Title: The Voice of My Troubled Heart
Memories Locked Away
Separation and Lost
Rating Fiction Rated:
Apologies from the author:
In The Darkness is under temporary hiatus, until I finish The Voice Of My Troubled Heart and Stubborn Souls.
Comments from the author:
A new very short sort-of one-shot will up soon as well. Its working title at the moment, Through The Art of Loving/Seduction. This one-shot, might or might not be a new story.

Continuation of The Voice of My Troubled Heart will be in a new story format with the working title; To You, I Finally Thee Wed - To You, I Concede.

The Voice of My Troubled Heart
- Separation and Lost -

I want to warm your cold fingers with nothing more than the tears I shed for you.
I wanted to say "I love you" but I couldn't...not until I have them from you

"Come, my dear beautiful prince, show this foolish king what it means to really lose the one who showed him love."

Hearing her, he snapped the reins and spurred his stallion towards the frozen king, releasing the reins as he drew his sword. The blade glittered ominously under the moon, raised to slash.

His eyes never strayed from the body that was coming fast towards him. His hands fisted and trembled at his sides, desperately willing the urge to react instinctively away.

"Say goodbye, darling husband," she purred and cackled. The sword swung…


…and stopped in mid-swing, just a breath of space from the king's flesh. In that moment, he lifted his head. The darkness in his knight's eyes frightened him somehow, it had already taken over the vivid greenness, swirling and circling. He frowned.


Perplexed, he watched the knight returned to his wife's side, never questioning. Her sinister smile returned as she watched him frowned.

"Say goodbye, Yuuri dear," She observed the dark glance that was upon her, and nearly shivered at the intense stare. She had almost forgotten how intense that mere glance had been. "This is where we depart, isn't that right Wolfram?" Understanding crept fast into the widening dark eyes.


"This is the last time you'll ever see him again. Ever."

"Don't, Marlienne. Don't you dare."

She laughed at the sudden pleading. "Say goodbye to the king, beautiful prince."

"Goodbye Your Highness."

He huddled in the darkness, eyes forlornly staring ahead.

'He doesn't appreciate the love you have for him.'

His head dipped a little, chin gently resting atop his knees as he brought them closer to him. His hands circled around them.

'He loves another, never you. You, who had accepted him with nothing more than open arms even if you were reluctant to do so.'

His forehead rested atop his knees now, his hands hugging them more tightly. "He had never cared for me," he whispered.

'Yes, he didn't even go after you eight years ago.'

The reminder had him trembling slightly, his hands bringing his legs even closer to him.

'Instead, he married someone else while you were alone in your unrequited love.'

A sound, almost like a whimper, escaped him. "He had never loved me," he gasped brokenly. "He has never cared for me." His eyes closed shut tight, several tears escaping like shattered diamonds. The pain he felt now, the pain he knew before eight years ago, seared through his heart.

"He's never loved me…and never will."

"Goodbye Your Highness."

His eyes widened upon hearing the monotonous voice and words. His legs, frozen before, moved without warning. Somehow he could not handle the parting words, however emotionless they sound. He forced himself to move faster, seeing the knight turned his horse away and towards the opened gates.


He took a step forward, intended to pursue the knight. Noise that suspiciously sounded like chains pierced through the night, and moments later he found himself unable to move. He felt his hands and legs bounded, and found this to be true. A loud cackle of her laughter reached his ears even when he could no longer see them.

"Don't worry, husband mine. I'll be sure to take real good care of your precious knight. To me…this knight is worth much more."

"Let me go!"

"Your Highness!"

"Stay out of it, Conrad! I have to go!"

"Your Highness, they're long gone by now. We have to think of another way to get Lord Bielefeld back."

"Then think if you must! I'm still going! I can catch them if you'll just let me go!"

"Think rationally, Yuuri!"

His strength escaped him as he fell to the floor, the feeling of uselessness and hopelessness overwhelming. His vision blurred, the images of everyone's concerned faces distorted.


"Your Highness!"

"I failed him," he murmured, unaware of the tears silently flowing."I failed him again. I'm useless as a king, as a friend…and as his husband."

"No, Yuuri. You're not."

"Yes, I am. I let her take him away from me."

"You tried your best."

"It's not enough."

"Perhaps it is the Original King's will that Lord Bielefeld be taken. Perhaps the king has good reasons for all this to have happened."

"The Original…" his words trailed, his dark glassy eyes staring at one worried face to another. His features suddenly hardened, the frown marring turned even harsher. With strengthened force, he brought himself to his feet before moving with crisp motions. The others trailed after him, calling his name urgently. But he paid no attention to them. Coming to a stop, he stared rather harshly at the perfect image behind the glass frame. Hands clenched and fisted tightly at his sides, and with no warning, those hands slammed hard at the walls at the side of the frame.

"Your Highness…" He thought the voice sounded much like Gunter, but his head remained bowed.

"Please-" his whisper started low and, almost silent. His head rose to seek out the pair of smirking blue eyes in shocking helplessness. He took a step back, slowly knelt and bowed fully to the painting.

"Your Highness!"


I wish I could live with memories of the past.

"Never forget me."