Title: Harry's Heroes

Author: Black Blade

Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been.

Summary: Harry is flung back in time further then expected. He now finds himself in Nazi Germany in a very different prisoner of war camp. Crossover with Harry Potter.


Chapter one: Just a little time travel.

"Right, my boy, we'll be sending you back one year," Albus explained, with a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Do you have the returner?"

"Yep," Harry said showing the snake and lion pendant that was dangling on a chain around his neck.

"Right well you know what you need to do. The returner needs one week to recognize where you are in time before it's able to send you back," Albus repeated, Harry was sure, for the twelfth time.

"Yes Albus, can't come back for a week must report to Sammy once I arrive to tell him about Voldemort's plan," Harry grumbled fed up with Albus' coddling.

"Right, my boy, and remember-"

Harry cut him off by pulling his wand. "Just cast the spell Albus before I do something we'll both regret," Harry warned. Waving the wand close to the old wizard's face.

Albus chuckled pulling his own wand as Harry prepared himself for the year leap back in time. The twenty year old tightened the belt around his slim waist, which also held the Gryffindor sword on one side and a dagger on the other. He wore muggle clothes with a long coat, which hid most of his weapons he had around his body. He casually slung a magical enhanced bag filled to the rim with enough food and clothing to last him for two weeks onto his shoulder. He once again he checked he had enough money before nodding to Albus to signal he was ready to go.

"Okay Albus, spell away." Harry grinned. "I bet you've been wanting to do this ever since I turned your hair pink."

Albus grinned back pointing his wand at the young man. "Harry you know I wouldn't do a thing like that."

Harry snorted just as Albus' spell hit him and the world dissolved into multitude of colours around him that made his eyes hurt and his stomach protest. The sensation seemed to go on forever making Harry believe that something might have gone wrong. Just when Harry started to doubt his stomach would ever be the same the colours around him settled back into their correct order.

'Oh I'm so going to get Albus for that!' Harry thought, as he looked around the large forest area he had landed ass first in.

Stars spotted the darkness above him as a large moon hung low in the sky lighting up the woodland around him. Harry frowned at the darkness around him his mind rebelling to the fact it had been a dreary Scottish day only moments before.

"Well this is just great." Harry muttered to himself.

Looking around Harry couldn't find any kind of civilization for as far as he could see through the trees. 'Now what do I do?' Harry questioned silently. He slid down the nearest tree trunk to think. 'This is not my day, this is so not my day.'

Harry didn't know how long he sat there listening to the noises in the forest. Therefore he was shocked out of his skin when footsteps sounded nearby. He quickly dived behind a bush as five people came into sight wearing a camouflage of dark colours and if it weren't for Harry's training with Snape he might have overlooked them completely. He watched as they picked their way through the forest as if they knew the area well.

Harry crouched watching, before shrugging his shoulders he had nothing else to do, he quietly pulled himself up to follow the other men. One figure kept looking around as if he could feel Harry's presence. 'He must be the leader,' Harry concluded as the man stopped the others.

Harry pulled up behind a tree and crouched back down, Snape had taught him as well as an ex-death eater could in the arts of being sneaky. He'd mastered the art to the point of being able to follow the most aware death eaters, even Snape to the man's distaste.

"What is it gov'ner?" An English voice carried to the hidden wizard.

'Well at least I know one of them is English that's a good sign,' Harry thought.

"Thought I heard something, keep a look out," an American voice replied.

'I'm getting a bad feeling about this,' Harry thought as his stomach dropped.

Choruses of "yes sir's" sounded before retreating footsteps could be heard. Harry followed a little further behind the small group keeping them within sight at al times. The other men stopped suddenly at the edge of a wide river with a bridge spanning the distance between the two sides. Harry looked the bridge over with a critical eye, the structure looked to be made poorly or in a hurry Harry guessed it might be the latter. It was nothing like the bridges he was used to seeing back home.

"Okay fellas we have twenty five minutes, get to it," the American said, making waving motions with his hands as if he was sending his kids out to play.

Harry stayed back behind the tree cover as he watched the group of four disappeared into the night as the leader stayed behind as a look out.

Harry's keen eyes trailed the other four as they climbed up the bridge's wooden support beams stopping at points to plant, what Harry believed to be explosives. His eyes drifted back to the leader of the group from time to time as the other men worked.

'This looks interesting,' Harry thought as he shifted on the ground before his legs fell asleep. Unfortunately his movements were picked up by the other man standing in front of him, who looked around trying to find the source of the noise. But as luck would have it the leader was distracted by the rest of his team arriving back at his side, one holding a detonation box in his hands.

"Everything's all hook up boy, I mean sir," another American said with childlike cheer.

Harry snickered inwardly at the delight the other man took in his missions.

"Okay Carter, let's move it back." The leader announced. Harry moved around the tree as the five headed towards him. Harry followed behind being careful to keep a lot of distance between them without losing sight of the team. When the five stopped Harry did as well. Harry and the five were on a small incline overlooking the river and the rigged bridge. A horn ripped through the still forest air, startling Harry slightly. Harry looked down towards the bridge where he could make out the faint outline of an old freight train heading towards the bridge

"Okay Carter when the train is completely on the bridge," the leader reminded the younger American.

"Right boy, ah sir," Carter answered from his place crouched next to the box.

Harry watched holding his breath as the train unaware of the danger it was in traveled along the tracks. When the train was completely on the bridge, the leader gave the go ahead. The air was ripped open with a flash, shortly followed an ear splitting explosion taking the unwilling train to an early grave. The five men and Harry were pushed back with the backlash of the explosion. Using his momentum Harry continued to roll until he crouched behind another tree. He hoped that no one noticed he'd been forced from his hiding place. Just in case they had he silently pulled his sword out.

He was thankful for his decision, as a twig breaking seconds before the leader rounded the tree was his only warning. He moved with speed and grace, which would have amazed many, as he stood bring his sword up as the leader brought the hand holding his gun to arm. The tip of Harry's sword stopped centimeters away from the other man's throat, while the man's gun rested near Harry's hip. The two men froze, looking the other in the eyes, with respect and suspicion. Harry saw the rest of the man's team behind him. Their black smudged faces surprised.

The younger American's jaw hung wide open, as the others held their guns at the ready.

"Well this is interesting," Harry said breaking the silence.