on a sticky chest and fall asleep. After the last tremor wracked his body, Sasuke finally noticed that his lover did not finish at the same time that he did. He looked up and watched as Naruto's finger slide up his sticky chest and wiped off some of Sasuke's cum. He brought that finger to his mouth and with Sasuke watching he noisily sucked it clean.

"You taste wonderful," Naruto said to Sasuke. A deeper blush caressed Sasuke's cheeks from the sexy words. "Are you ready for round two?"

"Hnn," he said as he felt life twitched back in to his soften member.

"Good. Now lean over and give me a kiss," Naruto said.

Naruto distracted Sasuke with a kiss while his hands traveled down the length of his body. They reached Sasuke's tight ass and teased them with light caresses. Sasuke moaned within the passionate kiss. He felt himself being to become arousaled once again from his blond's teasing. He reached up and grabbed a hand full of blond hair pulled him closer. He wanted to feel him even more than what he was feeling before. He felt Naruto's fingers slide down the crack of his ass and pulled them apart roughly. This produced a loud enough moan that Sasuke had to pull away from the tantalizing mouth he was kissing.

"Hold on," was the only warning that Sasuke received before he was rammed into repeatedly.

"Naruto!!" Sasuke gasped out and held on to blond hair for dear life as he was deeply pounded into.

Naruto held on to ivory skin he moaned at the feel of Sasuke. There wasn't anything better than just the feel of Sasuke all around him. With the taste of Sasuke still on his lips he wanted more of that drug. He growled low underneath his breath when he felt Sasuke try to get up from the tight embrace that Naruto held him in. Sasuke gave up after the third try and just fell back against the chest that he was laying on. Gasps and moans near his ear sped him on to pounding faster.

Naruto felt the heat pull within him with every thrust. It was an amazing feeling. He felt that Sasuke was close to fulfillment too. They were so wrapped up within each other they both failed to noticed the front door open with a small creek. Sasuke as way beyond turn on as he pushed back against the hardness that was ramming into him. At the same time he was rubbing himself up and down against the rock hard muscles.

"Please," Sasuke pleaded with Naruto.

"Tell me," Naruto growled.

"More, H..harder, pl..please," he moaned out.

"Tell me what I want," he accented his words with powerful thrust up into him.

"Wha...?" Sasuke was confused as to what he wanted. He had begged, he had moaned, what else did Naruto wanted from him?

"Tell me your mine," Naruto panted out.

Sasuke closed his eyes from the spots he was seeing. He was so close that he could just pass out right then and there from the pleasure. He looked up and saw the lust filled eyes and were determined to get him to say what he wanted and right then he could careless what Naruto wanted him to say as long as it end with him finally finishing.

"I'm...I'm yours," he moaned out.

"Louder," was the growl.

"Fucking shit, Naruto! I'm yours only! Now please let me cum!" Sasuke screamed out.

Naruto rewarded him by reaching down between them and grabbing Sasuke's leaking member. With a hard stroke and a fingernail slightly digging into the oversensitive skin, he had Sasuke cumming in spurts over his chest again. He screamed out Naruto's name and his body automatically tensed up from the orgasm. When the tightness around him tighten even further he let go of his control and came too. He continued to pump his seed all the way within Sasuke. Filling him to the brim with his semen, until it was too much for his body and it started to leak out of the sides of the filled opening.

They sat there in aftermath of their heated sex, both seeming to enjoy the ripples of pleasure that seems to still follow between them. Sasuke had his head in the crook of Naruto's neck when he finally came back down. He looked at the neck that was sporting many different hickys of various sizes , when his eyes fell on a big bright on that made the other ones very small in comparison. It was in the shape of his teeth marks and for a second Sasuke had to think about when he gave his lover that mark. He blushed when he realized that he hand leaned down and had taken a rather large bite when he hit his peak. With the blush still on his cheeks he pushed his self up from the extremely sticky chest and looked down at his lover.

Naruto was in heaven. He saw lights when he came. The added pleasure from the pain in his neck was pushed him over the edge. He had his eyes closed as he just sat there and basked in the glory of good sex. He wanted to moan in objection when he felt his lover moved. He wanted to hold him a little bit longer but his whole body was not reacting to his command.

"And here you told me that you weren't gay," a cold voice said.

Both men tensed up from the words because it was not coming from either of them. Sasuke whipped his head to the side and prayed his eyes where not deceiving him. Naruto's eyes snapped opened and he shifted his head to the side where the intruder was standing at in their living room. Naruto was the first on the react to the whole situation as his body relaxed and in a confused voice he called out the the intruder in his apartment.
