Disclaimer: I obviously do not own CSI: NY. I just own my car, my laptop and my crazy muse who seems to want to write 4 different stories at a time. I also do own any characters that you do not recognize. You can borrow them if you ask permission first!
A/N: Here's the next chappie!! Thanks to all who reviewed. As always, please R&R. My muse loves the attention. :D The song title is from Darling Violetta and most people know is as the theme song to the TV show Angel. Many thanks to Aphina and Axellia for being the most wonderful betas! Okay. This is the last chapter for Deja Vu and I do have the first chapter of the sequel The War at Home written, but not anything after that. It's been a pretty crazy week and I don't know when I'm going to get to write on it more. As a result, I may not post the first chapter of the sequel until next week, but I'll respond to all my reviews from this chapter in that chapter!
Chapter 64.
Catharsis of Sufferance
Lydia was watching the live video feed from the boat when she noticed two figures walking quickly on the deck. Quickly, she radioed to have them focus in on the figures and was horrified to see Montoya carrying an unconscious Alexis and a younger man putting her on a speedboat. She watched as the boat began to drive towards the shore and Montoya disappeared back onto the boat.
The explosion that happened mere moments later, shocked even the seasoned agent. She gasped in horror as the boat was engulfed in flames. She reacted instantly, calling for the boats to intercept the speedboat.
She grabbed her phone as she ran out of the room, almost running into Alistair. "Alistair, the boat just exploded! We've got to get to the docks," she called out as she ran past him.
Alistair turned in shock at her words and with a speed that belittled his age, raced after her. They ran into the sunlight, squinting as they jumped into a car and rushed to the docks.
When they arrived there was already an ambulance screeching to a halt behind them. The team in the surveillance boat had called him in when seeing the condition that Alexis was in. Lydia and Alistair waited impatiently for the boat to make its way back to the dock and when it arrived, Lydia had to smother a cry of distress. Blood stained the front of Alexis' shirt and her skin was pale. "Jesus, what happened to her?" she muttered under her breath.
One of the Spanish policemen on the boat answered her. "The man who was driving the boat doesn't know. The only thing that he could tell us was that Montoya rushed up the stairs with her in his arms, instructed him to get her to safety and then disappeared back onto the boat. Moments later it exploded."
Lydia shook her head. "Was she conscious when you arrived?"
The cop shook his head. "No, that's why we called for the ambulance. We discovered several stab wounds on her torso."
Lydia nodded as she ran towards the ambulance, hoping to be able to ride to the hospital with her.
Cory had just left church when she felt her cell phone vibrating. She looked at the caller ID and quickly answered, "Hey, Lydia. What's up?"
Across the distance, she could hear Lydia taking a deep breath. "We've got your Mom."
"What!" Cory screeched, excitement causing her to yell much to the surprise of the people around her. "That's great news!"
"Umm…yeah, it is," Lydia finally responded.
Cory felt her heart drop. Her voice lowered to a whisper as she dared to ask, "Is she dead?"
"No, she's not, but she is in the hospital. She was taken off the boat with stab wounds and then the boat exploded. We suspect that Montoya is dead, but she's the only one that knows what happened on that boat." Lydia sighed. "I won't lie, she lost a lot of blood, but the doctors are hopeful that she'll wake up soon."
"Oh, God," Cory muttered, trying to process everything that Lydia had told her. "Umm…keep me in the loop. Should I fly over there?"
"Not yet. Let's give it a day and see if she comes out of it. If she does, we'll be on the first plane home after the doctor's clear her. I'll call you if anything changes. I promise."
Cory responded in shock. "Okay. Thanks," she said as she hung up the phone and stared into space until Danny made his way out of the church.
"Cory? Bella? Are you okay?" he asked, noticing her distracted look.
Cory blinked, surprised to see Danny standing in front of her. "Lydia just called. They have Mom, but she's in the hospital. She was stabbed, Montoya is dead and no one knows why."
Danny stared at her, sensing that she was still in shock from the phone conversation. Gently he grabbed her arm and steered her towards the car, so he could take her home.
When Alexis awoke, she was blinded by the bright florescent lights. She tried to sit up, but groaned at the stabbing pain in her shoulders.
Lydia opened her eyes at the sound of Alexis' groan. "Alexis? You're awake!" she exclaimed as she quickly pressed the nurses call button.
Alexis turned her head at the voice in surprise. She blinked before finally recognizing the dark haired woman sitting next to the bed. "Agent Sanchez?" she asked in confusion. "Where am I?"
"You're in the hospital," Lydia responded as a nurse walked in and began to speak in rapid fire Spanish. "In Spain, obviously. She is going to take your vital signs." Once the nurse was done, Lydia continued, "Do you remember what happened?"
Alexis thought for a moment before the memories came rushing back. They washed over her, causing her to begin to panic as the seriousness of the situation came back to haunt her. "Oh, God. That man, Etienne, he's trying to harm America, but I don't know how!"
Lydia saw her starting to panic and laid her hand on her arm gently. "Take deep breaths, Alexis and tell me what happened. Why did the boat explode?"
Alexis looked at her, confusion apparent on her face. "The boat exploded?"
"You don't remember that?"
"No," she said before making a realization. "Alejandro is dead, isn't he?"
Lydia nodded. "From what we can tell, yes. Who is Etienne? We found five bodies on the boat, but haven't been able to ID anyone but Montoya yet."
Alexis blinked her eyes and did a quick mental calculation. "There should have been six people on that boat. Alejandro, Etienne and the other four crewmen. There were eight of us total."
Lydia blinked. "Then we are missing someone. All of the men that we found so far were Hispanic."
Alexis' eyes opened wide. "Oh, God. Etienne. He wasn't Hispanic. I think he might be French, but he was working for some organization that was controlling Alejandro."
Lydia settled back into her chair and dug out a memo pad from her purse. "I think you'd better tell me everything from the beginning."
Alexis nodded and slowly began to recount her tale to the worried agent.
A few days later, the day before Valentine's Day, Cory was standing anxiously in the airport, waiting for the plane to arrive. She paced impatiently at the arrival gates until they opened and then searched the disembarking crowd for two familiar faces. She finally spotted them and let out a squeal of excitement. "Mom!"
She darted through the crowd and wrapped her mom in a hug. "I love you! I'm so sorry about what I said on the phone."
Alexis wrapped her arms around Cory, breathing a sigh of relief that she was okay. "Cory, it's okay. You were angry and you had a right to be. I don't blame you." She sighed wearily. "Right now I just want to sleep."
Cory nodded and the three women began to walk out of the airport; Cory noticed the look that Lydia had given her. She knew that more was going on that Lydia definitely wanted to talk to her about. She gave her an almost imperceptible nod as they continued to the SUV that Danny was waiting in. They climbed into the SUV and on the drive back to the city, Alexis fell asleep.
Once she was asleep, Cory turned into the seat and looked at Lydia. "Okay, what's going on?"
Lydia nodded and as quickly as she could, told Cory all she had learned. When she was done, Cory was blinking in surprise.
"Okay, so Montoya was working for some organization that wants to harm America and we have no idea who it is. Great. And his contact for said organization possibly killed him and wants to kill Mom because she knows too much."
"Wait, it gets better. He wants to kill you."
"Great," Cory muttered sarcastically as she turned back around and glanced at Danny, who looked a little worried. "You okay, Danny?"
Danny shrugged a bit. "Yeah, I'm just realizing that life will never be dull with you. Is there ever going to be a time when someone doesn't want you dead?" he muttered.
Cory smiled and tried to break the tension. "I don't know. Is there ever going to be a time when someone doesn't want to kill you?"
Danny looked at her. "Okay, ya gotta point. But still, I want you to be careful, at least until you find out more information at this guy, okay?"
Cory nodded and smiled at him. "I'm always careful, Danny. No matter what life is going to bring out way, we can handle it," she assured him as they drove back into the city. Back home.
AN: Yeah! This one is done with! But as my bff said, this isn't really an ending! And a big old Hell, yeah for a new CSI: NY this week!! (can y'all tell I'm excited?) (:P)
Maddy - There was a lot of foreshadowing in that chapter! I really laid a lot of things out for the sequel, but it may take a while for those things to come to fruitation! I like to really build the tension. My muse is back, but I'm trying to finish up a couple of random stories first, so I can dedicate more of my time to the sequel!
Soccer-Bitch - Hopefully when you get back you'll have this chapter to read! I'd messenge you, but life has been hectic lately and I haven't had much time on the computer!
Bec0512 - Yeah! I'm glad that I surprised you! Hope you like this one, too!
CSI junkie - I know! I love Ceesau!! I want them to come to Dallas, so I can see them live!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Yeah, I'm sorry that I had to kill Alejandro, but I knew that he was evil and I couldn't do both him and Etienne at the same time! I've yet to determine who Etienne's bosses are, but I can promise you they will be worse than him!!
Aphina - I may have to use the waking Danny up with his cell phone thing! That was just priceless!! Yep. I just feel bad that I had to kill M, but his role was finished! Now I can go and create someone even more evil!! (laughing manically)