Author: Liv
Rating: FRT
Words: 573
Summary: The first part of the game is always slow.
Disclaimer/Author's Note: I really had to do this. I'm seriously sick of all the fluffy D/L fics there are out there and I just really needed to get this over with, breaking my rule about not doing what I'm about to do to Danny and Lindsay. I don't own anything.

Stella had forced her to come to the Holiday Party. That's what she kept telling herself because it was partially true. Of course, Angell and Peyton and Stella forced her to go dress shopping with them. She was almost glad that Angell looked just as miserable as she did, seeing as how she was tethered into it by the two older woman as well. Nice to have someone to roll eyes with.

Besides it's not like either of them had dates. Technically Stella didn't have a date either, but Hawkes invited her as a friend, and Peyton...wouldn't say anything, just smile a bit to herself and continue whatever she was doing before she was interrupted.

And Lindsay didn't like going to party's with people she knew. That only made getting drunk unpleasant. And Lindsay really wanted to get wasted. So instead of getting completely trashed right away, she waited, sat it out with Angell. The two women talked, every now and then Angell would sass Danny whenever the man got bored enough to sit with them. And he would sass her back about her in a dress.

"I need a drink," muttered Lindsay finally, standing up and walking away from her two companions towards the open bar. Open, because they were consider law abiding citizens who most likely had work in the morning. "What can you make?"

"Anything you want," said the bartender, a middle age man who kinda looked like he popped out of a James Bond movie.

"Alright, do you know what a Jedi Mind Trick is?"

"I have been wanting to make that all night," said the bartender with a smile, rummaging around behind the bar, looking for ingredients. Behind her, Lindsay heard someone clear their throat and she turned.

"Hey, Danny," said Lindsay, leaning back against the bar counter.

"Did you just order a Jedi Mind Trick? What the hell is that," Lindsay winked at him as the bartender placed an old fashioned glass with her drink in it on the counter on top of a napkin.

"Thank you very much," said Lindsay with a grin.

"No wine?" asked Danny with a smirk. Lindsay shook her head.

"Not strong enough. I've had a rough month," Danny nodded, understanding what she meant. After a moment, Lindsay spoke up again. "You should get a Blowjob."

Danny's mouth dropped open and he sputtered for a moment before the bartender came to his rescue.

"It's coffee liquor and whipped cream."

"Really?" asked Danny hesitantly, still looking at Lindsay as she sipped her drink. She nodded and patted him on the shoulder.

"I had no life growing up."

"So you got a hobby," said Danny with a wicked grin. "One that doesn't come included with weird looks in the future and doesn't come in contact with a garage sale. Very nice."

Lindsay looked at him funny. Her head tilted to the side, her index finger running over the edge of her glass.

"Drink with me," she commanded. Danny frowned at her.

"You think you can hold your own against me?"

"I think I can hold a lot against you Messer. Do you want to drink with me or not?"

Oh he was very interested. Especially since the two of them had the day off tomorrow and they could recuperate from there hangovers in peace. Finally Danny just gave in, receiving a smile from Lindsay which quickly turned wicked as they played their game.