Regulus lay awake long after snores and grunts filled the room.

"Sirius, even I would pick Lily over you."

What had that meant? They had all exchanged smirks after that remark... Sirius had even laughed.

He hated when people used inside jokes around him, and didn't bother to let him in on the joke.

For some reason, what bothered him the most, was that an inside joke was being shared between Remus and Sirius. Jealousy bit at his stomach, but he didn't know why. He and Sirius had their share of inside jokes, even though they had all been lost in their childhood.

He heard Sirius mumble something in his sleep, and James seemed to grunt in reply.

Regulus turned over and closed his eyes sighing to himself.

Sirius hissed as Regulus poured water over his back.

"Sorry... is that enough?"

"No. Until it doesn't sting."

Regulus nodded and filled his small bucket with water again, feeling tears hit the back of his eyes when Sirius squealed.

"I'm done. No more Siri, they aren't bleeding... No more, 'kay?"

Sirius laughed and pulled his shirt back on, shaking his head at his little brother.

"Regulus, you didn't get hurt. Stop being a baby," he said kindly, overturning the plastic bucket onto the small boys head. "But when you do, you wash off the marks until the water doesn't sting. Don't you be caught at it either, or the water be will turned to vinegar."

Regulus nodded, though he didn't understand, and slipped his hand into Sirius's.

"Don't be bad now Siri. If you're bad Mum won't let me sleep in your bed."

"Reggie! I'm eight. I'm too old for that."


Regulus opened his eyes and turned to face the darkness that concealed his brother, who had stopped mumbling and slept quietly.

"Siri! I said be good!" Regulus hiccuped and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. "Now tonight-"

"Reggie, I'm fine. I'm too old for my brother to sleep in my bed." Sirius made an attempt at a stern adult look, but his quivering lip ruined it.

"Siri, you cry. I hear you cry. And I get scared. And now... why'd you have to go and say that to dad anyways?"

"He's a bully! He's a mean bully, and nobody else will tell him."

Regulus pushed the tears off his face, stomping his foot.

"I'm telling Mum I'm sleeping in your bed cause I'm good! I'm a good boy!"

Regulus frowned, remembering his and Sirius's bedroom doors being sealed every night for two weeks after that. He had never tried standing up to his parents again after that.

He sat up, feeling oddly alone, which was silly; he hadn't slept in someone else's bed since the summer before he started Hogwarts. And he had lost his dependability on it when Sirius had started.


Regulus told himself not to jump, and turned to look at Remus.


"Having trouble sleeping?"

Regulus nodded and tried to fix his hair a little.

"A bit, yes."

Remus moved the blankets and motioned for Regulus to sit next to him. Fighting the urge to roll his eyes, Regulus's manners took over, and he obliged.

"I was having trouble as well. Dreaming about giant blobs of red hair attacking me."

Regulus smiled and glanced to the dark shadow that was Sirius.

"Yes... Sirius was bothering my dreams too. A younger, better mannered Sirius. But a Sirius nonetheless."

Remus nodded understandingly and rubbed his neck.

"Somehow, I can't imagine that Sirius was ever described as being mannered at all."

Regulus snorted in agreement, wondering slightly what his mom would say about her youngest son snorting.

"Well, I think I can get to sleep now," Remus announced, stretching his legs out. "You're welcome to share the bed. It really is large enough for three... yet they always insist on having me sleep up here alone."

"Why is that?" Regulus asked, wondering the same question to himself as took the offer and lay down.

"I've no idea. I would think its something to do with my being a pouf, but none of them have qualms about showering with me."