I'm back and crazier than ever. I want to thank you all for your patience. This is dedicated to all of you who have faithfully reviewed my stories. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And also, please feel free to give some prompts. I am running low in the ideas department, which is why it has taken me so long to write a new chapter. Please, I will accept anything you give me. Thank you so much.

It's that special time again: Shout out time! This chapter's shout out goes to: XlittlexninjaX24, Sepsis, girlsuit, Fabelie, and serenbach. You have made my day. Thank you for being so faithful and reviewing. This is for all of you. Love ya!

Disclaimers: I do not own Final Fantasy VII or any of its character, no matter how much I offer Square Enix for them...so sad.

Endless Moments: Math

By Snipergal 7

Rating: K+

"Vinnie, what do you get when you add 1 and 1?"

Vincent Valentine couldn't help but look at his young, beautiful wife of two years with a questioning look. Now, he couldn't exactly say that he was surprised at her seemingly random question. He had known her long enough to know that it just came with the whole package of Yuffie Kisaragi. However, the topic of said question was a bit…disturbing, to say the least. After all, basic math was something that he was sure Yuffie knew. She was incredibly bright, so he couldn't help but feel that the question had some ulterior motive. Still, he decided to play along and go with the obvious, logical answer. It was always better to play it safe where Yuffie was concerned.

"When you add 1 and 1, you get 2, Yuffie."

She continued to lean casually against the doorframe to his office, where he had been sitting enjoying a good book, with her hands on her back while slightly rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Are you sure about that, Vinnie?"

Ok, now he knew for certain that she was up to something. The question was what she was trying to pull off THIS time. In all honesty, Vincent rather liked when she was going around causing mischief and trying to toy with him. It kept him sharp. He had learned long ago that when dealing with Yuffie, it was always better to just go with the flow, and he didn't mind at all being dragged away by her currents. However, in the last couple of weeks she had been acting out more than ever. She had been pulling pranks on him almost on a daily basis (1). He was beginning to figure out that maybe she was becoming restless being cooped up in the mansion all day, living such a normal life. He wouldn't mind going on a small adventure himself. Perhaps it was time to take a small trip. Nothing too big. Maybe explore a forest or visit the mountains. Something to keep them both entertained, and satisfy their wander lust. Yes, that would definitely be in their near future. But first, he had to solve the matter at hand.

He looked at her with a quizzical look, and thought briefly before answering her.

"Yes Yuffie, I am sure. When you add 1 and 1, you get 2."

At his response, a slightly knowing and wicked smiled began to form slowly on her face until it became a full grin.

"I have to disagree with you, Vinnie dear. I know for a fact that when you add 1 and 1, you don't get 2. And I have evidence to support this."

It was safe to say that by now, Vincent was officially on what he referred to as his 'Walking-on-egg-shells Mode'. He had no idea where this was going, but he had an inkling that by the end of this conversation someone would be either on the floor, in the hospital or in the "dog house". He really hoped it was none. He had to tread carefully or else someone could get hurt…at least mentally. Against his better judgment, he decided to indulge her.

"Is that so? Would you be so inclined as to inform me, then, what do you get when you add 1 and 1, Yuffie?"

Still leaning against the doorframe, with her hands behind her and rocking on her feet, she looked at him with an 'I got you now' look, which made a chill run down his spine and dread lick at his feet.

"It's very simple really, Vinnie. When you add 1 and 1, you get 3. And I have the evidence right here." And with that said, she tossed at him something that she had been apparently hiding behind her back and just like that, walked away from the entrance to his office, not before leaving behind the faint sounds of her chuckles.

'What the…three?.' He was not expecting that. For being known as such as smart man, Vincent was utterly confused at her words. It wasn't until he looked down at the mysterious object (2) that had been tossed unceremoniously to him that he finally understood what she meant, and he was floored….quite literally.

Now, it would be considered a blasphemy to say Vincent Valentine was a weak man or faint of heart. He had been through some horrible things and still managed to remain impassive and neutral through it all, which is why it will always be a legend among the AVALANCHE members the tale of how the indestructible, the unbeatable, the mighty Vincent Valentine had fainted like a damsel the day he found out he was going to be a father.

Woohoo. I can't believe I FINALLY wrote this. I've had this idea running rampant in my head for ages and I finally got it out. Just in time too. I really wanted to add a new chapter to this story, and I think this is perfect for a comeback. Jajaja. Now, to clarify some details:

(1) Most women develop strange behaviors during pregnancy. In some cases women become obsessed with something, like cleaning, or cooking due to hormonal changes in the body. This being Yuffie, I loved the idea of her just going on a mischief rampage due to her hormones going whacky during the first months of her pregnancy, which of course, Vinnie knew nothing of, so he attributed her behavior to her being bored in the house.

(2) The mysterious object happened to be in the shape of a small stick. Yep, you guessed it. It was her pregnancy test stick, which was really all the evidence she needed to prove to Vincent that if you put one and one together, you do in fact get three. Jaja.

I really hope you liked this story. I did. I was a lot of fun to write. I can safely say that it is one of my favorites. Please review and let me know what you think. Also, feed me some prompts to get my brain juices flowing so that I can update faster. Thank you all so much. Love you all. God Bless! XOXOXO