A/N: Obligatory angst! Alrighty…so I'm going to try another sex scene next chapter…a real one this time. XD So that both our boys get to enjoy themselves. XD I'm terrible at sex scenes…but the more I practice, the more I improve. Hopefully by the next chapter it won't be so bad. I will thank you all in advance for the feedback. Bestow courage upon me with your kind words!

Disclaimer: I wish I could steal either Albel or Fayt for a boyfriend…but they're so much hotter together. At this rate…I'll be the crazy old lady that can never get a husband cause she'd rather see him with another man. XD

Fayt was exhausted after a long day training with Albel. He had been steadily improving. Albel now considered him ready for actual sparring. Of course, Albel had gone insanely easy on him. He had exaggerated the changes in his stance to give Fayt a clear hint of exactly how he would strike so Fayt could be ready to block him. In real battle, the enemy would not be so kind, but at least it gave Fayt a chance to practice his defensive and offensive tactics.

It was late evening by the time Albel dismissed him. Fayt was sweating heavily and his arm was sore but Albel seemed not to feel the effects of several hours of training. Of course not. He was used to swinging a sword for several hours. But Fayt's arm wasn't and he wondered idly if by the end of the week of training he would still have an arm.

Fayt's shoulders slumped at the thought. A whole week of constant training. Albel insisted that was the only way for Fayt to get stronger, but who was he kidding? It had only been one day and Fayt was already tired. He didn't think he would be able to do it again tomorrow. It was time for Albel to face the facts. Fayt wasn't a warrior. There was no way he could fit years' worth of training into a week. It was hopeless.

Fayt wolfed down his dinner and then dragged himself off to the bath, trying to wash away layers of sweat and dirt from his sore body. He could wash away dirt, but there was no way to wash away the tension from his muscles. He wearily deposited himself in bed and drew the covers over his head.

Albel appeared in the doorway. "There you are fool," he said pleasantly. "I've been looking for you."

Fayt merely grunted in response. He pulled the covers down to squint up at Albel. Albel didn't seem to want him to fetch anything so he stayed right where he was.

Albel slipped off his claw and deposited it on the nightstand. He stretched luxuriously and slipped into bed beside Fayt. He wrapped both his arms tightly around the bluenette.

Fayt shifted uneasily. "What are you doing?" he asked cautiously.

"I want you to fulfill your end of the bargain," Albel said sternly. "I was kind enough to attend to your pleasure first, but I have my own needs." He licked the shell of Fayt's ear and let his harsh breath blow across Fayt's cheek. "You were supposed to reward me for not getting myself killed while out of my right mind."

Fayt flushed crimson, suddenly very much awake and painfully aware of what Albel wanted. "Ah. Y-yes, your majesty," he stammered. "I-I'll try." He looked down nervously at his hands balled up in the sheets to hide his nervousness. "But I doubt I'll be very good at it. I mean, nowhere as good as you, my lord."

"What did I tell you?" Albel snapped. "I have a name, fool."

"So do I," Fayt said boldly.

Albel's lips curled into a smirk. If Fayt was planning on starting a fight to distract him, it wasn't going to work. Still, it was a good effort and Albel could at least admit that he admired the boy's cunning. "I love it when you defy me," Albel purred. "That just means I'll have to find a way to put you back in your place." He nipped at Fayt's earlobe and trailed a finger down from his ear all the way to his chin. He smirked and purred huskily into Fayt's ear. "I'm going to claim your body and make you mine. Maybe then you'll finally submit to me, stubborn little fool."

Fayt's mouth dropped open and he snapped it shut wordlessly. He looked at Albel nervously. Surely he didn't mean it. Fayt regretted taunting him now.

"If diplomacy fails, we may have very little time left," Albel said quietly. His hand played with the collar of Fayt's shirt. The lust had faded from his ruby eyes and he looked somber. "If I am to die next week, I want to face what comes with no regrets. I don't care who disapproves or what the consequences may be," he declared fiercely. He seized a handful of Fayt's shirt and gripped it tightly. "What do I care what Nel thinks? She'll hate me no matter what I do. It's time to do what I want now, to be selfish and put my own interests above politics."

Fayt was silent. It made perfect sense. If they were all going to die soon anyway, why not enjoy what little time they had left? If Albel's last wish was to have sex with someone other than Queen Nel, who was he to deny that? Albel and Nel hated each other. It made no sense for Albel to seek comfort with her. Fayt was probably the only person in the entire kingdom who could give Albel the intimacy that he craved. With Fayt, Albel could let down his guard and know that Fayt wasn't using sex as a weapon against him.

Fayt tentatively intertwined his fingers with Albel's. "Okay," he said softly.

Albel looked surprised. "Okay? That's all there is to it?"

Fayt looked away. "If that's how you want to spend your last moments."

Albel grabbed Fayt's shoulders roughly and forced the boy to look at him. "It's not just about me," he growled. "There is no pleasure in forcing you to have sex. You have to want it too."

"It's okay, Albel. I know how you feel. It feels lonely facing death and you want to face it with someone." He gently stroked Albel's cheek. "I'll face certain doom with you, sharing my body with you so you won't be alone."

Albel's expression softened. "Fayt," he whispered, his voice almost pained.

Fayt smiled shyly. "Besides, if it feels anything like last time you won't be the only one enjoying yourself."

Albel smirked and ruffled Fayt's hair. "Good boy." He kissed Fayt's forehead. "Don't worry, Fayt. I'll make sure that you enjoy yourself. I said it was time for me to be selfish, but it's a time for you to be selfish too, okay?"

Fayt nodded. He slipped his arms around Albel's neck and buried his face against Albel's shoulder. Albel's eyes slid shut and for a moment, he just held Fayt tightly in his arms as if afraid to let him go.

Finally, Albel decided that he was ready. He let his hand trail down Fayt's chest and he snaked an arm around the teen's waist. Fayt clutched at him, desperate and needy. He squirmed against Albel, trying to wriggle out of his pants without taking his hands off Albel.

Albel bit down on Fayt's collarbone, smirking against Fayt's skin. Now he could finally have what he wanted, even if it had to take a colossal war. But Fayt was worth it. If this miserable conflict accomplished nothing else, at least he had Fayt now. He had spoken the truth when he admitted that they could lose this war. Albel didn't want to think about that though. As long as he had Fayt to come back to, he would fight to win. No matter the odds, he wanted to survive and spend another glorious night with his little fool.

"Albel," Fayt whined.

Albel shook himself and an evil grin spread across his face. Best not to get carried away thinking of the future. Why dream of nights to come when he had tonight right in front of him?

And Albel plunged back into pressing their bodies together, seeking warmth and intimacy.