Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters you recognize from the Harry Potter books and never will.

My Redhead Life As A Blond


Knockturn Alley was always a dodgy place to be. The people there don't associate with anyone else and they stay in the tight groups they came with. Very few dared to walk the streets alone. Those 'very few' usually consisted of powerful and rich people.

A dark silhouette walked down that path. He was obviously very wealthy and had that air to him that made you want to shrink back into the shadows. Yes, he was very powerful indeed. But who was he?

Clad in expensive dark blue dress robes and holding a briefcase in one hand, he walked at a brisk pace, as if he was in a hurry. Everyone stepped out of his way and stared. His face caught on a dimly lit streetlamp, and everyone felt their breath catch in their throats.

He was gorgeous. The man had a deadly beauty to him, one that allured you and frightened you all the same. His hair was dark brown, almost to the point of black, but not quite. His eyebrows were thin and his eyes were a unique auburn color, almost red. His nose was long and slender and his lips were soft but the shape of them can only be described as sharp. He had broad shoulders and a lean body, and his skin was simply sun- kissed.

Everyone who saw him, merely walking, would always remember him. This man was Delano Quade.

He ventured deeper into Knockturn Alley, following the serpentine trail and changing direction every now and then. He was so far in; there was no one but himself there. The only sound to be heard was his own footsteps echoing.

This part of Knockturn Alley was old and looked like something out of a black and white movie. The brick walls around him were loosing color, fading like a photograph left out in the sun, and then disappearing like a vague memory no one cared to try and recall.

Delano finally came across a dead end, but he seemed to have expected that. He glanced around the deserted place cautiously and then pulled out his wand. He traced an intricate pattern on the wall, across the rectangular bricks and in the cement. When he was done, he stepped back and waved his wand over the area it touched.

Every loop and line, dark and thick, glowed an eerie color, brightening and expanding, totally consuming the entirety of the wall. It penetrated the darkness and sent off waves of power that made Delano slightly reel backwards.

When the light show was done, and every ray of light had once again disappeared, a door appeared in the brick wall. It looked as if it had been there the whole time. When Delano touched the doorknob, it glowed dully, and he felt a sort of zing go straight through his body and toward his left hand's forearm.

Then the door opened and granted him entrance.

Beyond the door, there was nothing but a long, straight corridor, littered with occasional door along the side. But Delano didn't care about those. He picked up his brisk pace again, his suitcase lightly swinging in one hand and his polished shoes once again clomping. He held is head up high and dignified and looked only forward, not even glancing sideways.

At the end of the corridor was another door, looking innocent. Delano entered the room, not even shocked at what he saw.

The room was huge. It looked like the Roman Coliseum, with seats ringing around the room. There must have been thousands of people sitting there. In the center of the arena, there stood a ghastly form, circled only by a few people.

Lord Voldemort and his Inner Circle. Everyone was staring at him, but Delano didn't care. He walked up to the most wanted man in the world and bowed.

"My lord." Delano murmured in his deep, manly voice.

"You are late." Voldemort said, in a voice that gave everyone chills.

"Forgive me, my Lord, but I couldn't get away without raising suspicion."

"I'm guessing you managed to do what I asked of you?" Voldemort questioned.

"Yes, my lord." Delano replied, bowing his head slightly.

Voldemort stared at him before addressing him to everybody else. "You see here? This is my most obedient follower. He managed to secure the Defense Against the Dark Arts spot at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry without raising suspicion. He was able to familiarize himself in a place where secrets from the Order of Phoenix would be. He will tell me the weaknesses of Harry Potter. He is my spy."

Clapping resounded throughout the Coliseum, but many envious glares were directed at him. Delano just coolly lifted an eyebrow at them.

The rest of the Death Eater meeting went along dully. Delano stood in his place among the Inner Circle, wishing he could sit down. He didn't really listen, but occasionally caught bits and pieces of what the Dark Lord was saying. "…Harry Potter….kill…attack….Dumbledore…"

Delano sighed. It was always the same shit he preached. Every single meeting they were forced to hear the same thing all the time. It was tiring to say the least. No, Delano didn't exactly care about the Death Eater's meeting. It was what always happens at the end that interested him.

Soon enough, Voldemort was dismissing his minions, and when they were all gone did he address the Inner Circle. The identity of the members of the Inner Circle was kept a secret from the lower Death Eaters. Only fools like Lucius Malfoy went about strutting his power. Sickening, really.

Delano stood with his fellows, tall and regally, the mask he had placed on his face still there. They had formed a circle around Lord Voldemort, listening to him talk. He fed bullshit to the Deatheaters who wanted nothing but power, but he told the truth and hidden reason behind his seemingly mindless plans to his faithful ones. To say he was a genius was an understatement.

"My loyal ones! We shall wreak havoc whilst those meddlesome fools protect their precious Harry Potter. He is meaningless to us right now. We will terminate him soon, but first, we must reach our grander goal." How he managed to say all that in one breath astounded Delano to no end.

"My most obedient followers, there has been another prophecy made. Listen:

Reborn is this phoenix from its ash

Healed from its self- inflicted emotional gash

No more naïve, not young, not brash

She is not who you think

Swift and quick; out of your sight in a wink

Mind full of horrors caused from within the black ink

In the Final Battle, the side she chooses will prevail

All of her enemies or traitorous friends will fail

High in honor and respect, she is the one they will all hail

"What does it mean?" Macnair questioned, confused by the riddle set before them.

"That is what you will need to find out. Figure out who this 'phoenix' is and bring her to our side. When the war is over, kill her. The only person everyone will hail is ME!" Voldemort roared, scaring most of them.

The Dark Lord dismissed them and sent them away. Delano knew that the one to find this mystery girl will rise in ranks, so every Death Eater that was present wanted this. The members of the Inner Circle were Walden Macnair, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Damien Zabini, and Delano himself.

Delano surveyed the others. They all looked as if they were pondering the prophecy. But why was Lucius Malfoy so happy. He looked like he was about to piss his pants from the excitement, and he kept whispering to Damien. What were those two up to? Did they solve the enigma?

'No way' Delano thought. They weren't smart enough to do it.

But rather safe than sorry. When they all left, Delano thought he should follow the two, who took off together, whispering frantically. Sadly, he could not understand what they were saying. Nevermind, they were probably discussing nonsensical, trivial issues and those were beneath him.

Delano left the two. He had to go pack. After all, he had idiots to teach in a week.

Delano walked back up the once- again deserted Knockturn Alley, humming the Hogwarts School song.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts
Teach us something, please,
Whether we be old and bald
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot."

A/N: Here's the first of my revisions! Not many changes, just a few words here and there. Also, this used to be Chapter 5, but it makes more sense as the first chapter, believe me! I'm so excited about revising this, because I know it will be much better and improved.