I don't own anything.


-Chapter One: Coincidences

"This had better be good, Gehlen!" Asuka Sohryu snapped as she stormed into the office. The room's sole occupant, a slight light-haired man, barely batted an eyebrow at her righteous anger.

"I like to think that I always come up with good things," Reinhard Gehlen commented. "Have a seat Miss Sohryu." Asuka sat down across from the man and scowled at him over his desk. She wasn't supposed to be at work until seven. It was four thirty. Needless to say, she was rather pissed off.

"So, what do you need now Gehlen?" Asuka asked as she took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"You lived in Tokyo-3 for four years, correct?" Asuka frowned. Tokyo-3? She hadn't been there for six years.

"That's right," she stated slowly. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Tokyo-3 is the headquarters for NERV," Reinhard stated. Asuka's anger began to return.

"I know that," she growled. "I worked for them. It's all in my dossier, which you have."

"I know."

"Then why don't you tell me why the hell I'm here?" Asuka exploded. The old intelligence analyst smirked. Sometimes Asuka truly believed that the man liked provoking her for some reason.

"After the Angel Wars, NERV was brought under the jurisdiction of the Japanese government," Reinhard explain. "It's a massive brain trust. Some of the smartest people in the world work there. They are contracted for unusual problems that require creative solutions." This was news to Asuka.

"So what do you want me to do?" she asked.

"We've been tracking a scientific ship from the Japanese government," Reinhard explained. "They've been exploring national waters. We believe they've found something."

"Oil?" Asuka ventured.

"It's quite possible," Reinhard explained. "Whatever it is, the Japanese are swarming. If it's enough to get them going, then it's enough to interest us."

"You don't even know what it is?" Asuka asked with a frown. She wasn't used to her bosses not knowing something.

"We've been trying to figure that out," Reinhard explain. "However, the JSISDF has begun a major crack down on all foreign intelligence capabilities."

"The what?" Asuka asked.

"The Japanese Strategic Information Self Defense Force," Reinhard stated. "Don't they teach you young people anything?"

"They teach us plenty!" Asuka snapped. "What the hell is the ISDF doing operation like that? It's against their charter."

"Charters change," Reinhard replied. "With China still in civil war after the Second Impact, no other Asian country has the power to protest. Internally the ISDF works as counter intelligence; abroad they act as intelligence."

"All the agencies are cracking down right now," Asuka commented. "They always have been actually and it's never stopped our kind."

"This is different," Reinhard stated. "The Japanese have been doing their homework. They've flown in American CIA and NSA officers to act as instructors."

"The CIA?" Asuka demanded derisively. "Those incompetents? What the hell are you worried about? They'll be so wrapped up in bureaucracies that they won't be able to do a damned thing!"

"The men they've chose are old-school Intel," Reinhard explained. "We're talking about Cold War-era officers. These men are why the CIA is feared to this day."

"So the Japanese have a bunch of old guys training them," Asuka summarized.

"They aren't showing a lot of mercy," Reinhard stated. "Quite a few times, official case officers have disappeared and never reported in."

"They can't do that," Asuka protested. "It's illegal!"

"They can and they probably are," Reinhard corrected. "They just aren't supposed to. What are the governments going to do? Ask for their spies back and be humiliated on television? We aren't that important."

"What about their official titles?" Asuka asked.

"Sure, we've asked what happened to this secretary or that aide and we've gotten the same answer," Reinhard stated, "must've wandered into the wrong part of town."

"You want me to go into Tokyo-3," Asuka stated. Reinhard nodded. "I haven't been there in a long time. I kept meaning to call my friends, but I never got around to it."

"Now's as good a time as any," Reinhard commented. "Contact us in a week and watch your back. Japan has become a very dangerous place for foreign intelligence officers." Asuka glanced out the window at the beautiful view of Tokyo-2 that Reinhard's office in the German embassy afforded. "Their agents are highly skilled and very dangerous."

"Good," Asuka replied calmly. "I wouldn't want to get bored."


"That's our man, sir."

"Yeah," Shinji Ikari agreed as he lowered his binoculars. "Who owns that warehouse?"

"It belongs to Weyland-Yutani Heavy Industries," Takeo Yoshikawa replied. "It's been for sale for almost three years."

"Alright," Shinji replied as he climbed out of the car. "I'll go have a look around. You radio me if you see anyone heading my way."

"Roger that, sir." Shinji quickly crossed the street while he tugged on his gloses. He reached the main entrance to the warehouse and quickly dug the electronic pick out of his pocket. He pushed it into the door's lock and turned it on. The small machine hummed to life and began flicked the lock's tumblers. A moment later Shinji twisted the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. He quickly shut the door and locked it again. "Sir!"

"What's wrong?" Shinji hissed, pressed his earpiece harder against his ear to hear better.

"Someone's coming sir," Takeo warned.

"Copy." Shinji looked around quickly. He grabbed the exposed rafters of the entryway and managed to swing his legs up as the door opened. Shinji could hear footsteps, but he was too scared of making a noise to move. No he hung from the rafter, holding himself almost parallel with it in an uncommon show of strength and athleticism. The footsteps grew slightly distant and his quietly wrapped his legs around the beam as well.

"I just phoned HQ. They said to bring him in," Takeo stated in Shinji's earpiece. Shinji slowly released his hold with his legs and swung down. He landed in a crouch without a sound and reached into the pocket of his coat. His fingers wrapped around the collapsible baton in his pocket and he pulled it out as quietly as he could.


"Well done, Shinji!"

"Thank you sir," Shinji replied. His boss grinned at him and turned back to the one way window.

"He's a real hard ass, but we'll crack him eventually!" Nagao Kita exclaimed. "Everyone breaks eventually." After a moment in which the man's cheerful grin slipped slightly, he was grinning again. "We managed to I.D. the bastard. He's a German citizen working as a secretary at their embassy."

"Diplomatic immunity?" Shinji ventured.


"Then wouldn't this be illegal?" Shinji pressed even though it didn't truly matter.

"They won't ask what happened to their spy," Nagao stated.

"And if they ask what happened to their secretary?" Shinji asked.

"Wandered down the wrong alley, maybe went to China and disappeared, maybe he even found himself a Japanese hooker, fell in love, and ran away," Nagao stated with a chuckle. "You seem awfully worried about the law. You're a Black, aren't you? On loan to us, right? What do you care?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir," Shinji replied automatically. "I've never heard of someone being a Black."

"Of course not," Nagao replied. "What a silly thing for me to say. Don't know why I mentioned it. My apologies."

"Not a problem, sir," Shinji replied. "What about the agent?"

"We picked him up at his house," Nagao explained. "He wasn't as resilient as his case officer. The mere threat of torture had him spilling his guts."

"What did he leak to them?" Shinji asked.

"Doctor Miho leaked anything and everything he could get his hands on," Nagao stated, his smile slipping and being replaced with a muscle twitching in the corner of his eye. "Ever since he was in college. He started with his military daddy's papers and moved onto leaking his own classified findings while working for the government."

"Was he on the. . ."

". . .exploration ships?" Nagao interrupted. Shinji nodded. "He was the head geologist. We're going to need you and Yoshikawa to get down to Tokyo-3. The Germans will be taking steps to undermine our operation. How is your German?"

"Haven't spoken German in years," Shinji stated. "A soldier I met in Somalia taught me how to speak it, but that was a long time ago."

"You'll have plenty of time to polish it up," Nagao stated calmly. "You're dismissed, Shinji."

"Yes, sir," Shinji replied. Nagao's grin returned as the German's screams came across from the interrogation room over the speakers.

"That had to hurt." Shinji turned and hurried towards the door. "Shinji?" Shinji paused and turned.


"Since we began this operation, the courts have been overflowing with traitors," Nagao stated. "How about we relieve some of that pressure?"

"Yes sir."

"If you find another officer then by all means, give him to us, but if you catch another agent. . .well, learn what you can and. . ." Nagao trailed off and turned to face Shinji, ". . .you know what to do."

"Yes sir."

"So, how's Yoshikawa doing?" Nagao asked suddenly. "He came very highly recommended and those Maritime SSDF Spec Ops guys don't impress easily."

"He's fine, sir," Shinji replied.

"Good!" Nagao exclaimed. "You don't impress easily either, so he must be good. Well, good luck Shinji."

"Thank you sir."


Shinji carefully closed the door and pulled off his suit jacket. He hated interrogation. "Did they find anything, sir?"

"Not from the officer," Shinji stated, "at least, not yet. Everyone breaks eventually. He will too."

"Where's he from?" Nagao asked as he fell into step beside Shinji.

"Germany," Shinji replied. "Can you speak German?"

"A little," Nagao replied. "I worked with the German Navy's Spec Ops guys before."

"Kampfschwimmer Kompanie," Shinji stated.


"Combat Swimmer Company," Shinji explained. "German Naval Spec Ops."


"Get everything in order," Shinji ordered. "We're leaving."


"As soon as we pick up our weapons," Shinji answered as he stopped in front of an elevator and pushed the call button.

"So, we have to see that guy again?" Takeo asked with a frown.

"I'll have you know, 'that guy' is an old friend of mine," Shinji stated.

"That aside, sir," Takeo began, "you have to admit, it's creepy how giddy he is around weapons."

"I always hoped he would outgrow that."


"Hey Shinji!"

"Hello Kensuke," Shinji replied with a forced smile.

"I heard you brought in another officer!" Kensuke Aida exclaimed as he raced around the armory. "So, you guys want your Mk. 23s, right?"

"Yeah," Takeo said absently as he examined a large sniper rifle. "Are you done with them?"

"Of course!" Kensuke snapped. "This was just a checkup. Japan has never used this kind of weapon before and we're trying to keep an eye on the wear patterns."

"Those Germans tend to build pretty sturdy weapons," Takeo commented. "Anthena Armor Piercers?"

"They have the highest accuracy of all. . ."

"I know," Takeo interrupted. "I helped a sniper team in Syria. They used these babies for some pretty amazing shots. Although the sniper really liked those armor piercing incendiaries. . ."

"Rao. . ."

"Yeah those," Takeo replied. "One of the nastiest kills I've ever seem was a two hundred meter shot with those things." Shinji tried to hide a smirk. It was always a pleasure seeing Kensuke trying to use facts to hide his lack of field experience.

"I'll get the Mk. 23s," the bespectacled man stated. He opened a large wall locker and drew two large black pistols out. "Here."

"Thanks." Shinji took his weapon and picked up a magazine from the table. He pushed it into the weapon's grip and stared at the bullets through the weapon's translucent Lexan grip panel before thumbing the slide release.

"I wish I could be out there with your guys," Kensuke commented wistfully. "Out in the field, busting skulls and knocking off enemies without their partners noticing."

"Yeah," Shinji deadpanned as he holstered his pistol under his left arm. He was hoping that Kensuke wouldn't start blaming his bum leg for being stuck in the lab. Shinji was getting sick of that excuse.

"I replaced the trigger mechanisms with a new after market match grade model," Kensuke explained, decided to jabber about the pistols instead of his job. "It should have a sweet single action pull with no creep at all. I also replaced the barrels and added new contrasting highly luminous night sights."

"Thanks," Takeo replied.

"Whatever," Kensuke spat. Shinji frowned. He didn't like Kensuke's attitude. The man was just rude to anyone of lesser rank, which Takeo technically was, even though the younger man had more combat experience than Kensuke would ever see. It was all politics.

"Let's go."

"Yes sir," Takeo agreed, looking relieved to be called away.

"See you next time Shinji!" Shinji stepped out of the armory and glanced at his watch. It was almost noon.

"You need to pack anything?"

"I can get clothes in Tokyo-3," Takeo answered. Shinji glanced at the younger man and felt a smile tugging at his lips. "What?"

"Very clever."

"What is?" Takeo asked, feigning innocence.

"You can charge the price of new clothes as expenses," Shinji stated. "It usually takes an officer a few months to figure that out."

"I hadn't even thought of that." Takeo was surprisingly good at playing innocent, but he wasn't fooling Shinji.

"Bull shit."


Misato Katsuragi frowned as she sat up in bed. She hated early mornings. She fumbled for the bleating alarm clock and hit the snooze button. She was about to go back to sleep when a new alarm went off. It was the phone. . .in the kitchen. "Damn it." She crawled out of bed and made her slow, staggering way to towards the kitchen. One glanced at the caller ID screen perked her mood up immediately. She snatched up the phone and tried to keep a strait face. "Misato Katsuragi," she introduced in her most seductive voice, "local sex goddess of Tokyo-3. How can I help you?"

"Funny," the man on the other end of the line stated calmly. Misato pouted in disappointment, even though she knew her teasing had lost much of its punch years ago.

"Hey Shinji."

"Did I wake you?" the young man asked.

"Yeah," Misato grumbled. "Why are you calling me this early, Ikari?"

"Its half past twelve," Shinji commented, amusement evident in his voice. "I'm telling you, you really do need to get active. You'll loose your girlish figure."

"Well, you'd know all about my figure," Misato teased as she staggered towards the refrigerator and retrieved a can of her favorite drink.

"And suck a lovely figure it is," Shinji replied. Misato had to laugh. Ever since Shinji had left Tokyo-3, he had been so much more relaxed than before.

"You silver-tongued devil you," she commented. "So, why are you calling?"

"I'll be in Tokyo-3 soon," Shinji stated. "I'll be staying a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go have dinner." Misato smiled. Shinji came through town on business every couple of months and always took her out for a night on the town. The normality of this action did not negate it from her teasing.

"Why Misato Ikari, are you asking me out on a date?" The sad truth was, the dinner date was probably the best time she would have until his next visit. "This would be the tenth, right? I'll have you know, I got a little further on the tenth date."

"Uh. . .well. . .damn it, Misato!" Misato grinned. 'I've still got it.'

"It's a date," she stated. "Call me when you get into town and I'll pick you up."

"Thanks," Shinji replied. "I'll see you real soon, Misato."

"Count on it." Misato pressed the call end button and opened her beer. She glanced at the phone and watched as the message button continued to blink, indication a message that had not been erased yet. She had already listened to it several times. "What a coincidence. Both of them coming home at the same time," Misato mused. "This is going to be interesting."



-Author's notes. Sorry all. No new Lycanthrope this week. I've kind of lost some enthusiasm for that story, so until it comes back I'm not going to force out mediocre chapters. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning it. I'm just taking a break from it.

And I just got a PS3! Now if I only had the money for games and an HD TV and a couple of other things. Oh well.