Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. If I did, I'd let Sephiroth wait at the doorstep of Castle Oblivion and test his Masamune on the first Key Bearer to enter.
Rating: M
Genre: Romance
Summary: '"Saïx!"
Xemnas ran towards the motionless shape on the floor, illuminated by the moonlight.' What would have happened if Saïx beat Sora? Lemon, Xemnas/Saïx.
History: I've been writing this sadistic fic for a while now and I figured I needed some fluff. Watching a couple of friends of mine gave me some nasty ideas too. Here ya go A little thanks for about 3000 hits on my fan fictions altogether. I feel so old! (Okay, it's not like it's my birthday or anything. Gee, I'm rambling pretty much aren't I? I like rambling! Xemnas does that! Oh, he's so cute when he's rambling –goes all fluffy- Saïx too, though he only does it once I think… I wish one saw more of each of the Org members during the game, it's not as if you get to know them too good. Actually it was the same with Ansem. You didn't get to know he was the villain before at the keyhole in Hollow Bastion. Most games you get to know the villain pretty fast. Most of Square's games actually. Perhaps it's a good thing then, to get some variation, and you start of by thinking Ansem is a nice guy, and some might say he is, I just think he's pretty retarded, though Ansem's heartless was cool, or is that Xehanorth's heartless? And I shouldreallystopramblingnowXemnasXemnasXemnasXemnas…. err….). Much OOC'ness, but considering what actually happens I think that's just natural.
Warning: This is a bit more graphic than other things I've written.
This is my birthday present to myself, I deserve it cuz having birthday the 20th of December sucks, but now it's over! I'm 15! Yay!
Need… Xemmy… Saïx…. Fluff….
Xemnas ran towards the motionless shape on the floor, illuminated by the moonlight.
"Saïx!" he cried out again as he fell to his knees beside the fallen nobody, pulling him on to his lap.
"X… Xemnas…?"
A vague smile appeared at the Enigmatic Man's face at the sound of the other's voice.
"I'm so glad you're okay," Xemnas said, wiping some blood of the other's chin. Saïx gave a frown, looking away.
"Don't pretend… like you care…"
"But I do care," Xemnas said smiling. Saïx' eyes widened.
"Is it…?"
Xemnas carefully lifted one of Saïx' hands up to his own chest. The Luna Diviner felt a faint beating.
"Kingdom Hearts… is finished."
A sudden light shone in Saïx' eyes.
"You mean…? We… succeeded…?"
Xemnas nodded and carefully lifted Saïx. He walked across the room, stepping over the remains of the key bearer and up to the Altar of Naught. Saïx couldn't remember much of what happened next, only a strong light.
The Luna Diviner awoke in a bed with white sheets. His wounds after the final battle had been treated and bandaged. He closed his eyes again. For what seemed like hours he only laid there, feeling his heartbeat, his sensitive ears picking up its faint rhythm. He would never get tired of that sound. A content smile spread across his face. They had made it, they had completed Kingdom Hearts and regained their hearts, and the best part of it all… he felt satisfied. True, he was also filled with sadness and grief over the others' death, but he was alive, and he wasn't the only one. He felt a sudden warmth rise inside him as Xemnas entered the room. There was something strange with him though… Then Saïx noticed he had changed his cloak for a black shirt and a pair of black pants much like his old ones.
"I am happy to see that you are awake," he exclaimed, halting at the side of the bed.
"If it wasn't for you… I'd be dead, sir…"
Xemnas gave a sigh and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"No more 'sir'. I am no longer the leader of Organization XIII, and you are no longer my second in command. We are free, Saïx. Free to do whatever we want. You can go wherever you want and live however you like without me commanding you."
Freedom? He had no life to return to, no one who wanted him home. Just because he had his heart back didn't mean they had become the persons they once were. They still looked the same, sounded the same. The Organization had been his family. He just hadn't realized.
"We are still the same… just with feelings. I don't know where I'd go if you sent me away."
"I won't command you Saïx. Not to leave, nor to stay here."
"Where is 'here', anyway?" Saïx asked, looking around in the unfamiliar room.
"I teleported us to the old mansion outside Twilight Town. I figured it'd be a good place to begin anew."
Saïx fell silent, relived that Xemnas didn't intend on leaving him… 'Wait… what does it matter to me whether I stay with him or not?' Saïx pondered for a while. He glanced at Xemnas, who was currently absorbed in the darkening sky outside. He hadn't believed it would become night here, but it was after all the mansion outside Twilight Town.
Saïx had always veiled himself in the thought of remembering what it was like to have a heart, but now… What was this warmth rising in him every time he saw his former Superior?
To Xemnas it all felt right. Saïx was the first to come to his mind as he regained his heart. Bringing him here and letting him stay was how it was supposed to be. He didn't know exactly why, of course he had a faint idea, but it didn't really matter at the moment.
The Enigmatic Man turned back to face the other.
"Is it okay for you if I stay? At least for a while?"
"As I said, do whatever you like," Xemnas replied smiling. He squeezed Saïx' hand lightly before he rose to his feet, making the Luna Diviner blush slightly, to faint for his former Superior to notice. "The bathroom is just across the hallway if you feel like taking a shower, I'll be down in the kitchen making lunch."
"You making lunch…?"
Saïx had great problems imagining that. Xemnas arched an eyebrow.
"I suppose I am a better cook than one who's only cooking experience comes from ripping people apart at the night of full moon."
Saïx' blush grew even deeper. What was wrong with him? He never blushed. Xemnas left with a low chuckle. Walking, not teleporting. He had all the time in the world now.
Saïx looked down at his hands. They were bloodstained. Surely the rest of him was just as bad. As he sat up pulling the sheets away he found his pants just as dirty. The cold air in the room hit his bare chest hard. Perhaps he could find some new clothes in the attic of the mansion or something. That was probably what Xemnas had done.
The Enigmatic Man gave a smirk as Saïx arrived downstairs, hair ruffled and slightly damp, wearing a white T-shirt and baggy jeans. He immediately took a liking to the pants. They were way too big for him and sat dangerously low on his hips. A light tug would surely make them fall of. Xemnas found himself itching to test that theory out but shook himself mentally. 'What the hell are you thinking? It's not as if you love him, right? Right, so stay away goddamn it!' Xemnas told himself, though he wasn't sure how true it was.
"Take a seat," he said, indicating a corner of the kitchen with a round table and three wooden chairs. Saïx sat down, a bit nervous. Xemnas sat down across the table, handing him a bowl of soup and a spoon.
"Dig in, I bet you're hungry," he said, carefully tasting his own bowl.
"I'm famished," Saïx exclaimed, noticing just how much the battle had worn him out. At that moment it seemed like the best food he had ever tasted, and Xemnas could only gawp as the diviner consumed his fourth portion.
"And I was afraid you wouldn't like my cooking," Xemnas chuckled. "After all, I haven't made food once since the Organization was founded, and before that we always had Zexion cook."
"Ha, I'd like to see that!" Saïx said, giving the slightest laugh. It didn't sound too good though, seeing he hadn't laughed for ages. Xemnas however smiled. Seeing the Luna Diviner so… happy… It made him warm. He had never seen him smile of anything but malice ever before. Perhaps he could change that? Xemnas stood up and cleared away the dishes, Saïx watching him carefully. It was strange… seeing his former Superior in daily clothing, in a kitchen, doing daily things. It was amusing actually. Saïx woke up from his trail of thoughts as Xemnas walked up to him and raked his fingers through his ruffled hair.
"This won't do. I'll see if I can find a comb for you," he said and disappeared out of the kitchen, leaving Saïx in a state of shock by the sudden contact. Xemnas came back, finding him at the exact same spot, not moving a muscle. The Enigmatic Man gave a sigh before he attacked the other's hair with the newfound comb.
"Xemnas! Wha… what are you doing?"
"What does it look like?" Xemnas asked, rolling his eyes. He gently raked the comb through Saïx' soft, blue hair. It reminded him a bit of fur. "I wont have you walking around like you just got out of bed."
Saïx tried to calm down. It felt kind of nice… Xemnas shoved the comb into his hand and patted his shoulder.
"You might consider using it some other time," he said, grinning. And so he left a slightly confused Luna Diviner at the dinning table, with a comb in his hand and wide eyes. 'What the hell just happened??'
Okay, I dunno how much sense it made, parting it into chapters, but it'd make quite a long oneshot. I think I have what could be called the second chapter finished already, but being the bitchy, sadistic bastard that I am I won't post it until I get a satisfyingly amount of reviews, the longer the better. This is quite humouring to write, so I am planning on making it quite long. Instead of most of my "opening-kiss-fuck-ending" fics I will actually build a relationship to create a picture of how the boys would react daily life. Like my own little dollhouse, evil grin. And of course you reviewers will also get to play. Any ideas, musings, suggestions, opinions, etc, etc, etc are most welcome even though I already have a good idea of how it's going to be, I am open to ideas, seeing I mostly write oneshots.
So, just to clear out one scary topic I will run a poll:
Yes: 50 percent
No: 50 percent
Votes: 0
As you review I'll let you vote, and I'll show the result at the end of every chapter -just realised this is getting quite the project- O.o I dunno if I care to put up percents every time, cuz I hate percents math… haha… -has been doodling yaoi in her math books for quite some time-
Chapters to come will be shorter than this one, probably.