Manda: She's actually gonna kill off Angel in this story?

Lele: Idk

Namine: -being lazy- ttyl k -sleeping-

Manda: I leave you guys alone for one week and you've all gone to the IM speak side?

Everyone: Yep :)

Manda: We don't own anything but it's gonna take me forever to de IM this guys

Everyone: lol!

" What's- hn you guys already no what stands for what by now "

Chapter 20 Review

" Move body. " she kept telling herself.

He was only a few feet in front of her. His hand was glowing the same green glow that knocked Sakura out. He placed his hand only a few inches in front of her as if to make fun at her weakness.

" Goodbye "

" MOVE!"

Chapter 21

Angel didn't know what came over herself but somehow her legs moved. Maybe all that fear made her body react but who cares she just wanted to get away from him.

" Hn, so the little brat gonna put up a fight " Kabuto said " Good this was getting too easy "

Knocking over flowers vases, maids carts and even a rack of towels Angel tried anything to slow Kabuto down, but it seemed like none of it. Kabuto easily avoided Angel's fetal attempts of saving herself, by gracefully dodging them. Turning the corner gel almost slipped of the rug and only saved herself by grabbing onto something cold. Looking up she saw that it was a door handle. She pulled herself off the ground and ran inside the room not caring who it belong to. Slamming the door behind her Angel held he breath as she heard Kabuto's footsteps walk by her.

" Angel we can either do this the hard way or the easy way. Either way you're going to end up like Sakura so why try to run away from fate? " Kabuto said

Angel signed a breath of relief when she heard a door on the other side of the hallway open and Kabuto curse. Angel quietly looked the door and backed away from it. She knew that the little lock on the hotel door couldn't stop Kabuto if he was angry so Angel searched for an extra exit. Looking around she felt like those girls in those old horror movies when she saw that the only way out was out the window and into the pool which was a good four story drop.

That's when she sensed that Kabuto was coming back. The door handle back to jerk and even though she couldn't see him she knew that he was smirking.

" Oh, Angel why won't you open the door? " Kabuto said in a sickly sweet voice. Angel looked out the window again trying to think of another way out. Her charka was low so there wasn't anyway of a transportation justu getting her out of this and this was a single room so the bathrooms weren't connected.

" Fine Angel, I'm coming in now " Kabuto said about to break the door handle off. Angel swung open the four panel windows cold air rushed against her skin causing goosebumps to form all over her arms. Looking down at the pool Angel saw that the drop looked a lot bigger then she hopped it would. Stepping up to the base of the window she looked down fear once again paralyzing her.

" Angel you're so weak, you don't deserve to be a ninja " Kabuto said kicking the door down

Angel took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

" I'm so going to kill myself for this tomorrow " Angel thought jumping of the base of the window down to the cold water below. The second it felt like she hit a brick wall. It literally knocked the wind right of her. The cold water made her body go numb and she felt like she was floating on thin air. Almost as if she was dead. Her body floated back up to the surface face down.

Kabuto looked out the window and smirked.

" Looks like my job is done, now on to my second task. Steal the document, before the Sand village safe is locked. " Kabuto mumbled walking out of the room making sure no one saw him. Going back to his room he saw that what a problem Sakura's body posed.

" The maid will be here any minute and I can't have her see that lying on the ground. " Kabuto said then grabbed Sakura's legs and dragged her into the closet. He sat her up straight then using some tape he found under the bed he taped her mouth shut just in case she regained conscious. He took it another step by tying her hands and feet together with strings with his own charka poured into it.

" Sweet dreams, Sakura " he said closing the closet door. Looking at the small clock that sat on his dresser he saw that the clock read 10:47 pm.

The ball ended at midnight and the safe would be locked at 11:30 from the information Sasuke gathered a few months before


Orochimaru sat looking at many test subjects in his lab. The subject hid behind one another at the sight of Orochimaru. It seemed no matter how many times he got a new body they always knew it was him. Sasuke and Kabuto stood behind him glaring at the poor people.

" Sasuke this is the reason why you mus gather information on the Sand village "

" What do these lower life forms have to do with me getting more power? " Sasuke asked/demanded

" These people are the ones who will test the justu's sealed in the sand village's hidden scroll safe on " Orochimaru said

" What types of justu's are in this scroll anyway? " Sasuke asked somewhat curious

Orochimau looked back at him an evil look in his eyes " Justu's to ultimate power "

End of Flashback

The safe was going to be opened to the Kohona 11 to see at 11 and was going to be locked back up at 11:30. In that time frame Kabuto needed a way to get in and out without anyone seeing. Slipping into his suit Kabuto smiled at his reflection in the mirror.

" Now for the finishing touch " Kabuto said placing his hand's together and mumbling " Transform " A puff of smoke appeared and quickly cleared out. Kabuto was now in his Zakku form he couldn't help but smile.

" Tonights going to be very interesting " Kabuto said before walking out of the room, not noticing the soft sounds coming from inside the closet. Inside Sakura was trying to break her charka strings.

" Gotta stop Kabuto " she thought tugging on the ropes knowing it was useless

Outside by the Pool

Katie, Micah, Mel and Manda all sat in the the lobby of the hotel bored. Mel and Katie were suppose to be working but after 10:30 the only customers they got were old drunks so they usually let Kairi and Tokka the hotel sluts take their nigh sights. As for Micah and Mel they told their dad that he couldn't pay them enough to dress up in the little barbie doll kimiko's he got them. For heiress they were extremely tomboyish.

" I'm bored " Manda finally said sick of staring at the ceiling

" Same " Mel said

" Ditto " Katie said

" You people are boring, you guys want to go to the pool and watch drunks try to swim? " Micah suggested

" Sure " Mel said happy to do anything but stare blankly into space

" Why not " Manda said still sounding bored

" Do we have to save the drunken idiots?" Katie asked

" Atleast one of them " Mel said

" Fine, but I'm not jumping in that freezing water " Katie said

" Yay let's go! "

( If you don't know these girls please go re-read chapters 16-18 )

The group walked outside where they say a figure floating in the water.

'' Wow it's not even 11 and someone already is drowning " Mel said sacristy

" I THINK THAT'S ANGEL! " Micah said squinting her eyes to better see the figure

" Well don't just stand there someone help..." Manda began when a pair of hands pushed her making her land into the icy water " I hate you all "

" We know now just go get her " Mel said

Manda swam through the water, grabbed Angel and threw both her and angel onto the deck.Checking her pulse the girls were relieved to hear that she was still alive.

" We just have to get her inside before hypothermia sets in " Mel said grabbing Angel' s arms " Katie grab the girl's legs "

Doing as she was told Katie grabbed Angel's legs and the two lifted her into the lobby. Throwing her not in anyway way gently onto the couch the girls looked at Angel fear in their eyes.

" She going to be ok? " one of the maids asked

" Sukki, go get some warm blankets and some hot water bottles. We need to get her body heat back up " Katie told her

" What happened to the poor girl? " Sukki asked

" We found her in the pool, looking like she was dead " Manda said

" I want to know is how the fuck she got in there and drowned! She was in he shallow end of the pool, even though she's short I doubt even she would drown in four and a half feet of water " Mel said pissed off for no reason

" Poor her, I think there's a medical ninja visiting your father.What me to find him? " Sukki asked

" Yes please " Katie said

Looking down ant Angel, Katie knew that this wasn't some trip in the pool accident. When she picked up her legs she could tell that there was some damage to them. You can't fall into a pool and come out with what felt to be almost if not broken legs.

" Something happened to this girl " Katie figured '' Something really bad "

Angel: Still don't know if I'm dead and it sucks. Oh well I'm bored

Namine: Angel will you just decide if you're dead or not -hitting head on table again-

Manda: Chocolate

Angel: Covered

Nam: Cats

Aki: Will

Element: Rule

Skittles: ALL!

Everyone: Review!