Pan looked in the mirror, studying her face, her body


by Morgause

chapter 1: Riddles

Pan looked in the mirror, studying her face, her body. Carefully she touched her swollen lips, let her hand travel down her chin, neck, to rest on her chest.

She was a woman now.

Did she look more mature?..

She doubted it. Even on the inside she didn't feel different.

Would Trunks notice it? Would he finally see her as a woman now?

Probably not. She couldn't see any difference, so why would he?


He hadn't been her first.

He hadn't been the one to show her, teach her, drive her crazy with his touch.

A stranger had.

She was supposed to feel horrible about that, but she didn't. Strangely enough she couldn't care less.

He had been her substitute for love, as he had said. So in a way, she had been with Trunks.

She surpressed that thought.

No, she had not. She wouldn't make any mistakes about this night. It was her night, hers and her mysterious lover's.

She looks at him through half lidded eyes, her breathing ragged. He slowly lifts his hand to catch a sweatdrop rolling down her face. He looks at it and smiles sadly, suddenly not participating anymore.

Frowning she kisses him, trying to get him to respond. Luckily, he does so and she gets lost in those feelings again.

And again.

And again.

God it had been good, he had been good, way better than she had expected. She had really enjoyed (ok, that word didn't really cover how she felt about it, but she couldn't find a better word) it, unlike she had thought she would.

Didn't everybody always say sex wasn't near as good with just somebody than with someone you loved?

Hell, how much better could it get?!


She did love him, truely. She had since that day, about three years ago, when she had first realised what love really was.

She had loved him since then, but had never done anything, tried anything. Trunks often said how good of a friend she was.

He just saw her as a friend, a second baby sister at the most.

God, why couldn't she just stop loving him?!

And then she'd met up with ... Him again. Her mystery man.

And even though she loved Trunks so much, she couldn't help but feel extremely attracted to this guy. Boy, really – he was no older than she was.

At least his body showed no signs of aging, no signs of anything wrong really. He was perfect.

But his eyes... his pale blue eyes. In those eyes she could see he had been through a lot. They looked so sad sometimes, so distracted.

But when they focussed on her, they burned with a strange kind of fire, a strange emotion she had never seen in anyones eyes when they looked at her.

It had been his eyes that had drawn her to him. Unasked questions, denied emotions, all flickering behind those eyes.

And everything she saw in those eyes she recognised.

She looked at her mirror again, inspected herself. Her slim body, now uncovered, didn't seem to be able to hold the power it contained. Her long black hair cascaded down her back. Her eyes were dark as always, although they shimmered with something unknown.

A tear?

She didn't cry. She never cried.

And why should she cry? There was nothing she felt upset about, at the moment.

It fell down from her eye, leaving a moist trail on her cheek.

Silently she moved her hand up to wipe it away. She did not make any sound, did not even shed another tear. She just cried on the inside, not knowing why.


He hovered in the shadows, not seen, not heard, not sensed.

And he watched the girl, who was standing in front of her mirror, her eyes shimmering, her lips quivering.

She was crying.

This disturbed him deeply. Why would she cry? He hadn't hurt her, had he?

No, he had not hurt her. He had been ever so careful. Besides, she was saiyajin, she could stand almost everything.

In fact, he had given her pleasure, he concluded as he recalled her cries, her moans, her mouth and hands and body asking him for more.

His heart ached, his whole body ached to fly into that room and do whatever it took to make her stop crying.

Only the last little bit of brains he still had kept him from doing so.

Logical decisions.

Careful considerations.

Yeah right.

He narrowed his eyes to look at her, see her for the last time, turned, and blasted away.

There had to be something that could make his love possible.


"Yo, Pan!"

Pan couldn't help but smile. That voice she would recognise anywhere. Bra was a good friend of hers, she had been since the day they first met and even more when Bra'd finally given in to her saiyajin nature and had decided to use her powers and train properly, instead of nearly blowing someones head off accidently because that someone pissed her off (luckily the first time it had been her brother, who could defend himself just in time). Pan loved to spar with her, Bra was like Vegeta – strong, but especially smart. She used little tricks that caused much more damage than Pan's powerful attacks, because Bra was so much faster. It made Pan train harder to keep up with her. Bra was a demi saiyajin, which made her more powerful by nature.

Only this night they wouldn't be sparring, they would be doing normal friends stuff. Which meant they would go watch a movie in Bra's room, sleep over and talk.

In this case, unfortunately, they would talk about where the hell she had been last night.

"Hi, Bra," Pan said, looking into Bulma's lab. "What are you doing?"

The blue haired girl looked up from the little device she was working on.

"I'm trying to fix my remote control. It broke again, and it's not the batteries. I think Trunks purposedly stepped on it when he walked in last night.

You were pacing by so fast, I thought I'd call you. You forgot to check the ki around here again."

Pan blushed. "I know, I'm sorry. I was thinking."

Bra frowned, a concerned look in her eyes. "You seem to do that a lot, lately, don't you?"

Pan sighed. "I guess so. Everything is just so complicated lately...."

"Do you mind talking here? I can't stand not having my remote control!"

Pan snickered. She knew Bra just couldn't stand the fact she hadn't finished it yet, and if there was something Bra had inherited from Vegeta, it was obstinacy (besides the 'having natural powers' part, that is).

"Sure, if there's somewhere I can sit," she said.

Bra nodded at a nearby standing desk. "You can sit there."


From what he knew, this green guy was supposed to know everything. At least everything involving this world, and that was (hopefully, he couldn't help but add) enough.

He dropped down in front of him and looked at him, keeping his face blank.

The namek smiled amiably, which irritated him greatly.

"Can I help you, Juunanagou?" he asked friendly, still smiling like that.

Juunanagou felt an urge to smack him in the face, but he surpressed it. Smacking the kami was no good, not even for him. And besides, he did need the green guy's help, even though he didn't like to admit it.

"I need to know two things," he said gruffly.

Dende lifted one eyebrow.

"First; Is it possible for me to make this ... whatever it is I'm feeling... " – he really didn't feel comfortable with the word 'love' –  " ... possible? Can it happen?"

Dende smiled again, that friendly smile that irritated him so much, but this time something sparkled in his eyes. Something he didn't really like.

Could a god be sneaky?!

"You have to tell what exactly it is you want to happen."

Yes, a god could be sneaky.

"You like torturing, don't you?!" Juunanagou snapped, coming closer, a strange electric aura appearing around him.

"Naah, just a little teasing," said the namek, still smiling, not the least bit scared.

Juunanagou growled low in his throat, but stepped back.

No killing the kami.

Under no conditions kill the kami.

When the god kept quiet, he stepped forward again.

"Well?! Can it happen?!!" he snapped.

"You mean your love?!"

Juunanagou narrowed his eyes dangerously, but Dende didn't even blink.

"If love is involved, anything can happen," he then said mysteriously.

Juunanagou surpressed the urge to blast the guy to hell. Great, this didn't bring him any closer. He had come here for information, not riddles!

"And your second question?" asked Dende, polite as always – 'though Juunanagou was sure he could see something really evil flicker behind the Namek's eyes.

"Is it useful for me to try to make anything happen?"

"Useful? Like in – does she want this? This too you have to find out yourself. I can't just give you all the information you want, just because you can fly up here."

Juunanagou growled again, a bestial sound he didn't even know he could make.

The kami smiled again, but this time with something like compassion in his eyes.

"Love will always find a way. Just remember that, Juunanagou," he said.

And gave him the sphere.


Author's notes:  this was only chapter one, really!! I thought I'd better stop making sequels to sequels to sequels to sequels, and this way I can bring more out sooner.

I figured I'd keep my fans (yup, you three ^_^) happy and write this – I had something out already, but I've been really busy with school lately. In fact, I have to study right now – but I decided not to. I can't stand it anymore.

Soooo, I finished this first chapter to make y'all happy ^___^

You can thank me by reviewing, but I won't beg you for reviews – don't want 'em that badly ~_^.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z/GT or any of it's characters, Akira Toriyama, Bird Studios, etc etc etc does. I just like messing with their (love) lives!!

hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihih (as in *evil snickering*)