Author's Note: Okay, this is my first attempt at a chaptered piece and if this chapter is a little crappy - bare with me. It WILL get better, even though personally I don't think this is too bad! Another thing: VERY important, the rulers do not signify the end of the story, right? My computer won't allow me to chop up the story any other way but to use rulers.

This is rated as a K+ because there is mild, very very mild lanuage and i rated it this way just incase. BEWARE also that there is a lot of italics and commas so just warning you! XD Just please enjoy for I think this is the longest piece I have ever written LOL. If you are a little upset/confuzzled by the end of this chapter don't worry because I'll explain it in the next chapter! Woot! It WILL get BETTER i PROMISE thee!

AND another thing: I don't own Bleach (duh!) and I don't own any of it's characters!


by Suicidal-Valentine-Rose (woot!)

Rukia burst through his bedroom door, gritting her teeth and covered in scratches. Ichigo jumped out of the comfortable position on his bed, sending the manga he had been reading flying through the air, hitting Kon in the face.

"Augh! Iii-chiii-goooo! My eye! Nee-san, he hit me in the eye! Nee-san! Ow, ow, ow! It burns!" Kon wailed, tears streaming down his face.

"Shut the hell up, Kon!" Ichigo shouted. Kon sniffed. Rukia's rage grew denser by the second.

"And what happened to you?"

"You left me. With Keigo and the others." Rukia rubbed her aching arm.

"What? Where you attacked by a Hollow?" Ichigo took a sudden interest.

"No but-"

"Well, then."

"'Well, then' what? I can't belive that you just..left me there. It was dark, I can't see that well in the dark. You know that."

"Oh, stop belly achin'." Ichigo returned to his bed.

"What if a Hollow did attack? Huh? How would I reach you? I might have been killed!" Rukia shouted furiously. Stomping her feet on the floor, throwing her arms around. "How could you be so careless?!"

"Chill out, for Christ sake!" Ichigo roared at her, straining to reach his manga on the floor. Too lazy to get off his bed once more. "There was no Hollow. I don't know why you make everything into a drama. You're back now, right? It looks to me that you got lost in a thorn bush, that's all. Scratches heal, Rukia."

Rukia stared at him motionless for a moment, tears prickling behind her eyes. He knew how dangerous it was outside alone for a Death God. Especially lately, when for some reason Hollow numbers seemed to be on the increase. So why did he do it? What was wrong with him? He was completely numb from it all; her thoughts, her feelings...

"I hate you!" She screamed, turning and galloping out the room.

Ichigo glanced up a little surprised. He knew she was pissed, but he hadn't expected that!

"See? You upset everyone you know! It's such a shame. When I first caught eyes on you, young Ichigo, I thought you were at least a little nicer than you actually are! Woe! Poor me and Rukia, how do we cope?!!!" Kon turned on the water works again, attempting to really sell his agony this time.

"Oh, shut up." Ichigo continued to read, chucking a pillow at Kon's head.


Rukia was seated at the end of the back garden, underneath the bear cherry tree.

The sky opened up and an outburst of rain fled from the darkened clouds. She was soaked before she had a change to flinch. The rain was freezing against her skin, but the weather did managed to disguise her tears well.

She was still so angry. Devastated. And severly pissed. She'd looked out for him a number of times, he had her trust, her support in everything. Yet he did something stupid like that.He was so immature sometimes.

She wiped her eyes then glanced down at her hand.

Funny how human hands go all wrinkled when they are damp. Rukia thought suddenly. Her wrinkled hand now had a nice splodge of black on it where her mascara had run and been wiped from her teary eyes.

Then again, maybe she was over reacting. Maybe her feelings for him were wasted. But Rukia couldn't help it. She admired, loved and cared for him so much. So much it ate her alive.

The sky grew dark, as did her thoughts. It was getting late.

Well, to be precise, 'late' had been two hours ago.

Jesus! How long have I been out here? Rukia shivered.

Kon leaned out of the window. "Nee-san! It's freezing out here! Come inside! Nee-san! Nee-san!!!!!"

"Yes, I heard you, Kon!" She replied, covering her sadness up with a cheery voice.

Freaking stuffed animal - what do you know?

Rukia couldn't sleep. She was sitting cross-legged inside Ichigo's closet, scoffing the Yuzu's chocolate ice cream she'd stolen from the freezer while felt sorry for herself.

Funny how something cold and chocolate-e can ease the pain...

"You know, about Rukia..."

Rukia pricked up her ears and leaned against the closet door, making the muffled voices just that little bit clearer. She placed her empty ice cream tub down.

"Oh, Ichi! You shouldn't have been so nasty earlier! You're so CRUEL!"

"Thank you, Kon!" Rukia whispered to herself, straining to hear Ichigo's low voice in reply.

"Shhh." Ichigo scolded. "Anway, do you you think that she...likes me, Kon?"

A pause of silence.

"Mayyyybbbeeee..." Kon said wearily, anxiously awaiting Ichigo's response.


"AAWWWWW!!! ICHIGO! You love Nee-san, don't you?!!! I KNOW IT!!! Awwwww!!"

"Shut UP!"

Kon was silenced by a fist now embedded in his face.

"Ichigo! Just how many times are you going to hit me in the face tonight?" Kon frowned angrily.

"As many times as it takes for you to shut that freakin' mouth of yours."

"Oooohhh, but, Ichi-gooooooooooooo!" Kon began to wail again.

"Oh, SHUT UP, Kon!!!" Rukia screamed. She was SO sick and tired of him; always moaning, groaning, wailing, crying. He NEVER shut up!!

Rukia up her hands to her mouth and gasped. Ichigo and Kon stared up at the closet.

Shit! Oh my God! They're gonna know that I was listening! No! Damn You, Rukia!

YAY!!!! Did you enjoy the twisted mine of moi? Well then, you know what to do...R&R plez!!!!!

Don't be too harsh with your comments, though!

P.S. BEWARE of the commas + italics!!! MWAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!