Chapter 6: We can still see each other in our dreams
He lost track of how many Mobile Armors he had shot down, or how many times swung his blade. He doesn't know how long he had been in battle, or if there are still units remaining on his side. He couldn't see any Murasames flying around or fighting on ground. He couldn't see any Enemies on his radar anymore. Is it over?
Could he be the only one remaining?
He did send them to protect the Home Base. They must be there.
To protect his stubborn Princess.
His fingers and legs have started to numbed now, and his Unit's power pack is almost at its limit. He wondered if the enemy's number had cut down to size, or if the chaos had settled down. So far, his sector's clear, with only the smoke and debris scattered around. The ORB Forests he and Cagalli painstakingly cared for, are now nothing but charred remains. All because of this nonsense civil war.
Why didn't Cagalli asked for help in the first place anyways?
Is it that hard to give him a call, or ask her own brother for help?
How about the Eternal? ORB's a part of the Terminal right?
Why didn't she asked for help?
Why did she let this matter escalate to this extent?
He couldn't scold her earlier since Kira was there, and she looked tired. So, maybe after everything's settled, he'll sit down with her and talk. And also, he needs to make things between them clear. Whether this relationship they have is being a bother to both of them.
"Home Base, This Justice, what's the sit?"
Static came in reply, that send chills in his back. Surely, he's just out of range right?
"Home Base, I repeat, Give me the current stat."
"Home Base!!" He shifted his gears, setting his coordinates back to Home Base.
"Justice….this….is…Home Base…"
"Home Base! What's the sit? "
"We had just pull through…we received direct hits, but, Freedom was able to take the fall. Our half of our systems was out, and radars aren't good either."
"Wait, whattabout the Oowashi?"
"We haven't established contact with the Oowashi sir."
"WHAT? For how long now?"
"Sir, 46 minutes and 20 seconds. We lost contact with the Akatsuki team after they headed out to the Northern Sector."
"And no one care to follow up on her?" He shifted his gears again, this time, with the coordinates to the North.
God let her be ok.
"Sir we did, but like we mentioned earlier, we were attacked, and Sir Kira was badly hit. The Freedom is in 15 functional state. We already sent some of the forces…"
"We haven't received any reports from them yet."
"How long has it been?"
"30 minutes has elapsed since we had last heard form them sir."
"Damn it! What are the Coordinates?"
I'm almost there Cagalli, so hang in there…Cagalli!!
He gripped his controls hard as he came nearer and nearer to the coordinates. The sound of war seemed faint from his location, but he could still see the flashing lights of the battle.
She'll be ok, she'll be ok…Just few more distance…He felt his heart jump in relief when he saw the glittering gold Mobile Suit zooming in the air, against an unknown enemy.
Good she's still ok!He tried contacting her, wanting to be sure that's she's really ok, that at least, if he could see her face…
But what he saw dropped all his high hopes in mid air. A dismembered Akatsuki. Against the Giant Destroy.
This is just a dream right?
Right, it must be a dream!
A nightmare he'll soon wake up from.
Without thinking twice, he fired his twin cannons, hoping to divert its attention. And it did, plus he was able to disable its obnoxious barrier. And with a quick swing of his twin blades, he was able to disbable it quickly and effortlessly. Making sure it's completely out; he severed its enormous limbs, and shot its head down. And as the Giant crumbled down to the ground, he turned his attention to the Akatsuki.
"Hey!" He made sure his voice didn't sound worried or mad. He wanted to sound confident, and…
A Sound only Com link came in, and just by hearing her voice, he knew.
"….Athrun….you came…" Her voice, trembling and weak, so much different from her ever so confident voice. Her powerful voice, now seemed so weak, so fragile…
"Can you still fly? I mean,…" What the hell is he saying? Obviously, with her current situation, and all. All because he wanted to deny the reality, the possibility of her being severely injured, but he tried to shunned the thought away.
Why? Will that bring you happiness?
He maneuvered his unit towards her, as he waited for a reply. But the anxiety inside him couldn't wait. "Hey, you ok? Don't move, I'll carry Akatsuki back to base so –"
"I'm sorry…" His whole body froze in mute horror, as the once glinting gold Unit lost its radiance, succumbing to its dull gray color. And as if that wasn't enough, series of small explosions began to ravage the mute Unit, its remaining limbs breaking off, as it falls down.
Save her!
Please! Move!! I need to save her!!!
But, he couldn't. Or, to be more precise, his Unit cant. He watched as his own controls black out, and the red light began flashing.
He braced himself as his Unit began to fall, at the same time with the Oowashi, only, the Akatsuki falling faster than he is. He watched helplessly as small explosions raged inside the dismembered unit, as it fell limply. And as he braced himself for the impact of his own fall, he tried to hope for something he knew was impossible, trying to deny the dim possibility of…
Numb to his own injuries from the fall, he quickly made his way to the Akatsuki's crash site. The stench of burning wires were had never been this foul to his nose. That even though he's used to smelling it's stench, somehow, it seemed foul to his nostrils. But it didn't matter. It's just the wires…
Just the wires…It just the wires, right?
He flipped his phone and sent his coordinates to the Home Base, requesting for retrieval and medical assistance. He didn't wanted to, but just to be sure right? She might have some bruises or scratches and such.
Who are you fooling?
He forced a nervous smile the dismembered cockpit came into view. Smoke spewing from all corners, cables sparking, and the horrible gash on the cockpit. He made his way up, while filling his mind with absurd hopes and lines. But deep inside, he knew the truth. Cold hands shaking with fear as he slowly opened the severed cockpit. The stench of burned wirings filled his nostrils as the cockpit slowly opened, to reveal his most feared thing in life.
"I'm sorry…." Her voice, was unusually hoarse, a proof of how severe her condition is. She already had her helmet off, and trails of blood coursing down from her forehead, passing through her left eye to her cheek, trickling down on her suit. Dark crimson stains were her orange pilot suit, from her right shoulder reaching at the chest area, going down to her abdomen. Her right arm hanged limply at her arm rest, with crimson droplets trickling down on her fingers..
"Hush...You don't need to talk…."
He leaned closer to her, hoping that this was all just another nightmare he could wake up from. That this was just a pigment of his imagination. But the cold touch of her hand on his face assured him of the fact that he wasn't.
"I'm sorry…" Even though she gave him the warmest smile she has, it wasn't enough to made him feel any better. He remained silent, with only the continuous flowing of tears has the words his heart wanted to convey to her. He carefully, gently wrapped his trembling arms around her head, hoping that his embrace would heal her wounds. He was trying to keep a straight, calm face, but, despite his efforts, his shaking body gave him away.
"I should have waited for you…I should have…been more…trustful…" A warm tear rolled it's way against the crimson stained cheek. "Now, here I am…a burden once more…"
He kneeled down to her, looking deeply in her tear stained golden eyes. He kissed away her tears, tasting blood in his lips.
"How many times should I have to tell you that you're not a burden. And it's not your fault. I should have stayed. I promised to protect you at all times…but…instead, I always leave you alone. We've been apart for such a long time…and…and…"
"Still.." He felt like his whole being had been raped by his guilty conscience. It was his fault… Fault for not noticing it.
"It's not your fault…please don't say things like that. It'll be ok… don't worry…Help's on the way. So please…save your strength.. I wont leave your side anymore, I'll watch over you…."
He took off his charcoal black jacket and placed it over her. Then he stood up to wipe her tears and bestow a kiss on her crimson stained forehead.
"I…when we get married…I want a small house… the one with white picket fence and crap…just like in the movies…"
"Yes, will have that, and a dog too, just like in the movies." He was choking back his words. He couldn't suppress his tears anymore, he cant hold it back…
"We'll name him Kira?"
"Yeah, we'll name the dog Kira…" He wanted to gather her up and embrace her tightly in his arms, but he cant. Only her blood smeared hand…
Her now cold and shaking hands…
"We'll…still see…each other in…our….dreams right? There…we can star all over again…Right?"
A/N: Yay! I finally uploaded! It took me a while and all. Am sorry. It was actually nice seeing my old stories and style and compare them to the newer ones...How nostalgic!Anyways, it's not yet the end so hang on. RXR too, so I can hear your insights on this.