Cafe Heartbreak

Summary- Gaara is having a nice cup of tea in the local cafe, when someone reminds him of something he'd tried so hard to forget.

Disclaimer- I don't own it. And I hardly own the plot. This story was based off of a story my Creative Writing teacher told us. Only it wasn't about a death. That was my own twist.

A man was sitting at a table, seemingly located away from all of the other tables. He gently lifted the mug of herbal tea to his lips. Upon more inspection, you'd notice that his hands were shaking. He chose, and wisely so, to set his mug down before he spilled it.

"Hey Gaara!" A young woman holding a newspaper sat down across from the Kazekage. "How have you been? It seems as if it's been forever since I've seen you last!"

"Sienna." He greeted with a cold edge to it, avoiding her question all the same.

She should have expected a response like that, and part of her did. In a slightly nervous manner, she began to flip through the newspaper she had with her. What seemed to be pure curiousity led her to the obituaries. "That's sad!" Sienna must have said this out loud because Gaara was watching her expectantly."What is?" He finally asked after a moment of silence.

"Oh.Well um. There was this guy that I used to know when we were younger. Uzamaki Naruto. It's just he was in the hospital with serious injuries. It says here that he'd been in the hospital for the past week slipping into and out of consciousness at various times. The last time he woke up was when he said, 'My only regret is that I didn't say goodbye to my lover before Ieft for my mission. And I wish that I could tell him one final time that I loved him...' Isn't that so sad?" Sienna asked Gaara. setting the newspaper down. "Naruto seems like a sweetie. I'm sure he made his lover very happy..."

A single tear slid down the red heads face. "You have no idea..."

"Ah I should get going. My genin team will be upset with me if I'm too late in meeting up with them. It was really nice seeing you again."

Gaara nodded stiffly and watched her leave the small cafe. When he was all alone once again, he picked up the newspaper and reread the artical that Sienna had been reading.

For the first time in his life, since he'd been a child, Gaara let his tears flow freely. "I love you too Naruto..." He managed to get out between choked sobs.