Disclaimer: I do NOT own The West Wing.

A/N: I played with details from the actual episode a little to stretch it out more.

The room exploded into whoops and cheers so deafening that Donna wasn't sure she was really hearing Josh's cell phone, but then she realized it was also flashing, so she grabbed it off the table when she realized that Josh was nowhere in sight. She could barely hear the voice on the other end, so she wandered into the hallway to get some quiet. That was when she realized it wasn't only the noise from the room that was the problem.

"Donna? Is that you?"

It was Mrs. Lyman, and while Donna had gotten used to speaking to her a few times a week, she didn't sound at all like herself now.

"Yes, it is. Mrs. Lyman, is everything ok?"

There was a silence, and Donna's hand tightened on the phone when Josh's mother finally spoke again.

"No, no it isn't. I guess… well, I guess it's better if Josh hears this from you in person. Donna, he needs to come home tonight. His father went into the hospital tonight and… well, he didn't make it." Her voice was calm, but Donna could hear the numbness that she knew would soon fade. She swallowed hard, trying not to imagine how hard this was about to get.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Lyman," she managed to mumble. "I'll give Josh the message. I'm sure he'll call you back in a few minutes."

"Thank you," she said softly. She hung up, and Donna stood in the hallway for a moment, taking a deep breath, steeling herself for what she knew would be an impossible task. Finally, she turned and walked back into a celebration that suddenly… somehow… seemed very wrong. She was about to ask Sam if he'd seen Josh when she gasped as she felt someone rush up behind her and grab her. Whirling around, she was confronted with Josh's beaming face as he lifted her in a hug.

"We got it, Donna! We're going to win this thing; I just know it!"

She smiled at him, but her eyes weren't in it. He didn't notice, though, so she was forced to push him away and look straight at him.

"Josh, your mother called."

His grin widened. "Did you tell her?"

"Josh…" She didn't know how to say it. She didn't know how to give him the news that would change his life. But he saw it in her eyes.

"Donna, what is it?" he asked, his smile suddenly faltering. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Sam was turning to watch them, so she handed Josh his cell phone and said, "let's do this in the hallway?," but he shook his head, the worry now plain on his face.

"Just say it," he said flatly. All of the excitement was gone out of his voice now as though he knew what she was trying not to say.

"Josh, it's your dad," she said softly. "I'm so sorry, but your mom… well, she said he went into the hospital tonight and … he didn't make it, Josh."

His expression didn't change, but he turned and walked out of the room without another word. Donna turned to see Sam staring at her. She nodded at him to confirm that he had, in fact, heard her correctly, and then she followed Josh outside. He was standing next to the door, just leaning against the wall, and she paused next to him, uncertain of what he wanted. Then, without acknowledging her presence – but without walking away either— he opened his cell phone and dialed his mother.

"Hi Mom," he said, and for the first time, Donna heard his voice shake. Feeling like she was intruding, she was about to walk away, but she didn't need to. Sam walked out of the room at that moment, and Josh moved down the hall to be alone.

The two of them stood there in silence until Sam said, "She didn't say what happened?"

Donna shook her head, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight of Josh. He'd stopped at the end of the hall and was sitting on the floor, the phone still pressed to his ear, but with his knees up and his head down. Sam turned to look at what she was watching, and as he did, they both saw as Josh dropped the phone on the floor and wrapped both arms around his legs. He rested his head against his knees, and even from this distance, they could both see his shoulders start to shake.

"Donna, I think he needs you now," Sam said quietly, but Donna heard the truth in his voice, and she nodded, forcing herself to walk down the hallway. Her heart was racing, but she knew that Sam was right. Josh did need her now. Or rather… he wouldn't accept anyone else.

Stopping in front of him, she waited for a moment to see if he would notice, but when he didn't, she sat beside him on the floor and cautiously draped her arm over his shoulders. He stiffened, and she said softly, "it's me, Josh."

She felt his muscles relax again, and the shaking intensified. Before long, his sobs were audible, and just as she thought there had to be something else she could do to help him at this awful, awful moment, he let go of his legs and turned to her. His eyes were full of tears, and he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her long blond hair. Stroking his hair, she softly murmured, "I'm here as long as you need me," and she heard his choked affirmation of her pledge. She had the feeling that would be for a long time.