A/N: Thank you so much for your reviews and sorry for the delay – I was away all weekend. This is the last chapter for this story, but I will be posting soon with a new story (I have a few started, so as soon as I really get rolling on one I'll start posting it). There is the possibility for a sequel to this one if you'd like… I'm not too thrilled with the ending, but here it is anyway.
She didn't even know where she was going. It was late at night and she didn't have a coat on, even though the fall was rapidly approaching. She just ran and ran, eventually finding her way into a bar. She ordered a beer and sat down, letting tears stream from her eyes. So much for a little white lie. Would Seth ever forgive her? His first time was supposed to be special, now it would be marred by the revelation that she had fed him a line. Fuck. She cursed at herself. Why had she been so dumb as to sleep with Nick in the first place? Why did she lie to Cohen about it? Why couldn't they have just gotten together back in high school and made it easier? She knew that she would have to talk to him. Hopefully it could wait until morning.
Several beers later Summer stumbled back to her apartment. She struggled to get her key in the door and Jed eventually answered.
"Summer?" he asked, concerned.
"I don't want to talk now," she said, making a beeline to her room. She quickly stripped down into her bra and underwear and put on a pair of pajamas. Seth was fast asleep on her bed and she slipped in next to him, hoping that he wouldn't wake and that she wouldn't need to talk to talk to him now.
Seth woke up when the bright light shined through Summer's blinds. He looked over and saw Summer asleep next to him. She looked so peaceful, and he wondered when she returned. He went into her living room, stopping when he saw a man in the kitchen.
"You must be Seth," Jed said.
"Yeah," Seth said, sheepishly, realizing that he was only wearing a tee-shirt and boxers. "You're Jed?"
"The one and only. Coffee?" Jed asked, extending a cup towards Seth. Seth took the mug and started sipping the hot beverage. "So, uh, what happened last night?" Seth looked at him. How much did he know?
"Oh, um, do you know this Nick guy?" Seth asked. Jed rolled his eyes. "What's that about?"
"Oh, he's kind of crazy," Jed said.
"Care to enlighten me?" Seth asked, taking a seat on the couch. Jed came over to him.
"Well, Summer started dating him last spring… and eventually they, uh," Jed paused, motioning with his hands, "did it. And Summer freaked and just avoided him. I guess she realized that he wasn't you."
"Wasn't me?"
"Yeah, and then he just kept calling and calling and drunk dialing and I guess he didn't get the message."
"So, did she do this kind of thing a lot?" Seth said, implying the sex.
"Oh no, she would go out on dates but never ever sealed the deal. I think she did it with Nick to try and get over you," Jed said. "I hold myself partially accountable. Who would have known that you'd be in her life again?"
"What do you mean?" Seth asked.
"She's been in love with you since, like, high school. And she'd just be pining over you all of freshman year, then all of sophomore year. Every time she'd come back from a date she'd tell me that the guy wasn't you, and how she lost her opportunity with you back in sophomore year. And I asked her if she thought that she'd ever be able to get together with you, and she doubted it… and I guess the next logical step was jumping into bed with Nick. But she regretted it, I could tell. Seth, buddy, it's always been you."
"I can't believe she's loved me all along," Seth said, floored. He got snapped out of his trance by the opening of a door. Summer was standing in the doorway.
"Wanna talk?" she asked. Seth made his way back to her room.
"I can't believe you liked me all along!" Seth exclaimed as soon as Summer shut the door to her bedroom.
"Yeah, I mean, it's you… who would think that you could be so likeable," Summer replied, trying to brighten the mood.
"You know, Sum, I'm not mad at you. About Nick."
"It was nothing," Summer said. "I promise. I don't have any feelings for him."
"I know, Summer. I mean, it was something, you lost it to him, but I forgive you. I just want to know, why?"
"Why what?" Summer asked.
"Why you lied to me. I mean, it's not like I wouldn't have slept with you if you weren't a virgin."
"I felt like damaged goods," Summer said, tears welling in her eyes. Seth gently brushed some tears out of her face.
"You should never feel like damaged goods, Summer. You're perfect."
"I felt gross. I didn't want to lose it to him! Promise. I wanted…" she paused, looking into his eyes, "you." Seth looked her back in the eyes.
"I know," Seth said, pulling her closely.
The weekend for Seth and Summer flew by. On the teary Saturday, she told him about the sham relationships with the water polo players, the investment bankers in New York, her slew of "good Catholic fellas" from Fordham, all in a giant ploy to get over him. How none of them could even compare to Seth. He held her close and thanked her for her honesty and they spent the afternoon snuggling and kissing each other's tears away. That evening they dined at Babbo and walked around the Village, stopping at the Village Vanguard for some live jazz. Sunday was filled with bagels, Chinatown, shopping along Fifth Avenue and a trip to some of the huge comic book stores in midtown. Eventually, the time had come for Seth to go back to Providence.
"Only two more weeks, Sum," Seth said as he stood on the train platform, pulling Summer into a hug.
"I know. I'll miss you!" Summer said, giving him a kiss on the lips.
"You too, I'll see you soon!" Seth said, stepping onto the train. Summer stood on the platform, waving at him until the train left. She smiled, realizing that their future together had a promising outlook.