The Gabriella Montez Extremely Obsessed Room

Gabriella Montez has never been to Troy Bolton's room before…yet.

Troy's glad about that because ever since the song of Breaking Free he fell in love with her.

And his room showed it!

It the day before Christmas and Gabriella was on her way to Troy's house.

Last week when school was still happening Troy forgot his math and science text book at her house.

Now she was going to return it.

Gabriella stepped on the Bolton Porch and knocked on the door.

Mrs. Bolton happily opened it.

"Hey Gabriella." she greeted. "Hi Mrs. Bolton. Is Troy awake yet?"

Mrs. Bolton shook her head no. "You can go ahead and wake him up though."

Gabriella nodded and went upstairs.

She found a door that had basketball pictures around it and guessed it was Troy's.

Slowly and nervously, she opened the door gasping at what she saw inside

Pictures and other stuff of her were everywhere in his room.

Gabriella was so shocked that a hot basketball jock would have this many pictures of a freaky math girl in his room.

Before waking up Troy, she decided to examine everything.

Gabriella looked at the door and saw a life sized poster of her. It was the picture he took of her after singing; We're All In This Together.

She smiled at the fact that he drew a big red heart around her face.

Gabriella stepped forward to see a big wall. At the very top of the wall in said in big letters, THE SOON TO BE COUPLE!

The whole entire wall had pictures of them together.

Then all of a sudden Gabriella heard a small, 'I love you Gabriella'

It sounded like Troy's voice so she turned around to look at Troy's bed.

That's when she started to laugh.

Troy must have been dreaming about her and now was kissing his pillow that had Gabriella's face on it.

His bedspread even had a big picture of her printed on it.

Because of Gabriella's laughing Troy immediately woke up to see her.

Right away he blushed as hard as a red and shiny tomato.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Troy Matthew Bolton!"

Without stopping Troy hopped out of bed, ran to her, and planted a gentle but passionate kiss on Gabriella.

"I LUV YOU." They both said in unison.

There's my one-shot. I think I will delete my other story, Online BF GF because I don't really know what I am going to do with that story but I will have a new one up soon!