Right, I know this chapter is short and may not make all that much sense but if you continue to read all will come clear. The crash at the end of season 3 never happened and Marissa went to Berkeley not Greece, as did ryan and seth and summer went to risd and brown. Anyway enough attempts at explaining you'll just have to keep reading : p. As always i love reviews so if u have a second to spare it would be much appreciated.

Running From The Pain

If these walls could talk, you'd know about her fears, about all those nights she screamed inside for help, about all her fallen tears.

"Mommy can we go to the park?" the four year old girl looked at her mom with big eyes and a sweet smile.

"Not tonight, Elly."

The little girl sunk into her seat at the dinner table. Marissa sighed when she saw her daughter's disappointment. She placed the used dinner plates on the worktop and made her way to the table. She crouched down to look at Elly.

"It's getting dark, but I promise we'll go tomorrow ok?" The little girl looked at her mom trying to decide whether to trust her.

"You promise?"

"I promise," Marissa replied resting her hand on her daughter's lap.

"And what about daddy? Will he promise too?"

Marissa winced at the mention of him.

"I don't know sweetie. Daddy's very busy with work."

Marissa watched in pain as the little girl's hopes were dashed.

"Daddy never comes to the park with us anymore," she said sadly.

"Like I said he's very busy, but hey we can have fun just the two of us," Marissa gently stroked Elly's forehead tucking a strand of silky blonde hair behind her ear. Elly nodded her head but Marissa knew that Elly wanted it to be the three of them like it used to be. But it could never be how it used to be, not after everything that had happened.

"Hey how about I give you a treat to make up for not taking you to the park." Marissa smiled when Elly's face lit up at the mention of a treat. "But you can't tell daddy ok?"


Marissa walked over to a cupboard and took out a packet of chocolate buttons. She handed them to Elly who smiled in delight.

"Now remember this is our secret because daddy doesn't like you eating chocolate."

"I promise. Pinky swear." Elly stuck out her pinky which Marissa wrapped in hers. "I love you mommy."

"I love you too kiddo," she said just as her father used to say to her. And she did. Elly was the most important thing in her life, the reason she got up in the morning. She kissed the top of Elly's head as she stood up. "You eat those up then I'll run your bath."

Elly nodded, her mouth too full of chocolate to speak. "Don't eat them too quickly or you'll be sick," Marissa told her roughing her blonde hair lovingly. She walked back to the dirty dishes and proceeded in putting them in the dishwasher. She stopped when she noticed the uneaten plate of food. She picked it up and angrily threw the whole plate into the bin. She leaned on the worktop and took a deep breath trying to stay strong and keep the tears back. She had to stay strong. For Elly. How had her life ended up like this. She was 23 years old with a four year old daughter. She had had a perfect life until it happened and her life as she knew it collapsed around her…..

Next chapter will explain more and who he is. Please review!!